posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 09:11 AM
I do not know the properties of different alcohols, but from personal experience from this culture room, I would recommend storing vodka in bottles.
It can be 40% but as bottles take up more room, I would suggest using stronger (60 or even 80% bottles) + if you wanted to barter you could easily
make these less stronger by adding water, as when it comes to vodka, it is basically pure alcohol mixed with with water (40% vodka consists of 40%
pure alchol and 60% water). It is common to joke round here that when you take vodka shots, that one is basically drinking water, as 60% of the drink
is water.
For generations, in this part of the world (Northern as well as Eastern Europe) vodka has been used for different reasons. Of course, I can not deny
people do not drink a lot in this area, although vodka does have many other useful purposes, especially when it comes to medical purposes. It is
common to use it fr cleaning wounds due to its purity. The process of creating different alcohols (which go better in time), involves different
bacteria, which might even make the wound infected more. Also it is common round here (however funny it might sound) to use vodka for lowering high
fever by using "vodka socks" by treating socks with vodka/water mix and letting the ill person wear them for the night. It is less common among
younger people as antibiotics and doctors are at hand any time nowadays, yet among previous generations, especially in countrysides, it is still
common in this area. In addition to previously mentioned vodka (or any alcohol) is useful in small amounts when the temperatures are low, as the
create the feeling of it being warmer.
Generally alcohol is useful to stock up due to the ability to either barter them or use them for medical reasons (or for entertainment for some). From
personal knowledge I would suggest stocking up on vodka, although my knowledge of other alcohols and the technologies used to create them is not high,