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Amazing interview heralds the beginning of disclosure? Whistleblower reveals.... + updates

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posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: MRuss
As someone who is very perceptive about human behavior, I'm sorrry to say that this man is "recalling information" that he memorized, not recalling it from experience.

There is a huge difference between speaking from experience and speaking from learned info. You can actually see his mind trying to recall what he's learned. Just go back and watch five minutes and you'll see what I'm saying.

It's so obvious, I can't believe no one has mentioned it yet.

And one more thing: There is no mention in the interview or on his website about how in the heck at six years old he was given up my his parents, sent to some lab and made trips to the moon. No mention at all. That would have been my first question.

I really wanted to take this all in and find some hope in his words, but I'm sorry to say it's just BS. It's obvious.

Good questions.

As far as I know people who make it their business to detect liars try to differentiate fabrication from recall; I didn't know there was a way to differentiate different methods of "remembering" just from pure observation.

People look to their right when fabricating and left when recalling.

Anyway, they have now completed 6 half hour shows. How long would you have to study to remember that much info? And they want to make 50+ more you consider the possibilities that they think this is significant information for the human race to have.....or they just want to sell more t-shirts and subscriptions.

I honestly think if you were willing to put in that much time and effort to scam people for not that much return there are easier ways to do it.

Here is his answer about what happened when he was six, I agree first I thought "what did his parents have to say about all this?"

2. When did it begin and how did your parents respond?

My parents do not seem to have known. They are a very secretive type of family anyway with one side of the family that refuses to answer any in-depth questions about our detailed family history or lineage for doing family lineage tracing. I have not discussed this with them as they are very strict conservative Christians (now in later life, not so much back then at all.). When the Videos with my Full Name and Location is released I fully expect quite a negative reaction. Let’s just say there will never be a “Normal” Family Christmas or Thanksgiving Dinner again. I also fully expect there to be some sort of “Intervention” to occur where I think I have been invited over for lunch after Church and see my entire family with serious looks on their faces, the Pastor of our local Church and a Psychiatrist (This is no joke).

3. What can you tell us about your formal training?

The training began with both “night time pickups” from my home and also when I was about in Elementary School being taken from school in white vans and transported to the local air force base (Carswell Air force Base at the time, now Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth) or very often closed down shopping centers or large corporate types of buildings closer to where we lived. The school pickup’s were sporadic and would be from 2 days a week and quite often to sometimes there would be weeks with no “field trips” what so ever. There were normally the same 300 or so children, children of various ages present depending on where the training occurred or what type of training was occurring. At the end of every “training session” there was always a “chemical debriefing” where you were given a shot, you went over your training for that session and then went through a process to be “blank-slated” and have “screen memories” implanted to replace the ones that were removed and to cover any missing time that would cause problems with the “screen memories” and your subconscious (which often occurred and played out in dreams).

I'm pretty sure he accidentally reversed the answers to 2 & 3 so I have re-reversed them here.

Q & A's

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Are you interested in the opinion of Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot on the interview?

She has a blog post on it:

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: ConnectDots
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Are you interested in the opinion of Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot on the interview?

She has a blog post on it:

Oh yes I have definitely read it. Confusing to say the least. But statements like this that she made in that article:

None of this info is new that Goode is putting out. Various whistleblowers including Captain Mark Richards and Ashayana Deane (now E'asha Ashayana) speaking for the Guardian races have covered extensively ascension and the shift we are all going through at this time.

show that whatever went on, the she does not disagree with the overall veracity of the info.

IMHO, something like this happened - someone did an audio interview with Corey that was supposed to be off the record and not for public consumption - which was made public, also at some point Corey decided that one of the principals of project Camelot, Bill Ryan, was not a decent person to put it mildly. At about this time David Wilcock entered the picture, apparently Corey had been directed by the beings to work with him (I don't believe Corey had ever met him before this), and he trusted David more.

Of course Project Avalon seeing the catch of the century slip away is going to have some sour grapes.

