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Recurring Numbers...

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posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:20 PM
Hey All...

I am just wondering if any of you have "recurring" numbers, that is to say if any of you always see the same set of numbers at odd times no matter where you go or what clock you may be looking at like the one on the microwave or VCR or when you drive by a bank that has a big clock displayed with the temp, etc... I have been seeing the numbers 1006, for years now... On clocks, license plates, random invoices at work, on bank clocks, my coffee maker clock and microwave, nearly everywhere I go, at the most inadvertant times, not ever thought about or planned. It is strange. I have even tried to look in the bible in Rev. 10 verse 6, and have thought that they may be the time I pass away or some other significant time. Is there anyone else here who has that experience? It is very odd and sometimes it happens along with other strange events in conjunction with them... Like it is part of something important and I am supposed to fugure it out. Please share you vies with me on this, it boggles me.... Thanks!

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:27 PM
I dont know about 1006 but heres some info on other numbers

Here it is and credit to Drunvalo for this:
000--The great void, like the space between words. It represents an energy field that is switching to a new plan.

111--represents energy flow of anything�money, water, sexual energy, electricity, and magnetism

222--related to Ascension and resurrection itself, and is a sign that you are in the middle of a very important process relating to ascension, so look around you in your life, and pay attention to what is happening. It is important to you.

333--This is a number of decision, that you are in the process of decision, and it will either take you to 666, awareness of your physical world, or a 999 which is the number of completion.

444--This is the number relating to the actual resurrection, and when you see this it means that you have just completed a major step towards your ascension. It is a moment to look back and reflect on what has just happened in your life and really notice it.

555--This number has to do with Christ Consciousness itself, and does not come up as often as the others.

666--Has to do with the material world of denseness--our cells in our bodies, which are made up of 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons--it is a message to pay attention to your physical reality.

777-- He has no idea what this means as of yet (this tape was from 1992)

888-- Completion of Ascension

999--Completion of something, anything

*3:33 and other..
*Getallen/Numbers | 05 December 2004 | 17:11:25
You may be interested in this interpretation of the meaning of the numbers as it applies to you...

One of the phenomena which is occurring these days to let us know that we are moving with spirit, a way our guides and teachers have of making us aware of the energies and significance of numbers, is the appearance of three or more of the same number. I awaken very often in the middle of the night and it is 2:22 or 3:33 or 4:44 on my digital clock (occasionally 5:55) or, I glance at the clock and it frequently reads 11:11, or once in a while 12:12. This information is compiled from several sources, and Lord Michael has validated it.

111 Energy flow * Enhancing whatever level you are in presently *

222 Resurrection and ascension process.

333 Decision number * Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negatively, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension *

444 This is an actual resurrection number * You have just completed an important phase *

555 Experiencing the energy or a level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS * Very significant *

666 Material world * Third-dimensional frequency *Denseness *

777 Symbolizes an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the Third-dimensional plane, or 111 at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane *

888 Symbolizes infinity * The unified spiral of the physical merging with the Spiritual * Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.

999 Symbolizes the three levels of the triune * Completion*

000 GREAT VOID * Experiencing a NULL ZONE * Switching or moving into a new Energy Field *

10:10 Moving into a new beginning 1(one) - and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0(zero) - or a much higher resonace or frequency of Spirit.

11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency of experience * A PORTAL WAY OPENING *

12:12 A COSMIC CONNECTION * A bridge to the future * Signifies a level of completion or graduation*

Also pay attention to license plates, cash register receipts ...anywhere there are numbers to be seen.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:31 PM
Here's my theory. On average, a person sees over 1000 numbers daily (clocks, lisence plates, work stuff, etc, etc). Our minds are great at recignizing patterns. Out of these thousands of numbers, there might have been a day or 2 that you noticed the same numbers (1006) and your mind caught the pattern (re-occurance). Now, everytime you see 1006 out of the thousands of numbers you see daily, it sticks in your mind because subconciously you are "looking" for that particular number.

Try this, pick a number, and then during a week, count how many times you see that number.

posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by sensfan
Here's my theory. On average, a person sees over 1000 numbers daily (clocks, lisence plates, work stuff, etc, etc). Our minds are great at recignizing patterns. Out of these thousands of numbers, there might have been a day or 2 that you noticed the same numbers (1006) and your mind caught the pattern (re-occurance). Now, everytime you see 1006 out of the thousands of numbers you see daily, it sticks in your mind because subconciously you are "looking" for that particular number.

Try this, pick a number, and then during a week, count how many times you see that number.

Sensfan is right. I used to focused on the number 4:44, and it showed up ALL the time. When I stoped focusing on it...It stoped showing up

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 01:27 AM
44 is both an octagonal number and a fibonacci number. do a google search on the numbers you are interested in, and follow links you find interesting.

the numbers should not be put off to simple pattern recognition. my personal experience proves beyond a shadow of a doubt to me, that there is MUCH more to it.

the multiverse is talking to you. the question remains, ...'what is it saying'?

1152 is one of mine. it made no sense to me. just a random number. 906 is a number associated with christ, using the seemingly magic formula a=6, b=12, c=18.... so are 444 and 888.
96X12=1152. baud rates started at 9.6, then 14.4, then 28.8, and my 36K modem, with compression reaches 115.2. why did they pick these numbers? because they are the natural 'ceilings' of hexadecimal systems.
6 is the number of man(carbon).

the obvious signifigance of the numbers which keep banging on people's consciousness, is the geometrical factor. let's hope that whatever it is that is tapping us on the shoulder, is something that will bring together the benevolent weight of the mass human consciousness to bear.

posted on Dec, 28 2004 @ 02:41 AM
I have been experiencing the same thing for (at least acknowledged) a couple of months now. My number is 619 though, and I find it odd because it is also my b-day (6/19). I found it funny that your number is 1006, though, and wondered if it was always the same order because my cell# ends in 0016!

