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Florida Gun Shop Now “Muslim Free Zone"

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posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:13 PM

The gun shops Facebook page.

Now we're all free to our opinions, god knows we all them, but discriminating against a group of people is, well, illegal.

It is against the law to refuse accommodations or service to any person on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, or physical disability.

Does this gun shop owner care at all about the nine black people who were murdered in cold blood in a church and their killer also proudly displayed the Confederate flag? Doesn't matter what side of the flag debate you are on, because I frankly don't care, you must agree this man is a moron who clearly isn't upset about those nine lives lost to a white terrorist? Recent mass shootings, what race were the shooters?
edit on 21-7-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Swills

Hey dumba$$, the only people harming Americans in this scenario are the geniuses that felt you were qualified to run a store full of guns and gave you that license.

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:17 PM
Friday's headline:

Muslim refused gun purchase on grounds of religion by Florida gun store. Muslim now owns the gun store and the previous owner is bankrupt.

What a jackass. A bigoted jackass, no less.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:19 PM
Could this be a clever marketing ploy to get massive free advertising? I can see him backing down after the meetings with CAIR...

Just a thought....

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: JacKatMtn

His attitude did a 180 when he was interviewed by CNN, he completely back peddled.


"Islam at it's core is violent. I am not saying in anyway shape or form that every Muslim is violent, at all, or evil at all. The vast majority of Muslim are peace loving normal everyday Americans."

"So I am denying guns to Muslims who believe the Koran that's exactly as it's written and wish to establish a caliphate, one world order"

His video;

"Our leaders are telling you that Islam is a peaceful religion, full of tolerance and love and hope. Don't believe their lies"

If this was some advertising ploy he'd be real popular with bigots but I believe he was dead serious when he made that video.

Apparently this guy can spot an extremist as they're the only people he'll refuse to sell guns to. The US Gov't and Mossad should bring him on as a consultant.
edit on 21-7-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Swills

I don't know how this all plays out, he could have just ruined his business, but those folks who run gun shops have a lot of regulation to adhere to so he's no stranger to the law, that's why I thought what a clever way to get your gunshop known nationwide... he probably doesn't have the cash to buy the coverage... and in the end he backs down, and comes to an understanding that there is a difference between being a worshiping Muslim, and an extremist IS Al Qaeda type terrorist, who knows.. it may lead more folks to understand that we shouldn't lump all in one basket?

Time will tell, but I hope for the best

edit on Tue, 21 Jul 2015 21:43:03 -0500 by JacKatMtn because: forgot the n't after should

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:41 PM
What a moron, does he ask prospective buyer to fill out questionnaires regarding their religion and on a scale of 1-10 how fundamentalist are they?

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:42 PM
This guy is all mixed up. Reuters now has him planning to bring a Muslim guy to gun class at his Muslim free gun shop. I kid you not. Maybe somebody can do me a favor and post a link, as my iPad keeps kicking me out of the browser when I try to link,or quote...

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:43 PM
I like my gun range.

I shoot with Women, Christians, Atheists, Black folks, Asians, White folks, Jews, Old, Young, Tattooed, Clean cut, and every other label including Muslims. We're all equal as long as we're there to have fun.

Gun range is one of the most diverse and accepting places I've ever been.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Domo1
Yeah, but my point is, first the guy makes a viral video bragging that his gun shop is Muslim free, which plays to racist viewpoints and gets news attention. Then a couple of days later, he says he is bringing a Muslim friend to gun class at the very same shop. Good for him, I am just pointing out that is some swing of the pendulum, there!

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:51 PM
Muslims are not a race.

It is a religion, one of the nastier ones.

Branches of this backward oppressive and hostile religion are more malevolent than others.

Islam is arguably a death cult and not a religion. It's folowers certainly have made a name for themselves recently as sick evil thugs hell bent on killing anyone who doesn't follow their disgusting and deranged belief systems.

All religious folk are flaky and ignorant. In my experience people who are dumb enough to believe childish superstitions about omnipotent supernatural entities sure as hell should not be given guns.

Especially not that particular tribe of frothing maniacs. Aye right, let's sell guns to members of a backward religion that are known for gunning down folk who draw cartoons and murdering children.

Once again to clarify. Muslims are NOT a race. It is an offensive and violent religion that makes war on innocent people.

Denounce your stupid backward religion and join the human race, maybe then the nice man will sell you guns.

That idiotic religion has killed more people than a million bloody gunshops ever could.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: angus1745

I don't think anyone is saying they're a race, but thanks for clarifying it.

So you agree with his video that all Muslims must be discriminated against?

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:03 PM
I refuse to have any dealings with Justin Bieber fans.
Sue me.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: skunkape23

Until the US gov't grants Bieber churches tax exemption you can feel free to not deal with his fans.
edit on 21-7-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: angus1745

Denounce your stupid backward religion and join the human race, maybe then the nice man will sell you guns.

That idiotic religion has killed more people than a million bloody gunshops ever could.

Except that this is the United States where the 2nd amendment is supposed to apply to everyone(unless you live in NY under the rule of Comrade Cuomo) who meets the legal requirements. Unless the individual is a felon or mentally unstable per a court order for example. Heller v. DC and MacDonald v. City of Chicago have reaffirmed the right of the individual who meets the proper requirements, to legally possess a firearm. Being a Muslim doesn't meet that threshold and maintaining that someone should be denied their 2A rights due to their religion is just idiotic.
edit on 21-7-2015 by peter vlar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Swills

I don't know what bothers me more.

The bigot that owns the gun store or the blowhard from the young turks.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 12:00 AM
LOL....this guy, with his beard, could easily pass himself off as an Albanian or Turkish Muslim. What would he do if the center for the New Orleans Pelicans wandered in to buy a gun? How would he know that Omer Asik was a Muslim? By the name...?

Again, buddy looks more Muslim with his "hipster" beard than this guy:

Does this gun shop owner care at all about the nine black people who were murdered in cold blood in a church and their killer also proudly displayed the Confederate flag? Doesn't matter what side of the flag debate you are on, because I frankly don't care, you must agree this man is a moron who clearly isn't upset about those nine lives lost to a white terrorist? Recent mass shootings, what race were the shooters?

Nah...the clown is racist. His past post on the very FB page link clearly shows he is.

This stuff is really none of my business (I'm CDN). I just can't help myself from commenting on the idiocy that seems to exist within some people south of the border.

Between The Donald, guys like in the OP video, your media, the flag issue, border problems, etc...sth is funny as hell from the outside. The good news is the world knows this does not represent the majority of Americans.

I take it this guy is unaware there are multi-generations of blonde, or brown haired, blue eyed Muslims in some parts of the world such as Albania, Serbia, and Turkey?

Shucks, I bet if a Serbian woman with light blue eyes and long brown hair with skin more fare than his strolled in there he'd sell her 100 guns without knowing...

edit on 22-7-2015 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 01:00 AM
You can't swear to uphold the constitution and then piss on freedom of religion.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: Involutionist

Shucks, I bet if a Serbian woman with light blue eyes and long brown hair with skin more fare than his strolled in there he'd sell her 100 guns without knowing...

How about if she was gay?

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Swills

Well, now, this is interesting. From a legal standpoint, is he really wrong? If he believes that Muslims will use the guns to commit crime, is he wrong for not selling to them? Are gun shops supposed to sell to someone they believe will commit a crime? Now, how he would determine this is questionable, of course, and could be discriminatory, but it does raise some interesting questions.

Likely, it's for the publicity.

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