posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 11:44 AM
Afternoon all, and a happy new year to everyone.
Im Kevin and I run the Black triangle research group -
I am also the author of the Machrihanish article on the dreamlandresort website, which was mentioned in this thread.
Living near the base, i constantly monitor activity, and also get information from other sources about what is going on at RAF Machrihanish. Having
just read some of the posts, im a bit concerned. Some of the posts are accurate, in the form that yes Seal Team 2 were based there for some time
before moving to Germany. I have actually been contacted via my site from an Ex Seal who served at the base. It is also true that Stealth (f117 and
B2) were at the base for a short time during there testing phase before they became public.
As for current situations, I can assure you that there has been no daily military movements of US and RAF Transport planes, and also that the place
is not crawling with thousands of troops. As for the Hangar, the Gaydon Hangar, it is always closed.
What I can tell you, is that there were americans on the base in late August. I pilot friend of mine who flies the civilian Logan air flight into the
base witnessed this, and they were hiding things under cammo nets. There were however no NOTAMs posted or exercises on at the time, which means that
it could well have been a Covert Operation. The week previous, three USAF Hercules aircraft done a simulated airdrop on the base as part of a
training exercise, maybe however, it wasnt simulated.
The past few months have been very quiet, with little or no military movemnets through the base.
More information can be found on my website at:
Hope this is of help.