Here is Corey's take on it:

It has been difficult knowing how or what to post as a response to the PA Founders Posts, Personal Emails to me and other Researcher's and Open Forum Posts on Project Avalon. As a once huge admirer of this person and knowing that they have a HUGE ARMY of admirers and loyal followers I know that anything I post or say will be taken as a personal attack against all members of that Forum... Or if calling out that Forum's Founder (A once respected researcher in his field) you are seen as calling out the Forum and all members in a declaration of war. Which I do not intend to do by all means. There are some very wonderful and enlightened people on the site. There just so happens to be a state of total corruption within the leadership that is well hidden and filtered by the top, down...

There are some die hard Moderators who see no wrong in bending the truth for the “Sake of the Forum” who they have been convinced is “Under attack from outside agencies”. They have been accusing poor innocent people that are a bother to them as being “MOSSAD and CIA” agents on a regular basis and often using that rational for banning them from the Forum.

What happened with Corey Goode and Project Avalon

Just leaves me with questions about Project Avalon and not Corey.

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: clarification

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: clarification

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 12:27 PM

On episode # 6 Corey talks about how, when he was in the programs, he discovered that the elites had covered-up the discovery of giants worldwide - and some of them weren't dead!

He had accessed this material through the little glass-tablet-computer he had access to when on duty and not busy.

He said these being had been discovered in burial chambers world-wide, these chambers usually located under burial mounds.

Most were found on a slab of diorite which was first presumed just to be a slab or rock but later found to be some sort of temporal suspension device.

It was working on some of the bodies but not for others.

Here are some videos and links to Russian articles that have a bit of a description.

Of course they look kind of cheesy - but if you were going to fake it wouldn't you do a better job? The beings in Prometheus in "stasis" look real, maybe this is where they got the idea for Prometheus from? But we know in the Prometheus movie they are fake.

Anyway, again, not conclusive proof of anything, but interesting.

There are newer and older pics/vids of this being, apparently he is coming out of stasis:

Russian article on it (use Google translate):

Being in stasis

This beings' stasis failed, and looks stranger due to the coins on his eyes:

I don't know, I'm open to them being real or fake, apparently they pre-date the end of the last ice age, and don't look like cavemen. Many have speculated there have been ancient civilizations on earth knowledge of which has been suppressed, this would fit that premise.

No one disputes this speech of Abe Lincoln:

The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.

Lincolns speech where he mentions literal giants (not figurative)

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: correction

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 04:41 PM
The Galactic League of Nations Secret Space Program, or GLN-SSP, was apparently given impetus to form by Regan's famous "alien threat" speech at the UN. Many on here and elsewhere have twisted Regan's words, now we know we were/are to take him literally:

On Sept 21, 1987, President Reagan gave a famous speech to the United Nations General Assembly where he warned of an alien threat and how important it was for humanity to bond together to face it. In his latest email interview [attached below], secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, reveals Reagan’s comment had the immediate effect of galvanizing the United Nations into forming a secret space program called the “Galactic League of Nations.”

In his 1987 speech, Reagan said:

In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.

Corey has also said that the Galactic League of Nations acts as a sop to most of the countries in the world to keep quiet about info on UFO's, EBE's and the other Secret Space Programs. Corey has said the GLN is the most laid back of all the programs.

Reagan speech spurs secret UN Interstellar Space Fleet

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 04:44 PM
Corey's message to other potential whistleblowers:

I was told that there would soon be other whistleblowers coming out with all different sized pieces of the puzzle. I am certainly looking forward to some of them deciding to get off the fence and doing so. I think it is time for them to do so.

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 04:50 PM
More info on propulsion in space, but some tech is not actually propulsive in nature:

Q2 What can you tell us about the propulsion and navigation systems used on the Sommerfeld?

The Sommerfeld had gone through a couple refurbishments and upgrades I was told when I first arrived. The two main propulsion systems were the Torsion Drive that works much like the Warp Drive on Star Trek and Electro-Gravitic Drives. There were also some of the original positioning thrusters that were all around the vessel that were tested from time to time but I don’t think ever really used. There were several ways they had for navigation both within our Sol System and while traveling to others. There was always some sort of redundancy in place to be able to locate the vessels that traveled outside of the Sol System in real time.

