posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 04:38 PM
Firstly, I'm pretty new here so if this belongs in a separate place, please redirect this.
Secondly, I am from the UK (obviously) and I am seriously asking how other residents feel about the stuff below; am I the only one who feels his way?
Am I wrong in the stuff that I've highlighted?
And lastly, and but in no means less importantly, how do non-UK folks see this?
- Trains. The rails are too hot. The weather is too cold. It was the wrong kind of snow/leaves/ET.
- Cancelations/delays/cattle truck class. The driver couldn't be ar$3d to turn up for work.
- Heathrow. A third runway that will boost the economy but destroy a village. Economists that
probably don't live in the flight path and have no concept of noise/fuel pollution.
- Crime. Teenager stabbing teenager. ISIS indoctrination. Paedophilia. The government (yes, tax is
theft as far as I'm concerned). Lack of punishment/deterrent. Holiday camp prisons.
- Welfare state. Mother of 1,387 children expects tax payer to pay for her 1,388th kids' shoes.
- Illegals expect, and get, preferential treatment before residents.
- NHS. A&E packed with non-A&E cases. Lack of beds. Lack of care. Money men over life-and-death.
- Budgets cuts over life-and-death. Overworked, underpaid nurses/paramedics/doctors. Admin blunders.
- Immigration. Anyone, anywhere, from anywhere, can get here. Did we deport them? Can we deport
them? Or is that too politically incorrect? Let's let the whole world in.
- Pandering. We have minority rule. PC is causing lack of freedom of speech (example: I don't agree
with XXXX but I will be shot down into the bowels of Hades for saying so). Yes Sir, Mr. EU Sir, we'll do exactly as we're told (and no, Cameron
ain't gonna get no love).
- EU. No ta. They hate us. They will screw us. We all know this but the powers that be still think it's a good thing. Mark my wyrds (sic).