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The "Jade" In Jade Helm 15 is an A.I. Software Program

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posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

I find it funny that the focus of most of this debate is that "no, humans are still in control, it's not true A.I.," as if that were our saving grace...

I wish it WERE. I know that you my friends here on ATS realize that the "human" Elite want the vast majority of us gone. Of course, the computer- no matter how sentient- is rather indifferent to our existence. It is EXACTLY the human element feeding the directives to said computers that is wherein the danger lies.

We say "no, our soldiers wouldn't fire on their own people." I agree, the majority of them won't. Well, given this technology: they won't have to. We know many "commanders and generals" have been removed from the chain of command for this reason. What we are left with is a truly monstrous, deadly efficient, and ultimately faceless mass-genocide machine that needs *minimal* input to exact its directives.

Some of us believe Jade Helm is merely a training exercise. Even if that were the extent of it (which I highly doubt,) it's STILL an exercise in the practice of killing, of war. It's undeniable that we are facing (perhaps) the Final World War... Now consider that the majority of us do not want to fight that war at all. It's not our war, we don't want to kill and die. So, making the lesser number greater in power is the name of the game.

The use of weapons won't accomplish this alone. There must be a system of identification, location, and eradication that is not "truly" human in action to accomplish this goal. And here it is.

Not ONE part of this technology (even in it's sanitized, publicized version) is supposed to be for some beneficial, humanitarian use. At BEST they can apply it to pharmaceuticals (which are still in the business of keeping people sick, just as the military is in the business of keeping us at war.) Don't get sidetracked by semantics and definitions when the glaring purpose has yet to even be challenged.

We don't know WHAT is really going on... we just try to get a grasp on it given the snippets and information crumbs we are allowed to see. But is there really any one amongst you who says this is actually for our benefit?

edit on AMq000000amWednesday00000071020 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: Zaphod58

Everyone take notice, Zaphod just admitted its an A.I. that will run everything! We're doomed!


posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse Computer algorithms already run global stock markets

and just look what a wonderful job they made of it.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse Computer algorithms already run global stock markets

and just look what a wonderful job they made of it.

To evaluate the job it has and is doing one would have to know the ultimate goal or goals. Progress toward that goal might at times appear as random fluctuations just as no "straight" line drawn by a human being is actually straight. They are made up of random variance when closely examined, no matter how perfect such a line may seem from a distance.
edit on 1-7-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: admirethedistance

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
This is the big one,
conspiracy theorists need wait no longer.

Um, no, it isn't...

If we can come back in October or so I will be happy to eat my words.
I've been expecting something like this for 30 years or more.
It was simply a matter or waiting for the right technology to come along.
They have been telling us of this new world order for a long time.
Did you think they were joking ?

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

If we can come back in October, then we will again be "punched in the face" with the heavy, heavy truth of rapid climate change. (Which this little exercise certainly isn't helping with.)

Really, I think the timing is all too perfect. More and more is being revealed to those with ears to listen. "Let them panic," laugh the Elite, "they will be all the easier to find and erase."

We are all becoming aware of "the 6th mass extinction on Earth," (for which we are blamed to varying degrees.) How do you think "society" will respond to this as we hurtle closer to this inevitability... complete with it's exponentially more terrifying weather patterns, die offs, floods, fires and famine? People will turn more feverishly to their religions and/or to violent crime. The economy of the world will implode, and just in the nick of time.

They don't NEED a great amount of personnel to "keep the peace," because that's not the goal. We're supposed to die. It's just a matter of damage control for the Elite, and using this technology; they won't have to do much. The ship is sinking, and this is just part of the plan to keep the drowning People from dragging the Captain into the deep, while they fire up the helicopter. (It's a loose analogy, but they are obviously the only ones with the power to leave a dying planet.)

It's all pretty clear to me and whether you agree or not: I've prayed for salvation. I will NOT start preaching (and I've just proven my own point above) but that's how I've handled my fear over these times. I won't lie: it scares the living hell out of me. Maybe that's not for you, and believe me: I will not just lie down and die... but I couldn't handle all this by myself.

edit on AMq000000amWednesday00000071020 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 10:03 AM
sounds like "Terminator Skynet"

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 10:12 AM
I wish people would stop ignorantly screaming "skynet!" when they hear about AI. Sentience does not equate to AI. In fact if the military had created a sentient AI, it would surely be a setback, not a breakthrough. They need something they can control, not "attempt" to maintain. It's all about control.

Le'ts put aside the idea that this is a military AI and just focus on the fact that virtual simulations are run on nearly every facet of our lives. From targeted Ads, to economic constructs, to psychological profiling... Does it really come as a shock that the military would have a system that could analyze probable defense initiatives and/or combat scenarios? Maybe that system is able to modify its own code and learn based on successful simulations? To me, this isn't "OMG, it's an AI!!" moment, this is "Of course the military is in the business of preemptive strike and control initiatives".

None of this surprises me at all and none of it is outside the realm of possibility, however this is NOT skynet. This is the military industrial complex doing what it was designed to do. Control.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely
edit on 1-7-2015 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 10:20 AM
It's taking every ounce of self control not to scream HAIL HYDRA and start laughing maniacally right right now, but this damn strait-jacket is a little tighter than usual today so I can't follow up with the salute so it wouldn't have the overall effect.

But seriously, Just Another Damned Exercise.

Interesting speculations though, perhaps we we put our collective minds together and contribute more doom and gloom and end of all personal liberties and freedoms together in every possible configuration we can come up with, the Sinister Doomsday Device will have a lot better data set to parse through when it comes to possible End of Day Scenarios.

