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Why do people hate Christians?

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posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:06 PM
I only hate Zealots, and thats of any religion.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
Hit me with chapter and verse if you can., that's not the point in this thread and i won't let you derail it.

TRANSLATION.............I have no idea what I'm talking about and I hope I can figure out how to keep you from asking me for facts.

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
TRANSLATION.............I have no idea what I'm talking about and I hope I can figure out how to keep you from asking me for facts.

sun, you don't listen to FACTS
and you just outright insulted me for attempting to uphold the integrity of a thread.

no, the accurate translation would be: this little tangent has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread. chapter and verse quotations to refute genesis.. where does that fall under the category of "why do people hate christians?"?

how about you start some sort of other discussion on genesis so i can comment there.

i was almost tempted to do what so many others have and put you on my ignore list

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
no, the accurate translation would be: this little tangent has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread. chapter and verse quotations to refute genesis..

If I may continue the translation, this little tangent has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread, and now that you're calling me on it, I'm going to point that out.

Come on, Madness, you were going along with it all the way up to the point where Sun called you and told you to show your cards.

To help finish that tangent, he's talking about the Genesis accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 4 being contradictory. However, they are not, and it has been discussed in detail on another thread (I think in Absolute Power of Christianity, but without the advanced search...)

posted on Mar, 28 2007 @ 10:48 PM
here's a reason that i hate christianity (and pretty much any other religion). christianity claims to have an absolute monopoly on an unchanging truth that is not proven and just accepted on the basis of "faith"

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 10:33 PM
I don't hate Christians as a whole. There's a few that I think I could stand to see be "raptured" a little ahead of schedule, but hey, that's them

However, as a whole, I greatly pity Christians. I cannot imagine either going through life in eternal terror that you're not "good enough" to enter a paradisaical afterlife, or coasting through life convinced that nothing you do actually matters because a man who died a few thousand years ago will forgive you and allow you into his wonderful kingdom regardless of what you do.

The three Abrahamic faiths reek of slavery and servitude. All three hinge on a history of being oppressed and disadvantaged. Right now, Christianity is the dominant religion in the Western world, and Islam is the dominant religion in most of what's left. But they BOTH insist that their followers are oppressed starvelings and that their religion is on the verge of destruction. You hear the same coming out of Israel about Judaism, even though they are the strongest military power in the region by far. All three believe that life is something to be endured in exchange for a glorious eternal afterlife. Furthermore all three hold that there will be a violent bloody massacre of all their "oppressors" - The Messiah, the Mahdi, the Second Coming - and the oppressed will come to rule the earth after all the bad ugly evil people of other religions are dead and conquered.

The religions, frankly, disgust me. I don't hate their followers, but how can I not pity any poor person who believes in an apocalyptic death cult that hinges on mindless servitude, no matter how popular it may be?

It really wouldn't be so bad if these weren't the sort of people in charge (remember they're oppressed and persecuted, though!) but they are. I don't hate them, but wow, they really try to get me to. One more beheading, one more mass reprisal, one more calling of a "crusade", cheered by throngs of the "righteous" just might push me into that territory.

And what is with the proselytizing, anyway? Not a week goes by without someone trying to get me to visit their church, and looking all sad and saying "You're in my prayers" when I tell them I'm not a Christian. What is the eternal quest for legitimacy through numbers about? I mean if I were to believe half the stuff I hear from these people, why would I WANT to join a religion that is oppressed, persecuted, and on the verge of extinction all over the world?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

However, as a whole, I greatly pity Christians. I cannot imagine either going through life in eternal terror that you're not "good enough" to enter a paradisaical afterlife, or coasting through life convinced that nothing you do actually matters because a man who died a few thousand years ago will forgive you and allow you into his wonderful kingdom regardless of what you do.

No need to pity a Christian as you are wrong on both counts. A Christian does not worry about being good enough as no one can be good enough as that why a savior was required. As for the second point, you are incorrect there also. Repentance or turning away is required. All fall short but that is not card blanche for business as usual.

The three Abrahamic faiths reek of slavery and servitude. All three hinge on a history of being oppressed and disadvantaged.