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 12:32 AM
747 and 666 seemed to show up frequently for me. 666 I saw often not that long ago. I would sometimes look over and see the temperature outside was 66.6. 747 has been a number that I had noticed for years, like on my watch. Strikes me odd with 9-11, with airplanes, and buildings, and prophecy? Interesting coincidence?


posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 01:31 AM
Yeah! I have that experience too. I saw the 444 on someone tag number, after i completed driving test to get my license.(I had perfect score!...)

Another one would be when I see 666...than later on i would see the 999.

[edit on 8-1-2005 by mwen]

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 02:33 AM
both my wife and I both see 720, 1080 constantly.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 03:05 AM
A thread on this is number is 1234 /12:34..almost know it will be 12:34 before I look.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 07:06 PM
Haha! Of course, if you focus on a number it will appear everywhere. You will it into your life and shift reality so it appears everywhere, because you're focusing on it. Reality is a mirror of your intentions, always remember that.

Interesting info about the numbers by Drunvalo (who's Drunvalo?), I'll definitely try to start looking for them!!

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 07:10 PM
The number 27 is my big recurring number. I noticed it enough to put it on my license plate "ROCK27" and my screenname "slacker2788." I actually heard that the number recurred a lot in Weird Al Yankovic's life, with sites for him having "27 lists" on them. I began noticing it all the time. Marlboro came out with cigarettes called 27s and, for the few months I smoked, they were my brand of preference by taste. I am a classic rock fanatic and many huge rock stars died at that age, including Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, and I think Jimi Hendrix. I understand that when we get affixiated on a number or something, we begin noticing it a lot more, but I tried comparing its occurences to the number 26 and found a big difference for me.

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 07:45 PM
Count me in for seeing 12:34 all the time, well, only twice a day. Stopped for a while but now i'm using my old stereo system again with the digital clock display i'm back to seeing it both am and pm.

posted on Jan, 9 2005 @ 01:35 AM
I have checked my e-mail and seen 666 (yeah, I had a lot of unread mail) a number of times. It's like I would look over at the temperature and see 666, like I mentioned before. Is it a sign of something? I'm interested to know how many people have seen 666 frequently, I haven't seen that number much recently though, or the 747.


posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by 20after
both my wife and I both see 720, 1080 constantly.

those are some serious numbers.
1080 is the radius of the moon in miles.
720 is one fifth of 3600, or the degrees of points of the pentagram(72). the average human heart rate is 72.
72 and 108 are recurring 'sacred numbers' in MANY cultures, and are signifigant geometrically.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:32 PM
I see the number 4:10 constantly. I will wake in the middle of the night, and sure enough it will be 4:10. I see it on license plates of cars and sometimes on TV. I still aint figured this one out.

posted on Jan, 10 2005 @ 04:36 PM
my husband notices 9:11 and I notice 11:11 all the time, we just chalk it up to habit, internal clock telling us to the notice a physical clock.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 07:18 AM
OK, so I know this topic is super old.... But I still want to say something!

My brother in-law has been seeing 11:11, 1:11, 333 and things like 123...

I have been doing a littl epoking around, and most things I have come across suggest that it is linked to a spiritual awakening, which he is definately experiencing right now.... and a lot of lightworkers I know have experienced the same thing when they were starting out on their spiritual path...

So, have any of you found any answers for your recurring numbers? Do you think it might have something to do with a spiritual awakening?

Personally, I do.... but you know.... just because we think something is right, doesn't make it right!
Just thought some other views on this theory would be interesting.

posted on Apr, 18 2007 @ 01:31 PM
Sensfan is right. I dont think it plays a role in anything. It's so trivial.

People go about countless ways trying to justify something. Afterall, if it keeps happening it must have some greater good to it.

All rubbish. Your mind is playing with you & you're playing along. I guarantee if you start looking at the clock VERY constantly, start doing arithmetic VERY constantly, playing with your calculator even...doing something constantly that has to do with numbers, that "recurring" number will eventually vanish.

You may not even notice when it's gone. You may acquire a new recurring number. By the time it's gone & you get back to your normal life, you'll notice that numbers are just that, numbers(something invented to keep track).

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by ben91069
I see the number 4:10 constantly. I will wake in the middle of the night, and sure enough it will be 4:10. I see it on license plates of cars and sometimes on TV. I still aint figured this one out.

I get this loads, I'm actually starting to think it's some sort of system or messaging protocol. Not sure who is sending out the message or what they actually mean.

I will list the number I see most often.

12:12 and also 12:21
13:13 and also 13:31
15:15 and also 15:51

Then you get things like 15:55 or 13:33 or 12:22 etc etc.

I am trying to build up some sort of understanding of the times these numbers show-up and what the current situation im in is, moods, predicaments etc.

As far as I can see, it seems to me, it seems to be some sort of balance system, or ... a grading system from the other side. I know when 11:11 is seen, something is just around the corner - something that is going to change me in some way. the Other numbers are seen when I might be out of line, for example 15:51 - reversed numbers like that ususally pop up when im reacting in a way I shouldnt react. Once I calm down again I begin to see 13:13 or 12:12 again.

The experiment is still in its very very young infancy, Lets be honest, we're really just poking a stick at holes in the dark.


-almost forgot to add, there are certain people who believe these numbers are symbols that were pre-programmed into us before we came to Earth. Additionally that these numbers are supposed to activate certain parts of our DNA that awaken us to our true mission here. Naturally then that people will see different numbers, it's possible the different numbers are different roles or ranks, assignment numbers etc.

[edit on 30-1-2008 by mortalengine]

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