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Could 'leaked UFO photos taken from US submarine in 1971' prove existence of aliens?

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posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: bluetrees

Why do people still point to aliens?

originally posted by: Thecakeisalie
a reply to: mirageman

Good work OP, but this does not 'prove' the existence of aliens.

As I've said before, the U in UFO stands for 'unidentified' and if If we knew the origin of the craft and it's occupants they would become FO's.

Just to clarify fellow members.

The headline was from the UK online version of the Daily Express. Perhaps it was clickbait. But it also got you to look at this post as well so it probably works.

I did provide the link as the source material. Here it is again if you missed it (click here)

Plus there are more pictures and more details on that site.

If you need to know I spotted this last night just before hitting the sack. I really had no idea what I was looking at but those pictures seemed interesting. So I quickly posted them up for opinions.

And I do agree with you that in no way do these pictures prove anything involving 'aliens' at the moment.

In fact I think a certain member may have got very close to solving it.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:45 PM
Ive seen a large Cigar shaped craft running parallel to me high in the sky, as we were running wide open up river on a bass boat. At first i thought it was a Commercial airliner, until i realized it had no wings and rudder. That thing was moving so fast, it walked away from us like we were standing still. As i said ,high altitude.

edit on 9-7-2015 by SPECULUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: TanhauserGate
heres an example of the "test Targets" I'm referring to
target blimp

blimp 2

Thanks. As others have said, I think you've got close to what the answer may be TanhauserGate.

It seems to be a more logical down to earth answer than 'aliens'.

However I'm going to go away now and see if there is anything else on this story.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

I'd like to hear that story. U2U Me, or write about it here, if You'd be so kind... Thanx. Syx...

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:57 PM
Hey bedlam, you've mentioned the flying sub a few times here at ATS. Another interesting member who doesn't post anymore said that there were devices operated by the navy that go as easily through water as they do air stopping short of leaving the atmosphere. Said these crafts were tied in with submarine operations.

Would it be worth my while to look into flying submarines and their potential implications.

On a side note I too have seen triangles and they all originated coming in land from the sea.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Cool Thread here! Thanx for posting this!
edit on 9-7-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: jockstar

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: TanhauserGate
heres an example of the "test Targets" I'm referring to
target blimp

blimp 2

Excellent work. I'd call this one solved.

Just to throw a spanner in this conjecture, however,

A) the photo of the ship is the HMS Canning, a British ship from WW1. Unlikely to have such good quality colour photos from that time period, and also looked very different when in the

B) The second thing is a different colour, shape and size to the OP pics.

oK i'm not suggesting that the OP's pics are the same "targeting blimps" as A) The HMS Canning, a British ship from WW1, nor am I suggesting B) That they are the same "red" looking targeting blimp in the pic I linked to.

I am however suggesting that these pictures are most likely "some type" of 1970's era , ballon or blimp style target practice , used by the military to test fire power, accuracy, ordinance etc. and NOT triangular man made secret prototypes, intergalactic visitors, spaceships, interdimensional ,ultra terrestrial , UAP,UFO or USO's

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: Kojiro
a reply to: TinfoilTP

The photos aren't actually black and white, as you can clearly see blue in the ocean water itself. I'd say the colors are probably muddled by the fact of the photographs' probable age and the alleged fact that they're taken through a submarine's periscope.

Overall, this case pretty much impresses me; the commanding officer was verified to be on board, the submarine itself (USS Trepang) was verified to be in the time and area when and where the photographs were allegedly taken. The other officer on board, John Kilka, was also verified.

The only real question is... what are we actually seeing in the photographs themselves?

Also, yeah... the fracking comment is just... out of left field. I saw a Facebook commenter on another article about this incident insist it was Arctic Nazis that were fracking.

Kind of odd that the submarine just happened to be at the site where a UFO was and just happened to be at periscope death and just happened to be looking at exactly the right small wedge of sky when the UFO crashed.

It looks inflated. If it is not a hoax wondering if it is something like an experimental inflatable support for a VLF antenna or something.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: SyxPak

Me too I'd be interested in hearing the story too. I've seen some weird things many here at ATS don't believe either, even though they certainly were very, very real.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: MerkabaMeditation
I was aboard one of those cigar ships back in 1975-76 not far from Jan Mayen in the Northern part of Norway, but I won't bore you with the story as most of you won't believe me anyway. Still, I personally know that they exist. There were humans aboard with brightly colored jumpsuit uniforms, nice people.