The term Abrahamic faith is misleading as Jews and Christians follow the same God..........Jews not realizing that Jesus is the Messiah just as their own scriptures declare will happen. The Muslim worship a diffent god. The moon god as the moon on their masques attest.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 02:20 AM
the easy answer is:

just take all the posts made on this board by xians concerning their "faith".

read them.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by I am Legend]

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
No need to pity a Christian as you are wrong on both counts. A Christian does not worry about being good enough as no one can be good enough as that why a savior was required. As for the second point, you are incorrect there also. Repentance or turning away is required. All fall short but that is not card blanche for business as usual.

I'm free to pity anyone who reveres the torture and murder of a man as the most sacred event in history, who's faith revolves around there being a "better place" that you have to die to get to, and that holds there will be a mass genocide of every other faith on earth as their "loving" executed god returns and demands obeisance or death from the multitudes. It's just incredibly sad for me to see so many people who hate life, both their own and everyone else's, so terribly much.

The term Abrahamic faith is misleading as Jews and Christians follow the same God..........Jews not realizing that Jesus is the Messiah just as their own scriptures declare will happen. The Muslim worship a diffent god. The moon god as the moon on their masques attest.

So would that mean Jews worship a star god and Christians worship a stick god? Yahweh, Jehova, Allah, are three languages' pronunciation of the same figure. All three claim descent from Abraham, and share his bloodthirsty tent-god. Personally though I think if Abraham could see the state you people have put yourselves in, he'd deconvert and go back to his idols.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Being that the title of the thread is "Why do people hate Christians", it's important to understand what "Christian" means. I can't stress this enough.

When you think of the word "Christian", what immediately comes to mind? Pat Robertson? The Crusades? George Bush? Mega-churches? Scandal? Jehovah's Witnesses? I can understand why. It's gotten to where I hardly like the word anymore, along with "religion".

Well, the truth is (I guess in a forum such as this, it's "my" truth)....
Much of the persecution that followers of the Way believe is coming their way will be a result of them being bundled together with other professing "Christians", the ones who are doing these awful things in the name of my God, and not at all doing the things Christ said to do. This is important to understand in relation to the title of the thread...who exactly is being hated? Maybe I'm just extremely naive, and I'm prepared to be shredded for saying this, but if someone were really and truly doing the things Jesus stressed to do, repeatedly, through multiple gospels, the "meat and potatoes" of His teachings (sermon on the mount, beatitudes, etc) in what way is that person putting himself in a position to be hated, exactly? Loving his enemies? Giving to the poor? Again, I mean the main tenets of His teaching. I understand that there are scriptures that would seem to contradict this..."I came to bring not peace, but a Sword", etc, But why is it so many people will hinge on some apocolyptic thing Jesus said, and debate its validity or what it means all day long, while never even contemplating the things He said to do plainly: be mild-mannered; give to the poor; LOVE your enemies; dont ask for the best seat; be content with what you have; etc. Why would anybody hate me for doing, or wanting to do, these things? I dont want to push anything on anybody, other than my actions being a possible example for someone else. I dont wanna knock on anyones door at 8am with the "Good News"; I dont want to influence politics or launch crusades. I only try to do be good person to others as an example, and I like to write songs about it. That's it. If someone wants to know about Jesus, or what I believe, I'll tell them. In fact, in every instance I can recall where I "spread the Word" to another person, it's been the other person who brings it (religion) up.
Yet I find myself more and more being lumped in with those other "Christians"; I see the validity of my Bible, indeed my very Saviour, being put under the microscope, "disproven", and all kinds of other things, and sometimes it can bum me out, because I can't prove Faith to anyone. I can't prove the existence of a "Holy Spirit". I can only know what I know, walk the walk, take comfort, and hope that my actions toward others can be a good example. Maybe, in the end, that's what a lot of "hatred" towards Christians will be about: simply believing in something you can't plainly see (but you can!)

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:25 PM
I think it's because of how many non-Christians see what Christians say/do/believe. Like...

How many Christians go to the club, get drunk, get high, have sex with non-spouses, work, etc., on Saturday, then go to church Sunday. Besides the obvious hypocrisy, they neglect the fact that the true Sabbath is Saturday, and they are thus breaking one of the 10 commandments (30 commandments, to be accurate).

How many Christians say their god is a jealous/vengeful god, without seeing a problem with this.

How many Christians damn non-Christians to eternal torture.

How the fact that the Christian god sanctions eternal torture is NOT what you would expect from a loving creator god.

