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Would You Cut The Cow?

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posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

NOT my job so I wouldn't dull a blade...

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 09:25 PM
This week I've been coincidentally reading about the use of the five products of the cows according to hindu tradition.
I kinda like some of their traditions lately. Not that sacrifice of a 100.000 animals prior to the Nepalese earthquake. I'm trying to ingest the sattvic milk and man today I've found an interresting one:

2. Cow’s urine potion: “Cow’s urine is cooked in about three kilograms of ghee, together with about 200 grams of asofoetida, dark salt, and a mixture of black pepper, long pepper and dried ginger this is the best thing for banishing insanity” Wajastic, (1998 ).

So this week I wouldn't do that to a mother cow and I'm content with my daily BBCh - bread, butter and cheese.
In theory I think I could do that with a sharp katana and maybe a bottle of chloroform and get the job done almost "nicely".

edit on 20/7/2015 by PapagiorgioCZ because: gramma

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 11:40 PM
The chicken thinks the egg is her baby, basically eggs are kidnapping a baby chicken

To get milk you have to molest a cow.

The only food that is given freely, would be good that falls off of trees. Falls not picked.

To survive, one must kill. Evolution at the end of the day, is an evil SOB

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 12:48 AM
As a farm kid and at one time an avid hunter, hell yes.

The only reason we didn't do cattle is that they're big, and require special handling and cooling, and thus cattle and swine are thus more easily handled by a specialized livestock butcher who is set up for that sort of thing, and whom I'd gladly pay not to have to deal with it.

Preparing deer, goats, chickens and the like is straight-forward, though.

Also, in closing, two words: Ranger Chicken. That is all.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: Trachel
Meditation provides a wealth of novel experiences. It contains a plethora of untold wonders.

And it also provides insights unbidden.

All in all I've been meditating and doing Qigong for about ten years, and during that time I've experienced some pretty crazy things.

I've felt myself leave the body, I've had my consciousness peel away from my form and descend into my torso, I've experienced the phenomenon known in the Chuang Tzu as "the white room."

But above all else, what I most enjoy while meditating are the revelations.

Awareness arises while in the depths of concentration, and information trickles forth from the void. Then suddenly you find yourself realizing things vast and profound--elements you need improve, objectives you should pursue, situations you should avoid.

It was in the depths of meditation that a friend of mine had a realization that he should contact his estranged daughter and rekindle a relationship with her.

And it was there that I realized I needed stop eating meat.

The Blaue Ecke is a quaint three-story hotel nestled tight within the stately village of Adenau. With rosebeds outside its windows and a picturesque facade, it looks like something straight removed from the middle ages. Within its walls one can purchase a bed for roughly a hundred euros a night--but no amount of money could buy the prophetic epiphany I therein experienced.

Meditating deep to recover after a pair of days spent racing, I emerged from trance with a startling discovery.

"I'm going to be a vegetarian soon," I told my friend.

The next day I realized why.

The drive from Germany to Amsterdam is hours-long and soul-wearying. Leaving behind the green fields of the German countryside, you head interminably north along the highway towards the gray Netherlands skies.

Along that route the scenery is essentially unchanging. Farm follows farm, where placid cows rest sleepily in pasture. And whilst sitting in the passenger seat along that voyage I found myself relentlessly confronted with that view.

Then imagination wandering, my thoughts started moving in strange directions. Idly I started musing: Would I go out into one of those fields and murder a cow? Would I walk out there and cold-bloodedly slit its throat?

Repelled, repulsed--I immediately answered no.

Then I realized that unless I was willing to take firsthand responsibility for the death of those animals, I had no business eating meat.

Within a few months I started fighting an uphill battle against my mind towards reducing my consumption of animal products. And along that time I backslid again and again as my love of meat temporarily outweighed my ethical conclusion.

But eventually, at long last, that struggle I won. Meat I ceased consuming, and in the years since I gradually pared back my diet unto mostly those things that result in no taking of any life (plant or animal).

Right now I subside on rice, eggs, dairy, fruits, vegetables. I try to keep my meals consisting only of foods that are freely given by plants and animals. I don't know what it does on a metaphysical level--but it makes me feel good that I've largely removed myself from the circle of consumption through slaughter.

Is this a diatribe that everyone should become a vegetarian? No--of course not.

This is simply a plea for everyone to think through the ethical consequences of your actions.

So imagine yourself in the same situation: If you were starving and alone with nothing but a knife--if you were trapped in a field with nothing but a calmly slumbering bovine--would you do it? Could you do it?

Would you cut the cow?


posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: vethumanbeing

NOT my job so I wouldn't dull a blade...

