posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 09:17 PM
Aww man, y'all are über dorks! Lmao! I'm not saying this is my only plan. Even the Red Cross advises that you have AT LEAST 3 days worth of food,
water, medication, first aide kit, etc etc. I'm saying that after seeing what canned food looks like 15 years later I'm making the executive decision
to invest in something else to take up the small amount of basement space that is now vacant.
When TSHTF it can be used for all sorts of things...hence the purpose of this thread. Is one type better than another as an astringent? Does one
type burn better than others? Does one hold up better over time?
But...what if TSneverHTF? What if 15 years from now everything is the same as now? You could drink it, keep it, sell it, give it away. At least it
won't be liquifying and growing black mold.