How many Christians non-Christians meet are flat out hypocrites.

How many Christians are bloodthirsty maniacs, not unlike the Muslims they tend to rail against.

How many Christians are just plain annoying with their attempts to convert non-Christians.

Of course, this is all speculation on my part. Hell, I THINK I'm sure that many non-Christians think this way, but real talk, I can't say this is actually representative of their thoughts. Really, I can't even say hate is the proper word here. Sure, a lot of people probably hate Christians, but I think a better word might be despise, dislike, detest, or something.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:38 PM
On Theomatics (of note the Controversy section):

And it may help to consider the work of Acharya S in dispelling the Christ myth:

In reading her books, I have found them very compelling and "ring true" to me and my Catholic upbringing.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 08:38 PM
i dont know why people hate christians, i dont even know that people do...but i can tell you why i dont like "christians"...because there arent any. what i mean is, people dont even think about what they say. People who say they believe in heaven for instance, they cry when someone they know dies. This is an oxymoron. See, if i believed in heaven, i would be happy as f*ck when someone dies. straight up. you are going to see that person again, and it'll be for eternity...yet you cry as if you will never see them again. I dont like christians cuz there arent any, they dont even know what it means to be christian, they just do what other "christians" they see, do..

Their bible says thou shall not kill, yet they fork over all their tax money to kill people? Their bible says thou shall not steal, but they steal a whole country and kill most of its inhabitants and their entire way of life??? And then they sit on the country and call it their own?? I f*cking HATE "christians". they are all a bunch of loonys if you look at em objectively...straight up. i cant think of a more clear cut example of insanity than not understanding what you think you truly believe.

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 09:12 PM
First things first:

You have voted eyes2see for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

Now on to business, this looks interesting and would like to try to help...

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
i dont know why people hate christians, i dont even know that people do...but i can tell you why i dont like "christians"...because there arent any.

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't met any, but we do exist and it's nice to meet you. Once you meet Christians, you'll more than likely meet those who hate Christians. Oh wait, they're already on this thread and have said that they do. Feel free to scroll up or page back a few times for details.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
what i mean is, people dont even think about what they say. People who say they believe in heaven for instance, they cry when someone they know dies. This is an oxymoron.

It's funny you say this because I feel the same way when a believer dies. I have said I wanted a New Orleans-style funeral with trumpets and a celebration, but my family didn't seem to think it'd be appropriate. I wondered why for the exact reason you'd stated here. As "Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:60).

But, it appears that feeling the loss of that person in our lives causes people to grieve and cry. For me, I think I'd only cry or feel sad for those who are not on destination heaven.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
See, if i believed in heaven, i would be happy as f*ck when someone dies. straight up. you are going to see that person again, and it'll be for eternity...

I'm with ya.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
yet you cry as if you will never see them again.

...or more accurately, they will have to live the rest of their life here without that loved one. I'm not justifying it, just trying to help explain what others feel.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
I dont like christians cuz there arent any, they dont even know what it means to be christian, do? I thought you said there weren't any Christians, so how could you know? I'll play along though, what does it mean to be Christian?

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
they just do what other "christians" they see, do..

I've no doubt these people exist, but one must keep in mind the following:

"Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear." - Matthew 13:3

If you need assistance with the meaning, feel free to let me know.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
Their bible says thou shall not kill, yet they fork over all their tax money to kill people?

What? I don't get a say in tax money. It's gone before it gets to my bank.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
Their bible says thou shall not steal, but they steal a whole country and kill most of its inhabitants and their entire way of life???

When did I do this again? Here I thought I had a fairly strong memory.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
And then they sit on the country and call it their own??

My kingdom is not of this earth.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
I f*cking HATE "christians".

I thought you said you don't know people who do. Or are you saying you don't know yourself? That's an ever greater problem I think.

Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
they are all a bunch of loonys if you look at em objectively...straight up. i cant think of a more clear cut example of insanity than not understanding what you think you truly believe.

I see your judgement has been made "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." All the best with that, I hope for your sake mercy and compassion take precedence.

[edit on 1-4-2007 by saint4God]

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:14 AM

quote: Originally posted by wereallgonnalive
they are all a bunch of loonys if you look at em objectively...straight up. i cant think of a more clear cut example of insanity than not understanding what you think you truly believe.

