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New Photos Show Bush Administration Reaction to 9/11 Attacks

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posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

come on now you're just playing dumb . . .that is the blur we were just talking about! Pentagon had cameras all over so why not release video that shows the plane hitting?

The B-757 is my favorite aircraft so I know what to look for. As for those videos, you don't reveal the full scope of your surveillance capability to the whole world by posting your capability on the Internet. Would you post the full capability of your home security system on the Internet?
I think the rest of the world knows by now we have simple video camera technology which the pentagon being a military headquarters has many all around. Please stop playing dumb! Your favorite aircraft is a B-757 so you know that blur is one? Come on you can't expect anyone to take you seriously?

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

It was worst during the years after 9/11 and slated to get even worst in the coming years.
wait so what was worse in years after 9/11 . . . military funding went down? you're getting mixed up in your lies.

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

I think the rest of the world knows by now we have simple video camera technology which the pentagon being a military headquarters has many all around. Please stop playing dumb!

Apparently, the 9/11 Truth Movement is playing dumb and they need to understand that in the majority of air disasters, videos were not available. We have videos the American 11 and United 175 slamming into the WTC Towers and yet, there are 9/11 Truthers claiming that no aircraft struck those buildings. Never mind that wreckage from those aircraft were recovered as well.

In the case of American 77, we have documented physical evidence in the form of downed light poles, damaged vehicle, damaged generator, massive damage inside the Pentagon, B-757 wreckage inside and outside the Pentagon, and recovered human remains of passengers and crew of American 77. The clincher is the FDR and radar data and the announcement by American Airlines that American 77 crashed at the Pentagon.

With such overwhelming evidence, it is very clear the 9/11 Truth Movement lives in a world of denial.
edit on 3-11-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2015 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

wait so what was worse in years after 9/11 . . . military funding went down? you're getting mixed up in your lies.

On the contrary, I am right on the money. Now, further military cuts are in order. I might add that many DoD civilian employees are now having their hours cut.

Army lays out plan to cut 40,000 soldiers

Driven by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and ongoing budget cuts, these reductions, which are scheduled to begin in October, will affect "nearly every Army installation in the continental United States and overseas," George said.

"For us, it's looking at an Army at 450,000 and what capability do you need more at that level to satisfy what the combatant commanders need," he said. "This gets at satisfying current combatant commander demand, [including] what we're doing in Europe, theater security cooperation in the Pacific, what we have going on in the Middle East and being ready for the unknowns. That's what we have to plan against."

Since 2012, the Army has already cut 80,000 soldiers and shut down 13 brigade combat teams, including two in Germany and one in South Korea, to reach an end-strength of 490,000.

The force structure reductions announced Thursday will take place over the next two fiscal years, running through fiscal 2017. The 40,000-soldier end-strength reductions will be completed at the end of fiscal 2018.

"Our soldiers will not reduce down to 450,000 until the end of 2018," George said. "We want to minimize the turbulence we have for our soldiers and families."

Right now, the Army plans to cut 15,000 soldiers in fiscal 2016 for an end-strength of 475,000. Another 15,000 will go in fiscal 2017, and another 10,000 in fiscal 2018 for an eventual end-strength of 450,000, George said.

In total, the Army will have cut 120,000 soldiers – or 21 percent of the active force – since 2012.

The Army also will cut about 17,000 Army civilians and shrink its two-star and higher headquarters by 25 percent.

'Enough is enough': No involuntary force cuts in 2015

The Air Force has ruled out another round of involuntary force management programs in 2015, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said Tuesday.

James said that as she has traveled to dozens of Air Force bases around the world, leaders and airmen have spoken to her about the uncertainty that the force shaping has produced.

"Enough is enough, and we've gone as low as we should go," James said during an online town hall discussion. "There is nothing more straining than the downsizing we're going through."

Air Force Leaders Detail Force Cuts

WASHINGTON -- Air Force leaders detailed future force cuts and defended the service's religious accommodation practices after coming under attack from conservative lawmakers at a congressional budget hearing Friday.

When presenting the fiscal 2015 budget request and the Future Years Defense Program last week, the Air Force announced that it wants to eliminate the entire A-10 close air support fleet and the U-2 spy plane fleet, and significantly reduce the number of F-15 and F-16 fighters, and MQ-1 drones, because of budget constraints imposed by Congress. Pentagon leaders want to use the resulting savings to invest in modernization and readiness.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

I think the rest of the world knows by now we have simple video camera technology which the pentagon being a military headquarters has many all around. Please stop playing dumb!

Apparently, the 9/11 Truth Movement is playing dumb and they need to understand that in the majority of air disasters, videos were not available. We have videos the American 11 and United 175 slamming into the WTC Towers and yet, there are 9/11 Truthers claiming that no aircraft struck those buildings. Never mind that wreckage from those aircraft were recovered as well.

In the case of American 77, we have documented physical evidence in the form of downed light poles, damaged vehicle, damaged generator, massive damage inside the Pentagon, B-757 wreckage inside and outside the Pentagon, and recovered human remains of passengers and crew of American 77. The clincher is the FDR and radar data and the announcement by American Airlines that American 77 crashed at the Pentagon.

With such overwhelming evidence, it is very clear the 9/11 Truth Movement lives in a world of denial.
video not available of pentagon? bzzt. please stop playing dumb.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

wait so what was worse in years after 9/11 . . . military funding went down? you're getting mixed up in your lies.

On the contrary, I am right on the money. Now, further military cuts are in order. I might add that many DoD civilian employees are now having their hours cut.

Army lays out plan to cut 40,000 soldiers

Driven by the Budget Control Act of 2011 and ongoing budget cuts, these reductions, which are scheduled to begin in October, will affect "nearly every Army installation in the continental United States and overseas," George said.

