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Remote viewing & UFOs : Stargate, Galactic Federation + the Aviary (CIA index + 92,010 PDF pages)

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posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 01:59 PM

Section H14 : Russell Targ (SRI)

As mentioned above, Russell Targ worked with Hal Puthoff on early investigations into remote viewing at SRI.

Russell Targ has made available the photograph below from 1974 showing (from left to right) Hal Puthoff (see Section H2 above), Russell Targ, Pat Price (see Section G1 above) and Kit Green of the CIA (see Section H3 above).

In an interview with Rocco Castoro for the website in 2008, Russell Targ was asked whether his remote travels ever led him to really weird, unearthly places. He replied as follows:

I once visited a UFO, which was somewhat frightening. I saw an array of bodies lined up under violet light and things that looked like hair dryers. Nobody was around but it seemed very menacing. I described this to Pat Price, who told me I was in a body-storage area and I was lucky I didn’t get grabbed. There is the possibility that it might have been a hallucination.

During 2015, Richard Dolan discussed at 33 minutes 50 seconds into the “Where Did the Road Go” podcast on 13 June 2015 a conversation with Russell Targ of SRI about attempts in the early 1980s to remote view the far side of the moon looking for extraterrestrials (but he did not know if they found them).

edit on 8-7-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:00 PM

Section I : Conclusion

Jon Ronson remarked in his book “The Men Who Stare at Goats”, “Remember that the crazy people are not always to be found on the outside. Sometimes the crazy people are deeply embedded on the inside”.

The history of links between remote viewing and ufology certainly seems to have elements of craziness. The difficulty is working out what other elements are present.

To be frank, one of my main reasons for writing and posting this thread is for this thread to act as an introduction of myself to members of “the Aviary” and others mentioned above. I’d like to ask some of them a few questions. One of the disadvantages of not having written a UFO book is that my queries are sometimes ignored, so I hope this thread shows that I’m prepared to do a bit of homework before bothering people and am also prepared to look into relevant issues in some depth. I have a pretty strong dislike of spending days researching a topic and carefully drafting questions, only for them to be ignored so I’m hoping that the work done on this thread reduces that risk...

In particular, I still don't understand the Richard Doty Kit Green Ron Pandolfi relationship. That's something that I want to ask one or more of them about (and I figured that doing a fairly detailed thread on the UFO/enigma aspects of the remote viewing files might help when I introduce myself to them…).

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:00 PM
To aid with that introduction of myself to some of the people mentioned above, I hope other members of ATS don’t mind my mentioning here that my previous items on ATS include:

(1) An item entitled ”FBI: “discs recovered”, Air Force “greatly concerned”, “at a complete loss” + more memos" which formed part of my effort to make FBI files relevant to ufology available as searchable PDF documents. I had previously written a fairly long item which focused on one particular FBI document which has repeatedly been "discovered" over the last few decades : "Debunked! The FBI alien bodies memo – A case study in the reinvention of the wheel".

(2) Various items about official documents from the USA (e.g. "Massive UFO disclosure in USA : A challenge for ATS"), Canada ("Canadian disclosure: “UFO Found” and other documents/photos"), Australia ("Oz X-Files : “authenticated sighting”, “appear to be inexplicable”, USA “very interested"") and New Zealand ("New Zealand X-Files : Official “fib”, superiors “mystified”, + Kaikoura “whitewash”").

(3) Other items which reflect my particular interest in making material available as searchable PDF documents which can be downloaded and searched on your local hard-drive. I have written about free software that can be used to efficiently search large collections of PDF documents, with the results being displayed in a manner that indicates the context within which a relevant search term appeared and always for very quick reviewing of the search results (see "FAST searching of major free online collections of UFO journals (or just browse/download them)").

(4) In addition to collections of official documents, I have helped make freely available online various out-of-print UFO newsletters (after obtaining relevant permissions) - see, for example, my items "Phil Klass: "Skeptics UFO Newsletter" now online (large collection)", "UFO Brigantia newsletters (UK 1980s-1990s) - PDF archive now online (free)" and "PDF Archive: Info-Paranet "Newsletters" (1989-1993)"). When I can obtain relevant permissions, I have also made available other searchable PDFs including rare out-of-print UFO books (see, for example, "Valentich disappearance - rare book now online - "Melbourne Episode" by Dr Richard Haines (free)", "Free Download: "On Pilots and UFOs” by Dr Willy Smith", "Rare book by C B Scott Jones ("Aviary" member) now a free download") and PhD dissertations (see "Dr Who?? : UFO PhD dissertations - free online").

