Good afternoon everyone!
Been working all day,
we are short staffed so not a lot of time to post and hang out around ATS,
however, the day is over.
I managed to put down a pot of coffee this morning before I even started working, and it wore off about noon, so had to make another, and still
working on that one this evening. I hate to waste a pot of coffee.
Darth, no this is not unofficially the official coffee thread, I will be making one in the coming days I think, although I am still wondering a few
things before I do. I will have to get a hold of ATS staff and get some clarification on a few things first, mainly having to do with what they have
termed role play, which was a heavy element of the thread. ATS Air band was role play, that kind of thing. Also I am wondering if on the new server if
a thread like that would bog it down, I don't want to be responsible for slowing down ATS's data, or whatever part of the issue was with large
The thread was heavy in graphical content sometimes, and I have no problem with that, but then I don't run servers.
Also there is the matter of me changing my mind on creating a continuing thread as I told them I would not, but a year later, I am wondering if now
they would find it ok. I don't know what the Mods thought of the thread and I don't know how big of an issue it was with the ATS crew, if it was to
big of an issue I will not create another, but if it won't be an issue, I will certainly start a new one. I believe in self "policing" my threads if
possible most of the time, but even I got carried away a few times, and there was a thread closed due to activity coming from this thread which in
hind sight, I should of known better.
(UK's Dare Thread)
I'm still milling over some of the thoughts, but if any Mods out there have any input they would like to throw in, please do, or contact me in private
message about creating a new coffee thread, I would much rather do it with ATS's blessing than do something that would cause a thread to be closed