"For us, it's looking at an Army at 450,000 and what capability do you need more at that level to satisfy what the combatant commanders need," he said. "This gets at satisfying current combatant commander demand, [including] what we're doing in Europe, theater security cooperation in the Pacific, what we have going on in the Middle East and being ready for the unknowns. That's what we have to plan against."

Since 2012, the Army has already cut 80,000 soldiers and shut down 13 brigade combat teams, including two in Germany and one in South Korea, to reach an end-strength of 490,000.

The force structure reductions announced Thursday will take place over the next two fiscal years, running through fiscal 2017. The 40,000-soldier end-strength reductions will be completed at the end of fiscal 2018.

"Our soldiers will not reduce down to 450,000 until the end of 2018," George said. "We want to minimize the turbulence we have for our soldiers and families."

Right now, the Army plans to cut 15,000 soldiers in fiscal 2016 for an end-strength of 475,000. Another 15,000 will go in fiscal 2017, and another 10,000 in fiscal 2018 for an eventual end-strength of 450,000, George said.

In total, the Army will have cut 120,000 soldiers – or 21 percent of the active force – since 2012.

The Army also will cut about 17,000 Army civilians and shrink its two-star and higher headquarters by 25 percent.

'Enough is enough': No involuntary force cuts in 2015

The Air Force has ruled out another round of involuntary force management programs in 2015, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said Tuesday.

James said that as she has traveled to dozens of Air Force bases around the world, leaders and airmen have spoken to her about the uncertainty that the force shaping has produced.

"Enough is enough, and we've gone as low as we should go," James said during an online town hall discussion. "There is nothing more straining than the downsizing we're going through."

Air Force Leaders Detail Force Cuts

WASHINGTON -- Air Force leaders detailed future force cuts and defended the service's religious accommodation practices after coming under attack from conservative lawmakers at a congressional budget hearing Friday.

When presenting the fiscal 2015 budget request and the Future Years Defense Program last week, the Air Force announced that it wants to eliminate the entire A-10 close air support fleet and the U-2 spy plane fleet, and significantly reduce the number of F-15 and F-16 fighters, and MQ-1 drones, because of budget constraints imposed by Congress. Pentagon leaders want to use the resulting savings to invest in modernization and readiness.
those sources are not biased at all. And not old and debunked at all either. Did any cuts actually occur yes or no?

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

Yes, and in fact, many DoD civilians have had their hours cut and many goods and services have been cut for years.

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

Not playing dumb by any means, because I know exactly what I am talking about. In fact, I can testify to that fact as a witness to this incident since I was standing about 300 hundred yards away.

There are many surveillance videos for the flightline, but how many have been revealed to the public in the following video?

My advice to you is do NOT scoff at that, for which you have no understanding.

edit on 4-11-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

Yes, and in fact, many DoD civilians have had their hours cut and many goods and services have been cut for years.
any proof of that unlike the debunked links you already posted then?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

Yes, and in fact, many DoD civilians have had their hours cut and many goods and services have been cut for years.
waity I just noticed you said DOD civilians . . . what? are we moving goalposts after realizing we are wrong?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: skyeagle409
a reply to: HorusChrist

Not playing dumb by any means, because I know exactly what I am talking about. In fact, I can testify to that fact as a witness to this incident since I was standing about 300 hundred yards away.

There are many surveillance videos for the flightline, but how many have been revealed to the public in the following video?

My advice to you is do NOT scoff at that, for which you have no understanding.

1 you are lying. guaranteed you never saw it.

2. even if so, not going to trust your word, the fact they won't show video proof proves it is because said proof doesn't exist. missile hit pentagon. October 1993 video has nothing to do with this!

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:45 AM
is this you?

this is a disinfo writer that said he was across street from pentagon when it hit then he wrote a book about how 9/11 happened cuz of honest mistakes and the FBI and CIA not working together.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: HorusChrist

missile hit pentagon.

Explain the photos of plane parts.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: HorusChrist

missile hit pentagon.

Explain the photos of plane parts.
just one photo and it is out of place making it seem like it was planted after the fact. explain not releasing video evidence? something to hide?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

any proof of that unlike the debunked links you already posted then?

None of the links were debunked. Now, we can take a look here.

Defense bill mandates huge cuts in DoD HQ workforces

The Defense Department would be required to cut its headquarters budget and personnel by 20 percent over the next few years, under legislation to be voted on in the House this week.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

just one photo and it is out of place making it seem like it was planted after the fact. explain not releasing video evidence? something to hide?

Just one photo of plane wreckage??? Let's take a look to see if you are right.

Photo 1: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

Photo 2: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

Well, that's two photos of aircraft wreckage which proves that you are incorrect. Now, let's continue.

Photo 3: American 77 Wreckage Inside the Pentagon

Photo 4: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

Photo 5: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

Photo 6: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

Photo 7: American 77 Wreckage at the Pentagon

And, you've claimed that there was only one photo, which of course, was an incorrect assessment on your part.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: HorusChrist

1 you are lying. guaranteed you never saw it.

That won't fly, because the civilian crewchief of A/C 0253, was a friend of mine. The incident occurred about 30 minutes after I arrived for work.

2. even if so, not going to trust your word, the fact they won't show video proof proves it is because said proof doesn't exist. missile hit pentagon. October 1993 video has nothing to do with this!

No one saw a missile strike the Pentagon and all of the wreckage is that of a B-757, not of a cruise missile. That missile story was a fabrication of Thierry Meyysan who managed to dupe a number of 9/1 conspiracy theorist that a missile struck the Pentagon.

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