posted on Jul, 14 2015 @ 12:57 AM
Are human beings just a part of this big process that we call the universe ? Is the universe just one body, one organism ? Is it just like the organs
of your body : you can talk about separate organs and even observe them, but are they not part of your body ? But if the universe is just one
organism, isn't my own body and mind as large as the whole of the universe ? And in this case, what is the Ego, is it just an illusion ? And if it
just an illusion, why is there even an illusion to begin with ?
Everything is interconnected, everything in this universe is in need of everything else to exist, or to even be defined. If you observe a bird, you
never observe it outside of its environment, isolated from everything else. There cannot be a bird without an environment : there is the sun, there is
the planet, there is gravity, there is the wind, there is water, there are trees, there are food sources, there are other birds, etc.., and there is
also an observer. But if we can't separate the bird from its environment, why do we even begin to think or to believe that the bird could be
something that is separate from its environment ? Then ultimately, Isn't the bird and its environment just one system, just one entity ? And where do
we put the limit where we say "the bird's environment stops here" ? Are we to ignore how galaxies attract each other, how cosmic rays blast through
space, or how the sun came to be ? It becomes logical then to affirm that the universe is the environment, the one environment that encompasses
and contains everything.
You can remove your liver from your body and look at it. You can even cut it out and throw it on the floor. But if you do that, is it still a liver,
or is it just a piece of meat ? Your liver is a liver only when considered in relation with all the other organs of your body, it is considered a
liver only when it performs the function of a liver, and it can only perform that function if it is in relation with other organs of your body. We
define things in regard of what they do, and what a thing does is always in relation with something else. Imagine a universe where there
is only one object, how is this object supposed to do anything ? How are we to define this object if there is nothing else to compare it to ? Why even
try to define it if there is no distinction to make with other 'non-existent objects' ? If the object is supposed to move, how are we to know that
it moves if there are no other points of reference ? If for example we look at galaxy A and galaxy B, and we see that the distance between them is
shrinking, how do we know if it is galaxy A going towards galaxy B, or galaxy B going towards galaxy A, or that both galaxy A and galaxy B are moving
towards each other ?
What does that mean for human beings ? Just like for the bird above, there are no human beings without an environment. A human being without an
environment is something we can only talk about, but we can never observe it. What lies outside the skin of a human being is as important as what lies
inside the skin, which means that the "body" - what we commonly accept as being everything that lies inside the skin - is in reality not limited by
the skin. The commonly accepted "body within the skin" is in reality a social construct. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink,
the sunshine on our skin, etc., all those things that we perceive as being outside of us, other than us, all those things are in reality part of one
universal body inside of which everything is connected, just like every organ inside our skin is connected by the blood stream and nerves. We are as
much the universe than the universe is us. We are the air we breathe and we are the wind, we are the river and we are the sun. We are also the planet
on which we stand : as much as we would like to see ourselves as separate beings that just happen to walk on the surface of the planet, we are in
reality part of it : it is not us that is alive, but it is the planet that is alive and us with it, and ultimately the whole of the universe. Saying
that we are separate and different from the planet is like saying my flesh is separate and different from the bones to which it is attached.
In regard of all this, what about consciousness ? Can it be really different ? Can consciousness be something separate, isolated, in spite of
everything else being interconnected ? Could we define consciousness if there was only consciousness and nothing else, just like the lone object which
I talked about earlier ? Could there be consciousness if there was nothing to be conscious of ? Does it mean that - just like the body - consciousness
is in reality not "my" consciousness, or "your" consciousness, or "his/her" consciousness, but the consciousness of the whole universe ? Is it
like the multiple branches of a tree : they seem to all go in different directions, some leaves catching more or less sunlight and more or less wind
than other leaves, some branches giving more or less fruits than other branches, but are they not all part of the same tree, with the same roots ?
Does every possible form of consciousness have the same source ?
What about the ego ? Why do I have this very powerful sensation that what happens, is happening to me ? If there is one body and one consciousness,
which is the whole of the universe, why do I feel such a sensation of uniqueness and loneliness ? Why do I feel that the things I do are being done by
me and no one else ? Is it a powerful social construct, a powerful illusion ? I seem to walk on the surface of the planet from my own free will, and
my body seems to be contained behind my skin. If I cut my hand I will feel pain, and the other guy next to me will feel nothing of that sort. If it is
just an illusion, then why ? Why is there an illusion to begin with ? At this point we can only speculate : some believe it is god playing
hide-and-seek with himself, that he 'divided' himself and forgot himself into multiple consciousnesses, and the game is about remembering who we
really are. But this is just belief. But if we cannot extinguish this sensation of ego, we can choose to see it for what it is : an illusion, or just
a sensation between the myriad of sensations that we feel everyday : a sensation just like when I touch a block of ice and feel that it is cold, or
the sensation of touching the flames of a fire with my hand and feel that it is warm. Because fighting the ego is giving the ego even more power,
fighting the ego is making it bigger..
As a conclusion, I would say it is liberating to understand and to feel that other people around you are no different than you. It is not even that
they resemble you, but they are you and you are them. Try to walk on the street and try to see everything else as an extension of yourself : the cat,
the car, the sun, the jerk, the cute girl, the tree, the wind, the road, the birds etc., you might feel a sense of deep serenity and it can become