Q3 You have described temporal drives for secret space drives. Can you describe what these are and the key principles behind them?

They work on a principal that allows them to travel in subspace transporting a vessel from one point to another almost instantaneously. These “Jump Drives” are used to cross over and negotiate Space/Time and Time/Space in a way that does not involve traveling in our conventional way of thinking. These vessels are closely tracked and have temporal buffers in the technology that prevents the vessel from traveling back to our own Sol System in a different time frame. The QCCD (Quantum Correlated Communication Device) is a communication device that uses principals of Quantum Entanglement between certain isotopes (If I remember correctly) that allow devices to be able to communicate with each other no matter the distance in time or space. These are also tied into the navigation systems for tracking purposes.

What do you know about tachyon device drives used for interstellar class spacecraft?

I am sure this is something that one of the current military intelligence level NEO (Near Earth Orbit) SSPs would like to be able to produce. Particle and EMF Drives have already been a part of our history. The technology we have now gives many in the earlier SSP’s the ability to hop around our Sol System and to other Stars rather easily. The technology reserved for the higher level SSP’s and some of the Secret Earth Governments and their Syndicates are so incredible that it even blows the minds of those in the mid to upper level SSP’s that have seen just about everything.

Scroll down the article for more Q & A

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Hey planetx,

i started reading this thread back when it started, but i now realize it has developed from SSP to ancient giants.

I will make an effort to catch up on all 16 pages within the hour, but can u sum up for me the main points you personally want to highlight! the connection between all the things you have mentioned in this thread and how it connects to SSP!


BTW this vid has my interest peaked! first time im hearing of a magician by the name of Jaromir!

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Uhhhh yeah.... I really think you need to get your beliefs in check. You're either extremely naive or you have a purpose on the forum to keep things "interesting."

"Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out."
edit on 5-8-2015 by Ectoplasm8 because: ... to keep brains from falling out

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Err I don't think these are videos of giants whatsoever. Sure we as a human race were smaller going back a millennium or more.

But it's sort of a dead give away when "Mr Motorala phone owner" takes a picture for himself in one of those videos of the midget below.

Нет гиганты посмотреть здесь

edit on 5/8/15 by mirageman because: Eating a fun size Snicker and pretending I'm a giant

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Many on here and elsewhere have twisted Regan's words, now we know we were/are to take him literally:

Of course it's to be taken literally, but why parse the quote like that? Look at the next two lines as well and see who's twisting his intended meaning.

An excerpt from President Ronald Reagan's September 21, 1987 address to the United Nations General Assembly. TRANSCRIPT: "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

You can watch the video of him saying it at this link to the source.

edit on 5-8-2015 by DenyObfuscation because: bold text

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Hey planetx,

i started reading this thread back when it started, but i now realize it has developed from SSP to ancient giants.

I will make an effort to catch up on all 16 pages within the hour, but can u sum up for me the main points you personally want to highlight! the connection between all the things you have mentioned in this thread and how it connects to SSP!


BTW this vid has my interest peaked! first time im hearing of a magician by the name of Jaromir!

Hey Combatmaster, thanks for your open mind and interest!

Ancient Giants are just a tiny piece of the puzzle, the main topic is still the Secret Space programs and the ongoing civil war between those who would like to keep the status quo and work with the elites on Earth, and the other breakaway members who would like to see a) disclosure, b) release of high technologies such as those in the energy and health fields that will make a huge difference in the lives of billions on Earth, and c) ending the human slave colonies in the solar system run by the Interplanetary Corporate Congress.

The tour of the "slave colony" was great reading, true or not:

Mars slave colony tour

To go into detail on the comprehensive list of topics would take it has, I suggest going through this list of topics to see which one grabs your eye:

List of Corey Goode whistleblower topics

Oops, I forgot the main message - Raise your consciousness, become more loving, forgiving, compassionate - apart from being the right thing to do in and of itself, it could raise your innate vibration which could be helpful down the road......

edit on 5-8-2015 by PlanetXisHERE because: addition

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Err I don't think these are videos of giants whatsoever. Sure we as a human race were smaller going back a millennium or more.

