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Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System – Sun’s Magnetic Field 230% Stronger

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posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 07:29 PM
A few years ago they predicted our solar system was entering some sort of cloud in the galaxy. Perhaps it is adding energy to our existing system. Edgar Cayce predicted a polar flip pretty soon, too, so I wouldn't rule that out. It has happened plenty of times before according to scientists. That would be catastrophic. Probably next year.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 09:06 PM
Be asured that it has to be human caused same as climate change we must be doing something to screw things up.
a reply to: purplemer

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

now please stick to the issue of tide TIMES

The issue is how can any large space body effect the earth as in quakes and not affect the tides. The question i responded to was how much is known about changes in tides. I think I stuck...

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 10:47 PM
Actually we DO understand the changes in the heliosphere and solar magnetic fields, and we HAVE seen them before. Maybe look into the Maunder Minimum, its more like what were heading into, and as far as science can tell, a normal, larger cycle of the sun that just hasnt had the times on it worked out just yet the way weve worked out times for the sunspot cycle.

If you watched the sun, as I do, checking the solar conditions and space weather probably 10+ times a day in a rather OCD manner as I have for 8ish years now, you wouldve actually noticed a marked decrease in solar activity and strength. The resting/average solar winds have dropped in speed and density, sunspot counts have been low, solar flaring has been pitiful at best, and this past solar cycle that "peaked" in 2012, not only seemingly peaked 2 years behind schedule, but was the weakest cycle in a long time. Flaring has been simply disappointing, no more X10+ flares of so many past peaks, getting excited to see M class flares which is truly sad, and earth directed CME's have dropped off in connection. This has actually led to a weakening of the earths magnetosphere, as anyone who pays attention and educates themselves knows that our magnetosphere relies on the strength of the solar wind, and regular flaring and CME impact to retain its size and strength.
The sun, much like the earth, and all living things, and all forms of energy, and everything around us, has a cyclical nature, it doesnt just freak out and do something crazy because its mad at us for pollution. I may be a conspiracy theorist but I am a rational one. I look at science as well as theory and follow the logical, rational path. Is the solar system changing? Is the earth changing? Absolutely. But to suggest its something that hasnt happened before is ridiculous. We simply havent had the necessary instrumentation and technology to properly observe and record it prior to now, at least in modern history. The ancients maybe. Just like "global warming" became climate change when they realized it was mostly falsified and buttered up numbers to exaggerate something that was a normal part of the earths natural cycles. Much like the hole in the ozone everyone was freaking out about ten years ago, those who did the fear mongering failed to mention the hole had only grown for the brief 10ish years we'd been actually capable of monitoring it, and really had no idea what kind of ozone hole had existed prior, but were quick to pile it onto the list of ways man was destroying the earth and we needed to listen to Al Gore about ManBearPig, er, I mean Global Warming.
Are we heading into a time of stronger storms, more geomagnetic activity, general seismic unrest? Yes, I believe we are. Is it related to the sun? Yes, everything on this earth is. Everything this earth does is reliant upon our star.
The north pole is moving more rapidly every year, some science would suggest this is the start of a magnetic field reversal on earth. But its all happened before, many, many, many times. Its not some crazy new unseen frontier dealing in archaic forces or weird psychic energies. Its normal cycles the sun, and therefore our solar system, continue to go through, and our lovely planet will survive it. Will we? Who knows. But mother earth isnt passing into some new spacial frontier of another dimension where cosmic rays unlock our DNA and turn us into light beings from outer space. Thats just pure applesauce, as antonin scalia would say.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 11:21 PM
Sorry folks I decided to remove all of the articles due to all the links were not working. Sorry folks.
edit on 6-7-2015 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

and again - we know the tide times to a very accurate degree - thier predictabilty is unquestioned .

therefore no " mystery object " is exerting a dynamic gravitationa;l influence on earth

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: purplemer

By seeing for the first time how these eddies accelerate the jet streams at two different altitudes, scientists found the eddies were weak at the higher altitudes where previous researchers had found that most of the sun's heating occurs. The eddies were stronger deeper in the atmosphere. Thus, the authors could discount heating from the sun and infer instead that the internal heat of the planet is ultimately driving the acceleration of the jet streams, not the sun. The mechanism that best matched the observations would involve internal heat from the planet stirring up water vapor from Saturn's interior. That water vapor condenses in some places as air rises and releases heat as it makes clouds and rain. This heat provides the energy to create the eddies that drive the jet streams.

