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Question to those that support Southerners flying the Confederate Flag

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posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: kruphix

Hell yeah i do.

we have one that we will throw up from time to time, usually during CInco de Mayo.

Thank God for Mexico. Wonderful food, wonderful women....

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: kruphix

I'm guessing you haven't lived/visited the south west, that flag already flies all over the place.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Answer
I honestly don't give a solid damn what flag someone flies because they have a right, guaranteed by the First Amendment, to do so.

It's really as simple as that.

It’s not that simple when a government agency like a state government hangs the flag in an official government building

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Sure it is.

Honestly, if i even notice the flag flying on a flagpole, i immediately go back to not noticing it. In Texas it isn't uncommon to see Mexican flags, and the Republic of Texas flag, flying. It also isn't unusual to see the flag from the Battle of Gonzales flying in various capacities.

Hell, we have 2 amusement parks flying Spanish, Mexican, French, Texas, US, and the Confederate States (which, as many of you should have leanred this past week, is not the Stars and Bars "confederate flag").

I don't want to see it either, to be honest. But, on the other hand, i never cared enough to even mention it. And can't imagine a situation where I would care enough short of them running a swastika up the pole.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: kruphix
This whole thing about flying the Confederate flag, it was not about slavery but as mentioned the south wanting to succeeded from the union, but in todays world its all about slavery or racism, next I guess all the Muslims living in the United states are going to find the US Flag offensive and we will take that down as well, Hell lets just fly the Rainbow flag over the white house, the way this country is going I guess no one will complain about that flag.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 07:21 PM
They can fly it where they want. Are they, for example, replacing US flags or flying it over the US flag on a poll then there's no problem.

As a born and raised in the South person(no, not a Redneck) but support those who want to use the flag and I mostly don't agree with your points about the rebel flag. Such as number ten, to the ones who see it culturally it is not that.

edit on 3-7-2015 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2015 @ 08:15 PM
Yes, there are a lot of people who think that the confederate flag should not be in shows such as The Dukes of Hazard. Are you saying that I have the right to display the confederate flag in front of my home? In any television show I produce?

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 03:41 AM
we're probably going to be having this same debate in a decade only it's going to be about the stars and stripes and the union jack!

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: kruphix
What do you mean by "support"..?.. a nebulous premise. The definition relates to giving assistance, enabling..

If Joe Derp in Butttuckey says his runny ass wipe cloth on a stick is his nations battle flag, why should I care in Santa Cruz?.. he could marry his goat or bang his sister, mom & wife and it wont affect me in the least.

However, if his reprobate / toilet activities required my support, as in "material assistance".. like helping him go potty, or duct taping his sisters limbs... eh, nah.. I dont see myself showing up to support that.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: kruphix
a treasonous country that tried to secede.

This part of your sentence that I quoted is the answer to ALL your questions and is the ONLY difference between your comparison.

If it does not , then allow me to explain.....

If you as an individual, make a choice to voluntarily enter into a Union, do you not also have the right to dissolve that Union?

Breaking it down to the most simplest form that I can, let us take any relationship you have ever had with another human being.

If you voluntarily enter into a Union with another person, do you have the right to dissolve that Union if you feel the need? The answer is obviously yes. It is the whole concept behind divorce, which of course one must acknowledge the leading cause of divorce is simply stated as "irreconcilable differences" which is just a fancy way of saying, "We can't get along" or "We now have different interest". If you like to go to Church on Sunday and your spouse prefers to stay home and smoke crack- guess what? You'll probably get divorced because obviously you have two different interest.

So with that idea in mind, if a block of States voluntarily enter into a Union, do those State's not also have the right to voluntarily dissolve that Union?

Why is it that people shun the South and call it treason for doing the SAME thing that States of the former Soviet Union did, yet we applaude them for it? What if Russia had used force and military might and had a "Civil War" with those States to prevent them from leaving the Soviet Union? The world would be up in arms!! The world goes up in arms and cries 'foul' any time Russia gets involved in any Country that USED to be part of the Old Soviet Union, and we always hear something along the lines of "Well that used to be part of the old Soviet Union and maybe this is way of getting even, or taking it back, etc etc etc. Need n example? Georgia! Go peek at THIS recent thread about Putin and you will see this point come up on Page 1 of the thread.

Getting back to my point, this is the big difference and my whole point. How can one be "treasonous" for attempting to leave a Union they willing went into? You make such a statement and it comes off as so arrogant. "How DARE those Southern States choose to walk away from the Union. How DARE they decide to go it alone and be independent?!"

THIS is where heritage and pride come into play in this debate.

Coming at this issue with any idea that the Civil War was fought over slavery is just flat out false. It was an issue, but it was not the ONLY issue. It was fought over State's rights and the South wanting to dissolve the Union with the North. IN part fearing what would happen with the Western States coming INTO the Union. Slavery was of course on this list of concerns because it was no secret that Lincoln was attempting to stop slavery from spreading into the Western States, who again, were NOT yet part of the Union.

Personally, and as a matter of discolsure, I live in the South. I grew up in the North. Guess what? I don't give a rat's arse about a piece of cloth with a design on it. Regardless of weather or not it is the Confederate Flag or the flag of the USA. I don't care. It's a piece of fabric. My Government does not represent me anyway, why should I give a crap?

But our Politicians use these STUPID, MEANINGLESS debates to keep the people fighting amoungst themselves- and as long as we are fighting over these STUPID, MEANINGLESS issues- what we are not talking about is all the ways our Government is bending each and every one of us over the table of life and pounding our backsides like a two dollar whore and sticking it to each and every one of us.

I hope my reply answers your question or at the very least clears a few things up for you.

Happy "Independence" Day.

edit on 5-7-2015 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-7-2015 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: MrWendal

If you as an individual, make a choice to voluntarily enter into a Union, do you not also have the right to dissolve that Union?

When they entered that "Union", they agreed to be bound by the laws of the Constitution.

The Constitution does not give them the right to dissolve from the Union, it in fact very clearly defines what the South did as treason.

Try to make all the silly comparisons you want about relationships...but the fact remains that what the South did, by definition of what most people say they love...the Constitution, is in fact treason.

But I have a secondary question for you...if Southerners are so proud of the Confederacy that wanted to no longer belong to the United States...can Southerners also be proud to be an American?

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: kruphix

When they entered that "Union", they agreed to be bound by the laws of the Constitution.

The Constitution does not give them the right to dissolve from the Union, it in fact very clearly defines what the South did as treason.

However, the Declaration of Independence DOES allow the the right to dissolve the Union, and in fact refers to it as a "duty".

But I have a secondary question for you...if Southerners are so proud of the Confederacy that wanted to no longer belong to the United States...can Southerners also be proud to be an American?

Sure they can. Are you suggesting that a Southern who was not alive at the time the South wanted to leave the Union, was no part of that decision, and has spent their whole life being identified as an American shouldn't be?

American in my view is more defined by geographical location. If that is not the case, how would you possibly explain Hawaiians? Hawaii is part of America. Should people from that land stop referring to themselves as Hawaiian and instead refer to themselves strictly as American?

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: kruphix

I see your point, and it makes sense. I was never aware before that conservatives were offended by Mexican flags being flown.

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: Answer
I honestly don't give a solid damn what flag someone flies because they have a right, guaranteed by the First Amendment, to do so.

It's really as simple as that.

It’s not that simple when a government agency like a state government hangs the flag in an official government building

Well that wasn't the question asked by the OP was it?

Reading is fundamental.

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