posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:54 AM
Guh. Some skepticism can be healthy. As in... these types of things don't usually add up to anything, so we'll investigate them as a last resort.
But skepticism needs balance, out of whack it has it's own level of ignorance and arrogance. Way more sometimes than without it. Since adopting it as
a safe and closed door approach to life encourages that behaviour. SO easy to sit on that perch and pass judgement on everyone else, if you're so
enclined. "I'm just a skeptic, I go by what I know that others have discovered and don't think for myself." We don't know hardly know ANYTHING.
Skepticism can be two things: 1) considering and testing... or 2) dismissing without giving any thought. We can argue that nothing exists. We can
argue that only what we see exists. There's whole #ing schools of thought that have contemplated and written about these things, ad nauseum.
Personally, all that matters to me is the truth. I find it comforting that people are stretching beyond the everyday to find answers. That's how
nearly all of mankind's greatest discoveries have happened. There is some way out there truths, scientific facts, that would never have been found if
not for people being willing to dig into or entertain the bizarre.
Obviously, most people consider coincidence as a factor. Some people will be satisfied by that answer, no doubt. It may be that. They should still
look and decide for themselves. But ignorance is an action: ignoring something. I don't think it's so far out to look into the possibility of their
recurring numbers as omens, nor to inverstigate any validity or accounts. I'm guessing most people have never looked into these things at all.
That's what you do... when you don't have your brain turned off by belief system which provides a safe and secure superiority complex. Then you
don't have to ask any big questions, they've all been provided for you by others. You get to spend all that extra time staring down your nose at
others, making snide remarks from your highhorse. And you get to believe you are better than others. Too cowardly and unempathetic an approach to life
for most.
No matter who is right, everybody's # stinks... and everybody ends up as a rotting corpse platter to a bunch of worms. All of our vanity doesn't
ammount to diddly then, nobody will thinks you matter, and it looks pretty stupid and vain to expend so much hatred and negativity...
What matters in this life, IMHO... is living it to the fullest, doing what's right and how you treat others.
I'm sorry, know I'm on a rant. But regarding some of the comments here: this plague of snotty, sneering, self proclaimed as "smart", skeptic
thought police crap is just so stupid. You want some scientific skepticism? It's a copout and a dropout on asking life's big questions, a prefab
subscription to accepting that you have all the answers you need, and an excuse for acting out self indulgent fantasies of superiority. Sad truth is,
wearing that patch on your state issued clone jacket makes you no better or smarter than anybody else. The truth is the truth. I think science is
great, but it's a tool for testing things, not a belief system with a built in explanaition for life. If you don't know what it is and can offer no
actual reasoning, can't disprove it, can't act human and civily engage others... just offer attitude and sneering. You're likely just as clueless,
dumb, smart, right or wrong as anybody else. Just that you've willingly shut down much of your free will and imagination in viewing the world... and
are an asshole to boot.
Ignorance and blindness can come from any belief system. Show honest reasoning. Participate in life with your fellow human beings with sympathy and
modesty, without malice. If you really want to communicate. Let people judge whether where you come from and what you say matters or has relevance.
Just proclaiming yourself the king# and mocking others makes you look like a clueless masturbating moron.