The condensation of water was not actually observed; most of that process occurs at lower altitudes not visible to Cassini. But the condensation in mid-latitude storms does happen on both Saturn and Earth. Storms on Earth – the low- and high-pressure centers on weather maps – are driven mainly by the sun's heating and do not mainly occur because of the condensation of water, Del Genio said. On Saturn, the condensation heating is the main driver of the storms, and the sun's heating is not important.

And secondly...

Saturn: Major decrease in equatorial jet stream velocities in only 30 years, accompanied by surprising surge of X-rays from equator

The discovery of the wave pattern is the result of a 22-year campaign observing Saturn from Earth (the longest study of temperature outside Earth ever recorded), and the Cassini spacecraft's observations of temperature changes in the giant planet's atmosphere over time.

22 Years, not 30. But it is a small complaint.

Anyway, we can infer that at least in the gas giants most atmospheric phenomena are due to internal dynamics and heating, not necessarily external. No?

it is interesting to ponder, though.

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 02:40 AM
Is this the reason I keep getting these annoying two day long headaches every so often?

posted on Jul, 7 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: ILikeArguingOnline

Thank you for your reply. I must not have explained myself properly. I was not talking about the solar winds and their effects on earth i was talking about the heliosphere shrinking.

Here is a article on it you might like it since you enjoy sun information.

New data has revealed that the heliosphere, the protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago. Scientists are baffled at what could be causing the barrier to shrink in this way and are to launch mission to study the heliosphere.

posted on Jul, 8 2015 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: mortex
Is this the reason I keep getting these annoying two day long headaches every so often?

Something that works for me is a wet towel. It doesn't have to be ice. When you feel like it intensifies put towel with coldest possible water on both sides of your forehead.

this worked great for me so far.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 05:45 AM
The discovery of the Moon's atmosphere is exactly that, a discovery using more advanced methods that weren't before available. The Moons extremely thin atmosphere has been there for quite some time and clues were on the deployment of LACE module by Apollo 17, which detected various atoms and molecules on the Moon's surface, its atmosphere basically is constant to surface level. As for everything else mentioned, this all sounds like a build up to theories of Richard Hoagland, Prof. Ignacio Ochoa P and Wilhelm Reich? Orgone energy and free energy? We start getting in to pseudoscience material then, perhaps worse.

Basically, it has been suggested that energy from the galactic core is raising the temperature of the whole solar system and thus speeding up changes in DNA...It's a theory that's for sure but it's based on subjective observations and interpreted data, which can often be mislead with intent to sway the reader to a particular view.

For example, Pluto's equator faces the sun constantly as it moves from the sun, which means the planet will have a relative hot spot as it lasts for years. This might push more gas into the atmosphere despite the overall decrease in solar radiation reaching Pluto.

We must explore all avenues and just because things are happening to many celestial bodies in our system, doesn't mean we should treat all those things with one giant cause. We should be looking in to each individual event and then building a picture from that.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Informer1958

Prove it! and you cant prove Nibiru is not in our orbit unless you use disinformation. I know it is behind our sun as we speak it is in the 4 clock position right. According to amateur astronomers it will be seen by the whole world by November this year.

Just a heads up, ATS is one place that people come to find out if fantastic scientific claims are valid or not.

Phage is one of those long time residents that has proven his knowledge time and again (especially about all things celestial).