But it's sort of a dead give away when "Mr Motorala phone owner" takes a picture for himself in one of those videos of the midget below.

Нет гиганты посмотреть здесь

I don't think he said "all" were giants, many were, and the dude in the other video looks quite large. There have been many threads on giants here as well as Abe Lincoln's quote above, a man whose credibility is high.

Anyway, I don't think "giants" or not is the amazing part, beings kept in stasis for thousands of years is! What incredible technology!

Again tough to prove at this point even with these vids that could be faked.

Don't worry about your other comments, sometimes us North Americans are too dull-witted to get your (pl) humor, and I do appreciate it, not to mention the leeway you have earned with all the great threads you have started......leeway that does not extend to other individuals who never start threads and who for the most part are just obnoxious and I have no idea why they are on this website.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:27 AM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Uhhhh yeah.... I really think you need to get your beliefs in check. You're either extremely naive or you have a purpose on the forum to keep things "interesting."

"Don't be so open-minded that your brains fall out."

I don't have beliefs, I either have knowledge or areas of curiosity under which this topic falls.

Would you like me to confine my interests to a narrower range of accepted beliefs adhered to by society?

Think of what we would have lost if the great thinkers and scientists of the ages had done that, Da Vinci, Galileo, Newton, Edison, Tesla, Wright Bros - just off the top of my head in a few seconds - of course there are hundreds more. And no I do not place myself even close to that category, I'm just an average person who can think out of society's box.

Do you think I should stop talking about this stuff? Is anyone forcing you to read it? Maybe if it engenders such negative reaction in you that your first reaction is that I censor myself maybe you shouldn't click on these threads?

So you deny that Abe Lincoln said this about giants

The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.

Abe Lincoln speech containing reference to giants

And that was a literal, not figurative reference.

My purpose is to generate investigation into these claims, for if even some are true it will change the world. What is your purpose?

I have said all along I'm suspending judgement - but open minded. Much lines up with what has already been guessed at and anonymously released by other whistleblowers throughout the decades.

People start threads about giants all the time on ATS - it seems like there has been a coverup about them:

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: DenyObfuscation

And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war?"

Thanks for helping me prove my point. Reagan already knew earth was being visited by a variety of alien races, some peaceful and some hostile, and wasn't sure if the hostile ones would stage an invasion/war, and knew they were already abducting people and other were deactivating nuclear missiles. Nothing he says contradicts that, but go ahead and cling to your belief that we are alone in the universe if that makes you feel more comfortable.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Nothing he says contradicts that

Nothing he said supports that either. Believe what you want but the statement was about war, not aliens are here.


but go ahead and cling to your belief that we are alone in the universe if that makes you feel more comfortable.

Thank you for telling me what my beliefs are. How do you know what they are when I'm not even sure what they are on that subject?

edit on 6-8-2015 by DenyObfuscation because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 06:58 AM
Here is some analysis of the most recent Q & A with the whistleblower Corey Goode and Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics; it has some interesting physics explanations oriented to those of us that don't have PhD's in physics:

In other email interview replies, Goode added more details concerning the six years he spent on the science research vessel “Arnold Sommerfeld” that belonged to the Solar Warden space program discussed in one of his recent Gaiam TV interviews. He described the propulsion system used on the “Sommerfeld.” In an earlier article I speculated that the name of the ship was due to it having something to do with Arnold Sommerfeld being one of the pioneers in developing “thought experiments” about time travel that later led to the idea of “tachyons” – faster-than-light particles. While Goode wasn’t sure why the research vessel was named after Sommerfeld, he did confirm that it uses a temporal drive based on “principles of Quantum Entanglement between certain isotopes.” Interestingly, these principles are also used for interstellar navigation.

[Quantum Entanglement is the property of particles in a system of motion to receive and transmit information to the whole. Essentially the movement of certain types of 'matter' and energy, if entangled, will affect all other bodies in that system so long as they remain entangled. Einstein called this 'spooky action at a distance' because under the standard view, it is impossible for actions preformed on one particle to be 'received' by other entangled particles, even at vast distances. The seeming non-local interactions of entangled systems defies the materialist view of the universe, that in order for one thing to affect another it must be 'local' or able to receive signals from a source.

