posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 06:21 PM
More weird coincidences happened again today.
Here's a pic I took the other day of when I went on the balcony and there was a giant one eyed face looking at me with a hitler style mustache.
Then last night I was drawing geometry in my note book and started drawing a sphere with vertical lines between the poles like a pumpkin and then
later started getting thoughts of a face with no nose and eyes wide apart like a fish. Then I thought at one point, while looking at one picture I
took, what a face within a face picture would look like.
Then about an hour ago I went out for a smoke and noticed there were tons of whispy clouds in the sky again so I took out my camera and took a
picture. I didn't notice until after taking the picture that the massive whispy cloud was like the things I thought of yesterday. Half a pumpkin face
within a fish type face so it was like three seperate thoughts I had throughout the day combined. Kind of cool! Hope you see what I see.
I think I only find such things amazing because they often relate to thoughts I have before seeing them. Just thought I'd share for those that might
be interested in such things.
Fishy face...
Pumpkin face..
Face within a face...