I can't imagine a story of being aboard one of these ships could be boring. Even if you just sat and played a game of checkers, the fact that you were on one of those ships would be extremely fascinating. Especially if you share how and why you were there, what was said to you, why the humans on board were so nice, what nationality they were, etc. Some will not believe you, but who cares? If you know it is true then it shouldn't matter what some anonymous idiots on the internet think. Please share. It may even shed light on these pictures.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Thanx for backing me on that! I too have seen some odd things in the skies over the past 35 years or so... Some were of medicine related incidents, if Ya catch that drift.

But more were from normal conditions.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

I believe you.
I saw one around the same time, probably a year or two later.
I was near SAC in Omaha, Ne. though. You were near the Thule base, if not at it, I presume?

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Rasputin13

Great Post There! I feel the same way on this !!!...
edit on 9-7-2015 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: KAOStheory
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

I believe you.
I saw one around the same time, probably a year or two later.
I was near SAC in Omaha, Ne. though. You were near the Thule base, if not at it, I presume?

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the Thule base.

a reply to: Rasputin13

I was just a kid back then. I could not tell you their nationality other than that we did speak and understand each other. I was taken there by two other beings that were more the typical looking small large eyes extraterrestial type. But it took me another 8-9 years before I knew what extraterrestials were, before that I naively did not realize that I had experienced anything more special than other kids my age.

a reply to: SyxPak

I have shared my stories several times in various places and to various people, but it is all very weird for anyone else but me, and thus hard to believe.


edit on 9-7-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

But I do believe you! Thanx for what You just shared here!! Really, Thank You!!! Syx...

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:25 PM
My bad, the Thule Air Force Base is in Greenland, not Norway.
I'm bad with geography.
It was built in 1943 as part of the Air Force Space Command.
It would be interesting to hear about what you saw on board.
I have a theory about how they fly, but who knows...

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: KAOStheory
My bad, the Thule Air Force Base is in Greenland, not Norway.
I'm bad with geography.
It was built in 1943 as part of the Air Force Space Command.
It would be interesting to hear about what you saw on board.
I have a theory about how they fly, but who knows...

I can't tell you anything about their flight mechanics other than it being quiet. We entered the ship through a opening in its nose, and that I never saw any exhaust of any kind. Otherwise, I was instructed to never be close to the smaller sausershaped crafts when they landed/just had landed, and when I touched the silver metal it was very cool to the touch. I never heard any sort of noise from any of the crafts, never saw any jet/exhaust/light emittance, and never smelt anything like burnt fuel, I also never felt any static electricity like some reported, or any radiation sickness as I've also read abductees may get.

I met both men and women inside the cigar shaped craft, and they were all very nice - calling me a cute kid and otherwise pampering me with positive attention. This is where my story starts to get very weird; They (the humans) seem to be in charge of this planet somehow, we (the other two aliens and myself) came there (to the cigar shaped craft) to use/borrow a small golden craft that had time traveling capabilities - which we did. Then we visited myself when I was older at various times in my life, and then the Earth in the distant (?) future after some terrible catastrophy.


edit on 9-7-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

Wow, that's pretty cool!
I suspect they fly by parking a large disc-shaped craft in it, which is capable of flying the whole cigar-shaped carrier craft...

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: KAOStheory
a reply to: MerkabaMeditation

Wow, that's pretty cool!
I suspect they fly by parking a large disc-shaped craft in it, which is capable of flying the whole cigar-shaped carrier craft...

The sauser shaped craft we came in was quite small, and when inside the cigar shaped craft there were other crafts also parked there, like the golden one I told you about. The "hangar" at the opening was just a small part of the cigar though, inside it was many rooms of which I only visited a few, and even a 360 degree garden with benches to sit - when you looked up you could see people walking on the roof like it was their ground - gravity seemed to follow the outside of the tube walls in that room. But gravity behaved like normal in all the other rooms I saw that day.

edit on 9-7-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 03:03 PM
I'm still wondering what the reference to fracking is all about????

Specialist researchers of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) believe the black and white images - supposedly taken from the USS Trepang SSN 674 submarine in March 1971 - are evidence of secret US aircraft tests or alien lifeforms looking to carry out an early form of fracking.................

Michael Waters said: "Some UFOs can function through and under water quite well."

And Rob Whitford added: "Makes sense I still put money on fracking connected to them."

Source : Daily Express

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