Good......I had never really understood I have an inkling.....

This type of physics is little understood in mainstream circles, but the phenomenon relates to the so called ether or time-space described by Dewey Larson in Reciprocal Systems theory. Essentially data can be transmitted to any point in space-time using time-space means. The universe, in this school of thought, is broken up into 2 regions connected via a reciprocal relationship.

Dewey B Larson Reciprocal Systems Theory "Walking the path of truth in a world of deception"

Space-time is the 'normal' everyday sector, with 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time. Time-space is the metaphysical sector, with 1 dimension of space and 3 dimensions of time. The human experience presumably uses both aspects, with the body and physical world taking place in space-time, and the world of meanings and mind in the time-space realm. Time-space interactions can affect the space-time sector in seemingly strange ways; remote viewing, precognition, past life remembrance, deja vu etc.

The boundary for these 2 sectors of space-time and time-space is the speed of light, whereby motion and information can be accelerated beyond it to enter time-space. The human body is designed to funnel information via the senses up to through the central nervous system, into the brain which then accelerates the information centrally towards the pineal gland, where it enters the mind and the time-space sector.

If Tachyons exist, and are capable of traveling faster than light, then it stands to reason that a craft using these drives would have the ability to traverse vast distances in a short period of time, and could even traverse time itself. According to Goode, some of these Temporal Drives have this ability, but are prevented from temporal travel so as to not disturb the timeline. This is done using what he calls 'governor' technology to prevent the drive from traveling in time.]

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: DenyObfuscation
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Nothing he says contradicts that

Nothing he said supports that either. Believe what you want but the statement was about war, not aliens are here.

Well, war has been going on across the planet for quite some time and nothing new or surprising; and yet people were quite taken aback by his remarks, as if he was trying to impart some crucial information - and he did clearly mention a threat to earth from outside of earth.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine, unless there is something else he said which explicitly explains his intentions with these remarks I guess we'll have to leave it at that.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

I have very strong feelings about that.

To me, the only way humanity has to find out what we’re actually dealing with is for whistleblowers to come forward.

This, of course, takes deep courage.

It is the obligation of all of the rest of us to support these whistleblowers.

That means abstaining from the logical fallacy of ridicule.

Asking pertinent questions is appropriate; ridicule is not.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 07:10 AM
On how Corey looks in the TV interviews:

Not everyone likes public speaking or is good at it not to mention being in front of a camera; clearly Corey is one of those people, he has said so himself, said he is an introvert and not good at public speaking.

So the fact that he comes across as somewhat nervous/hesitant is evidence of nothing other that what he says - a reluctant and poor public speaker. I'd be more inclined to believe someone who came off as genuine as opposed to someone who came off as smooth and polished think Brian Williams - but of course either type could by telling the truth or lying. In the end the way Corey looks and acts is probably proof of neither truth or fabrication - we will have to wait for events to unfold I believe.

Several people have cited Goode's discomfort during the interviews as evidence he is reading off his mind control programing or that he may be taking queues from David or others, suggesting he is 'making it all up'. But if we consider that Goode is human, and was just a year ago trying to navigate between sharing intel - that would normally get one killed - or not, you can understand his discomfort. He is probably not accustomed to being the center of attention, and I hazard to guess most people would be uncomfortable with what he has had to endure, if they were in a similar situation. Additionally, the means for supporting his family ended when he lost his job and he is trying to act as father/insider/public figure/secret space program delegate all at once. A heavy burden for anyone to bare.

As a side note: There are many times during the Cosmic Disclosure interviews where David asks him a question he does not know the answer to. Goode prefers to state he doesn't know instead of speculating on an answer to maintain an image of being a guru or expert. While this isn't proof that his narrative is accurate, it does provide evidence to support his assertion that he is simply a funnel for information.]

Doesn't attempt to have all the answers as some do..........good.

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