(5) While my focus is on written material, I do sometimes stray into dealing with other resources e.g. helping Giuliano Marinkovic and Roderick B Dyke make available a large audio collection online : "Huge audio archive of UFO history - now online. Many rare recordings, collated by ufologist Wendy Connors".

With the answers to a few questions from some of the people mentioned above, I hope to be able to share quite a bit of further material in the future.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

great work - best of luck with your efforts

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:06 PM
You are the heart and soul of the UFO forum! What an awesome thread!

I'm curious bout the Galatic Federation Head Quarters, any relation to the GFL that we heard so much about a few years ago (and is also banned from ATS)?

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:21 PM
This. Why I've been back around and scanning the UFO Forum. Thank you, Sir Isaac for all the hard work and sincerity in sharing your gift for research with us all. IMO, you are in the top 5 as far as ufology/parapsychology is concerned because you offer legitimate methodologies and provide some powerful tools.

I'm only a few posts down, but wanted to say 'hiya" before I dig in.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:25 PM
Your op is 5 pages long!!! Wow... your threads are amazing. Your attention to detail is by far number 1 on ATS.
i hope you get the credit you deserve issac. .

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi
...The most interesting aspect of discussion of Kit Green in Mirage Men is undoubtedly the (brief) discussion of his “close and long-standing” friendship with Rick Doty, of whom Kit Green reportedly spoke “with unguarded warmth and respect”. That friendship has also been mentioned (also briefly) elsewhere, including in a post by Springer here on ATS back in 2006 ...

That thread has fascinated me for a long time. Two flags and now a ghost town of banned members. Some very impressive, truth-digging members I might add. I encourage all to go read it and contemplate.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

I look forward to studying your post
in detail - quite impressive. I wish you
the very best with penetrating this
murky world of deception.


posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:12 PM
Wow star and flag for the truckload of information!!

Great thread , I'm in for a long night of reading.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:18 PM
A single solitary Star and Flag isn't nearly enough
thanks for such an amazing thread. It's not really a thread
it's an in depth course study.
As someone who has RV'd for various reasons,
including the informal but very fun
ATS remote viewing thread, this work is gold.
So sincerely Thank you IsaacKoi.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Jon Ronson*** remarked in his book “The Men Who Stare at Goats”, “Remember that the crazy people are not always to be found on the outside. Sometimes the crazy people are deeply embedded on the inside”.

For what it's worth, Ronson's quote reflects and sums up my whole take-away from reading Vallee's two Forbidden Science journals: that what is at the heart of the phenomenon is crazy people and their crazy brains.

I don't think that there was any other way to get the message across but to write the volumes as a memoir and let the content speak for itself.

Thanks for puting this all together, IssacKoi, I was dying for something good to read.

edit on 8-7-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:19 PM
Send to hoax

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:20 PM
Bravo Sir Isaac.

You've collected so much information down the years and made it freely available with a lot of ingenuity.

Has no one every approached you/ or you approached them with a view to making it all available in one place as an online archive?
(I see you mentioned Mr Greenwald did not respond to your email in your post).

Oh and I bet Ed Dames never saw this post coming either.

edit on 8/7/15 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi
Now this is a proper thread. So awesome!

THANKS for all this juicy info. Going to take some time sorting through.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:42 PM
Many thanks for the kind words so far.

Hopefully the flags and postive comments on this thread will help when I point to it when introducing myself to some of the people discussed in this thread.

edit on 8-7-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

Man, i am almost speechless, what can i say else than thank you for this awesome thread

Now i know what i have to do the next days

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi
Many thanks for the kind words so far.

Hopefully the flags and positive comments on this thread will help when I point to it when introducing myself to some of the people discussed in this thread.

Shouldn't some of them, like Uri Geller, already know who you are due to their mystical powers?

Plus I'd have thought those piercing blue eyes, featureless black face and barristers wig would make you stand out from the crowd anywhere Isaac.

edit on 8/7/15 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:54 PM
Wow page 6 , I can say something , it's like one sentence in an universe of conspiracy text!

I didn't had time to read it all just a small bit about aviary . It's something I thing still goes on . I do believe they are creating false YouTube videos of UFO'S And Aliens and then later on totally criticise that it's fake and proving that it's fake so that all the real ones will be stamped as hoaxes too is one point on their agenda IMO.

Also stimulating people to create almost real footage of Extraterrestrial material is something they stimulate to keep our eyes closed for what's really going on .

Isaackoi if there was a tittle called "ATS PhD Ufologist " you wear that tittle .
Exelent work takes time to read it all I've got to bookmark this again. .

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

For creating this thread. It is going to take me quite a while to get through all of it...there is so much! Which is wonderful!!!

I think perhaps many questions that have been lingering in my mind for quite a while; may be answered by the information you have provided.

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