But I understand what I truly believe! Yes, I drank milk before I moved on to solid food, and my understanding grows day by day, but fundamentally, I'm quite certain of what I "truly believe". And it has absolutely nothing to do with what most perceive as "Christianity" nowadays.

And thanks, Saint.
I've always thought you were a well-spoken individual in matters of Christ; and to anyone who wants to cut past the B.S. and get down to what it's all about, listen to Saint4God.

We can't, and WON'T, force anything on anyone; we merely scatter seed. Some will take root, and some will not. What is the seed? The Kingdom of God. What is the way to the Kingdom? Through Christ. What does "through Christ" mean? Among other things, it means, simply:
DO THE THINGS HE DID as best as God gave you the ability.
It has nothing to do with imposing any "Christian Law" on anybody, taking away your beer on Sunday (here in Ga., anyway), looking down on people, or being "holier-than-thou" or whatnot, all these things that supposed, or misguided, "Christians" are doing.
Help the poor.
Don't judge.
Be humble.
Time is short here.
Jesus spent much of His short time here serving and helping others. That's what "I am the Way" means. It doesnt mean just going to church, or wearing a crucifix, or trying to politicize Christianity, standing on some soapbox...if you believe what Jesus said, you know this world is given over to another; we don't believe any man who wants to bring Eden back to earth through might; we believe that it's the individual who needs attention; the lost and the poor; we're not trying to "convert" nations as a whole, as if there could be some "Christian Nation" here on earth at this time.

posted on Apr, 3 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Why do people hate Christians?

Because most of the civilized world belives in this non-sense of creationism and unexplainable facts. Plus is a mutt religion that is based on earlier texts that relate to events in history. I personaly think that all religions are null and void and that all religions are non-sense created to seperate the people in order to controll them. Divide and Conquer.

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

You seem confused. Facts and logic prove the Bible. Have you ever even read it?

The Bible is a book of facts. The question is do you have the faith to believe the facts. If you want to prove the existence of God, it is possible. All you have to do is follow the Bibical blueprint.

you clearly havent read and understood it yourself if you believe that
but then considering that you as a poster are incapable of saying anything that has ever been proven to be accurate I'm hardly surprised that you got this wrong too
see most of the worlds population don't believe in the Bible
it is after all a book written by a cranky middle eastern religion more than 2000 years ago
unless you include the new testament which claims to be about Jesus but doesnt contain a single gospel written by him

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

The term Abrahamic faith is misleading as Jews and Christians follow the same God..........Jews not realizing that Jesus is the Messiah just as their own scriptures declare will happen. The Muslim worship a diffent god. The moon god as the moon on their masques attest.

the Moslems worship a god who built the earth in seven days and who sent a flood to wash away the sinners
he is not a moon god

The moon and star is a symbol often used on flags or buildings of Islamic countries. Where the religion originated the days are so hot that the people often moved by night. The stars led the way and the moon lit the way. This symbol is sometimes used to show how Islam guides and lights a Muslim's way through life.
so that proves that once again you are an ignorant poster who doesnt know what hes talking about

how would you know anyway
youre a self confessed satanist
or did you forget saying this

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

there are other lords of which satan is one

posted on Apr, 7 2007 @ 03:21 PM
I think most people are fine with 'normal' Christians- it's the extremists that people hate/dislike. Most Muslims are nice people but there are those that twist the scriptures to support their point of view and the same goes for Christians. However I do partly agree with the Marxist view of religion- it keeps people in their place and can be used to control people. But I do think if religion is followed correctly and peacefully it can help people set up and maintain a 'moral bar'. It is the things that some extremists try to force on others such as saying using protection is wrong, gay people will and should burn in hell and non-believers getting cancer is something to rejoice over that upsets me and other people.

posted on Apr, 10 2007 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by EarthOne
Why do people hate Christians?

Because most of the civilized world belives in this non-sense of creationism and unexplainable facts.

Why do you think that is?

Originally posted by EarthOne
Plus is a mutt religion that is based on earlier texts that relate to events in history.

Are you sure it's not the other way around?

Originally posted by EarthOne
I personaly think that all religions are null and void and that all religions are non-sense created to seperate the people in order to controll them. Divide and Conquer.

Ah yes, the "mind control" assertion again. *puts on a tin foil hat* Now that I'm protected, care to explain how Christianity "controls" anyone?

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