How about if the cow spoke to you in English "Kill me with a sharp blade end my life quickly with mercy in your heart" (don't saw at or mutilate my flesh)(you would have ruined a perfectly good cow hide).
edit on 21-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
This week I've been coincidentally reading about the use of the five products of the cows according to hindu tradition.
I kinda like some of their traditions lately. Not that sacrifice of a 100.000 animals prior to the Nepalese earthquake. I'm trying to ingest the sattvic milk and man today I've found an interresting one:

2. Cow’s urine potion: “Cow’s urine is cooked in about three kilograms of ghee, together with about 200 grams of asofoetida, dark salt, and a mixture of black pepper, long pepper and dried ginger this is the best thing for banishing insanity” Wajastic, (1998 ).

So this week I wouldn't do that to a mother cow and I'm content with my daily BBCh - bread, butter and cheese.
In theory I think I could do that with a sharp katana and maybe a bottle of chloroform and get the job done almost "nicely".

It is well known that camel drivers drink the blood of those beasts (small cut in the neck). Not sure what my point is. Hindus value the milk more than the meat?

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Trachel

Ever been really hungry? I don't mean late for supper, I mean so hungry your belly swells up?

You'd cut cow then, you'd eat the family dog.

Easy to philosophize with full grocery shelves.

We know what you would do but we really don't know what he would do. There are some things more important than a full stomach. I know people who would starve before killing anything to eat. There is always a way other than murder, it's just that murder is the easiest way and so the lazy, without compassion, care or moral compass go for it first.

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Loveaduck
What is the point of animals "domesticated". Chickens cannot pull a plow. Oxen/Mules/Cows cannot lay eggs. Brute strength required or animal hides ONLY as the result of these efforts? Feathered headdresses. What does one do with the meat of those domesticated farm animals died a natural death? Compost it? Fairly certain the Hindus do not send their smoldering cattle corpses on a floating funeral pyre down the Ganges River.

edit on 21-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Why would anyone kill a talking cow?
CAN you imagine the VALUE of such a creature?

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Why would anyone kill a talking cow?
CAN you imagine the VALUE of such a creature?

An enlightened English speaking YOGI cow or just a nominal high wire acrobatic cow/a Barnum Bailey Side show act that speaks broken English?
edit on 21-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: vethumanbeing

Any supposedly nonsetient bovie that can articulate EVEN at a nbasic level would be worth MILLIONS of dollars.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: Loveaduck

We know what you would do but we really don't know what he would do. There are some things more important than a full stomach.

After a certain point , there is nothing more important that an empty stomach.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Loveaduck

We know what you would do but we really don't know what he would do. There are some things more important than a full stomach.

After a certain point , there is nothing more important that an empty stomach.

My (gentle) amendment would be: after a certain point of spiritual development, there's nothing more important than caring for other living things.

I'd personally starve before killing the cow. I'd perish while petting it for comfort.

Although I can't guarantee it, that's where I'd place my bet.
edit on 22-7-2015 by Trachel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 11:33 AM
This is actually pretty legit, especially the part about having no right to eat meat if you weren't willing to have a direct hand in the animal's death. It makes a lot of sense, though rather than being just a "moral" quandary I'd say it has more to do with honor- honoring the animal and honoring yourself.

Star and flag for a sound philosophical argument.

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Trachel

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Loveaduck

We know what you would do but we really don't know what he would do. There are some things more important than a full stomach.

After a certain point , there is nothing more important that an empty stomach.

My (gentle) amendment would be: after a certain point of spiritual development, there's nothing more important than caring for other living things.

I'd personally starve before killing the cow. I'd perish while petting it for comfort.

Although I can't guarantee it, that's where I'd place my bet.

And I do get your point. For instance, huger strikes like Gandhi and Cesar Chavez, if I'm not mistaken. When people would rather die than submit to some unjust government policy. Rare indeed.

Most people though, would eat dog and fight over the bones.

You should look into WWII sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad. Google those cities, WWII, and cannabalism.

There are stories of a forest where people let their children run into, for others to kill and eat. It was easier to eat anothers child than their own.

Also check out a flick entitled Hombre… Give it a chance, its an older western but more what things were like…

posted on Jul, 22 2015 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: intrptr

For sure people have done some pretty abhorrent things in the name of survival.

But that begs the question of whether we should justify our current morals based upon behaviors past, or whether we should always be striving towards raising the bar.

Personally I believe that the me of tomorrow had best be ethically sounder and more morally upright than the me of today. I'm always searching for ways to up my game--so I'd (hopefully) never rationalize my actions through comparing them against the median morality of the populace.

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