Word of advice, you best just listen to what he has offer, you are fortunate enough to have his attention.

Maybe not so fast on that one. People here BELIEVE him because his version of spin is pretty cool. I WANT to believe he is right because so much IS doom porn and someone like phage makes those people get their proof for their opinion more organized. PHAGE FORCES good thought and kudo's to him for it. I have found him wanting in some areas but still LOVE to see what he has to provide..

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 09:30 AM
I would add that i am not against all of Phage's often well thought out arguments as much as i am for not just saying "CAN"T BE" as quickly as he seems to do. I do see people here waiting for him to confirm their doubts so they can rationalize the OP was and idiot for making the post. I am more open to ideas merely because as a Scientific interest, all things are on the table until we can knock them down like bowling pins with hard supportive data that hasn't been politicized or bastardized.

Doubting Planet X may be easy even if it is real, because the data is just not in the open sources people 'trust". Doubting the odd changes I think I too see in the planets is not so easy. SOMETHING is driving such big changes and maybe it merely is the Sun or the part of the Galaxy we are in but something is going on I feel safe in stating.
edit on 9-7-2015 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 09:42 AM
Perhaps we don't tell the truth because we do not know what it is

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

When it comes to beliefs yah sure, everything subjective, but if it comes facts Phage is goto. I get peeved because its the challenge by ignorant people who feel miffed because he disagrees with their beliefs and that has made him seek alternative venues of late.

So sad. We need people like him here, not children who can't or won't learn.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

I would add that i am not against all of Phage's often well thought out arguments as much as i am for not just saying "CAN"T BE" as quickly as he seems to do.

He's just more direct. Its not about coddling peoples sentiments for their lame viewpoints with Phage. He will state it flat out. Like a teacher in class with a bunch of students. He doesn't go, Oh, I know you have this belief and I am so sorry that its not that accurate, but I just have to let you down so slowly from your lofty ignorance…
the whole rest of class is going meh…

Phage silences the ignorance and will teach if given a chance. Most people that don't know but think they do have little time or patience for actually studying let alone changing their two minute opinion.

They should ask why instead of getting butt hurt.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Justoneman

When it comes to beliefs yah sure, everything subjective, but if it comes facts Phage is goto. I get peeved because its the challenge by ignorant people who feel miffed because he disagrees with their beliefs and that has made him seek alternative venues of late.

So sad. We need people like him here, not children who can't or won't learn.

And i see that too, you are spot on. I have a degree in Chemistry and am a professional environmentalist. From where I am on issues there are some serious flaws in his debates with me on that subject but for Astro-Physics and higher math he is good to go IMHO. Some of these people are indeed miffed out of their own ego related reasons, but some here he has disagreed with have shown me things that leave me open to the possibilities that their OP was rational. Then the bandwagon jumpers, just cause Phage says so, do the knee jerk: "no they are wrong". To me that has been just as bad. Debate , when civil, is good for us all and ATS too. I welcome debate and am willing to say Phage is right when i find his points to be sound from my experience.
edit on 9-7-2015 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2015 by Justoneman because: needed tweaking

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I have a degree in Chemistry and am a professional environmentalist.

Thank you, I'm going to try and remember that. Thats useful stuff.

posted on Jul, 9 2015 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: intrptr

It is one thing to cite papers and theories that may be true, but to state they are facts when clearly they are not fully known is the problem.

Phage has lost a good many fans because people start to realize the mainstream science, it can all be wrong so often, it is literally POINTLESS to believe all of it and state things as fact, when it changes as often as the winds in the seas.

I am sorry, but we can see for ourselves very often that most of the story is being hidden, and with sneaky tactics.

I believe that SCIENCE should already know just about everything, the fact it does not is proof of the very real threat, of HIDING THE TRUTH, and making sure NOONE EVER KNOWS.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:36 AM
a lot of talk about Pluto lately

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