I'm Game sounds better than the "pets" forum. Don't get me wrong about pets, we all have them and that's the problem. Just too many dumb, cutsie
stories about them that people feel the need to share. And again the downfall and dumbing down of ATS!
When I saw your forum title this song by the great Buffy Sainte-Marie popped into my mind. Just a line of it though, the repeating line, but I haven't
heard it in years and will listen after I post it.
Edit: Ok, gave it a listen. I've had some attention on Buffy Sainte-Marie since yesterday, and almost opened an appreciative thread about her but
didn't. Listening to this, and remembering how much I used to love her music (saw her in concert several times, hung around her dressing room once,
with a group not alone), and realizing how much I appreciated her music then, have to say that she is probably one of the most underrated
singer/songwriters of the '60s and '70s. Saw that she just released a new album in May, haven't heard any of her stuff recorded after the late '70s,
and from the Wikipedia page on her I read she took long breaks between albums. She communicates very well.
As for the magic forum, I'll watch what happens. Interesting idea, first time caller.
edit on 12-7-2015 by Aleister because: (no reason
I don't believe that members would be able to handle that. Plus the influx of people would really seriously affect the whole reason of having said
a reply to: starswift
We should also have a cheese forum. That way people can post all the delicious cheeses they ate in there life's and talk about them. Also when any new
cheeses are introduced we can talk and speculate about them. Or how about cheese conspiracies.
I know there aren't any. But I am sure with a bit of effort I can come up with at least 5 or so. How about this? Swiss cheese used in covert program
by the Swiss and American government to inundate whole populations with new chemical virus strain? Would totally work and be believable right?
Nobody suspects the cheese, its what I would do if I wanted to chemically inundate the whole world. Its like a totally fool prof plan.
But ya! Magic forum. Don't know about that, its hard to categorize Magic. Would that not be considered under slight of hand and illusions. Well we
got a forum for that, its called US politics Madness. And if you think about it, any categorization you would have on magic would fit under one of
the current forums already in existence.
There is an argument to be made that the disappearence of holes from Swiss cheese, is in fact part of an elaborate plot to replace the holes with
If we're throwing out ideas like magic forums and cheese forums, then I've got an even better idea to propose: ATS hookah lounge. And a log ride. But
not together.
a reply to: Midnight4444
The world of cheese will never be the same. Swiss cheese without the holes is like donuts without a hole in the middle, then its not a donut its a
danish or something. So to when the holes go, then Swiss Cheese will no longer be Swiss Cheese, probably be just regular ol cheese, that or another
form of bland American Cheese.
Likely this is a plot by American cheese making companies to confuse the public on just what constitutes Swiss cheese so they can mix in there
inferior hole less products and there by capitalize on the popularity of the Swiss cheese without the cheesy goodness.
As everybody knows its the holes in Swiss Cheese that makes Swiss Cheese what it is, and it also gives it its favor. What don't believe me? Shows
what all of you lacking in cheese knowledge know. A little bit of microbial particles and fungal never did hurt anybody and added to the cheesy
goodness and flavor. But hay! What with this new process, powdered or otherwise Hay is for horses, not for any true cheese connoisseur, may make
great horse feed but little else.
I say no thanks to this new breed of mutant cheese.
I would think either the religion forum,
or the paranormal forum would be best places for discussions on magical practice,
or however a person wants to label it.
As a religion like Wicca though it would be a religious discussion.
In other words, there are already forums for this subject.
a reply to: admirethedistance
I may have to look up that book one day. Sounds interesting, they have movie as well I just checked Google, but its from 1986 and the animation
looks cheesy as hell way to kidish for me.
The book however looks cool, reminds me of the Rewall series only less mice with swords, and more mice with cheese, used to love those Redwall books
when I was a kid.
I've never had a problem posting my witchcraft and pagan topics in the religious forum. If you are more of a secular type of practitioner, the
metaphysics forum suits it well.
I can understand wanting it to be its own subforum but that would be like Christians wanting a forum separate from the religious one. It would just
be a bit redundant to most people who aren't into it.
edit on 13-7-2015 by Cuervo because: plurals plurals plurals