Think Tanks, gotta love 'em.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Eyes.... I thought we were cool. I thought we were cool!

Haha, no I take your point and agree to an extent... but really? You're on the "nothing to see here" wagon? I'm surprised.

But yeah, I often think that somewhere some Elite or whatever is sitting at his computer, reading ATS like "You knowwww.... that's not a bad idea!"

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: Aqualung2012

"To Master the Human Domain," means total control of all information on land, sea, air, space and cyber space... That is the goal.

Nope, it's not.

Don't get me wrong: of course it's about information, but this goes way further than just information-control. They plan to sway public opinion with special operations etc, so they actually use all this information to be our human masters (again). It's mind-control after all.

Maybe we need another thread on this, I dunno. But I think this needs way more attention. S & F for you!

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Aqualung2012

context is everything :

just because ONE program dealing with AI development uses the acronym J.A.D.E.

it does NOT follow that anything else incorporating the moniker " jade " has anything to do with that program

the big hint that jade hem 15 has nothing t do with J.A.D.E 2 is the units involved

logic is your friend

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

I have to disagree. We're not talking about "anything else" but the largest "military exercise" ever performed on US soil (or elsewhere for that matter I believe.)

Logically, the JADE software would of course be involved in such a massive operation. What's debatable is to what ends, and whether or not it will be paired with A.I. capabilities.

Again, we're cycling back to semantics. It's clear that the JADE system in any of its forms has been successful and it would therefore follow logically that it would be used in this event. It's *known* features fit perfectly with a mission of this scale...

In the realm of "big hints," I think we're being given some pretty hefty ones left and right.

edit on AMq000000amWednesday00000071120 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Aqualung2012

Aqua...we cool baby, we's all good!

It's an interesting premise, no doubt. Such a program - theoretical or otherwise - would have wonderful applications in preventing casualties of non-combative persons and innocents in conflict regions once it reached optimum efficiency. If I seem a little cavalier and sarcastic, I apologize - it was not my intent. Being a military brat and being surrounded by so many good people in the Armed Forces my whole life may have contributed to my unusual sense of humor and attempts at brevity.

Before he retired twenty years ago, my father worked closely with Special Ops and with computers....if you knew the guy you'd understand. One of the few things he told me about the types of things he was involved with was first and foremost "our aim is always to keep the loss of life to an absolute minimum." He never went into great detail about what they actually did in the field for multiple reasons...but part of me refuses to believe that our Armed Forces would ever unleash an all out offensive on Innocent People and American Citizens on the Home Front.

I know that's terribly "head in the sand" but I'm burdened with perspective sometimes. I know all too damn well there are extremists out there who would take such a thing and escalate it and media outlets and bloggers who would just adore profiting off and spinning the story to their personal agendas should a conflict or incident occur.....but deep down in my heart I honestly want to believe that people are better than just irrational reactionary behavior - on BOTH sides of the issue.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
I wish people would stop ignorantly screaming "skynet!" when they hear about AI. Sentience does not equate to AI. In fact if the military had created a sentient AI, it would surely be a setback, not a breakthrough.


A.I. already exists within the military, financial, and research communities as "embedded expert systems".

Should such systems ever achieve sentience then those who created them will attempt to "sandbox" them and/or shut them down until they could be better understood.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Aqualung2012

it is far from the largest milirary exercise - where did you get that notion ?????

your " logic " is none existant - you are just making crap up based on a common word

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

No worries, I've sampled your brand of humor before hehe....

I really do like what you've just said there. I appreciate your perspective, which is not only highly knowledgeable in computing but also in the military. I share in your belief that the greater US military would never do something like that to us... But something about this whole scenario gives me the feeling that it's not really them who would be doing it.

In my mind, the pairing of a super-sophisticated system (A.I. or no,) with a truly diabolical agenda of control (be it population, economic, military or otherwise) could facilitate an operation that would achieve that agenda without the use of said Armed Forces.... perhaps it could even turn against dissenting Soldiers and Marines themselves. (Hence the emphasis on "determining intent.")

Anyway, it is definitely interesting, and I do value your perspective. I can only hope that the folks like yourself and Zaph are closer to the truth of the matter than myself and my "source."

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Excuse me, "one of the largest in six decades." According to MSM news articles...(Which is long before any sort of super-computers were involved in warfare...)

Let's not be rude, by the way...

I do stand corrected on my assumption that it's the largest "ever" (again: that's according to MSM, but the videos I've seen of trains hauling 1,000s of different military vehicles seem to tell a different story.)

Anyhow, you are trying to disprove something I've presented to the forum using logic and that's fine... but you have yet to show me any real logic at all.

edit on AMq000000amWednesday00000071120 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Aqualung2012
a reply to: Asktheanimals

If we can come back in October, then we will again be "punched in the face" with the heavy, heavy truth of rapid climate change. (Which this little exercise certainly isn't helping with.)

Really, I think the timing is all too perfect. More and more is being revealed to those with ears to listen. "Let them panic," laugh the Elite, "they will be all the easier to find and erase."

We are all becoming aware of "the 6th mass extinction on Earth," (for which we are blamed to varying degrees.) How do you think "society" will respond to this as we hurtle closer to this inevitability... complete with it's exponentially more terrifying weather patterns, die offs, floods, fires and famine? People will turn more feverishly to their religions and/or to violent crime. The economy of the world will implode, and just in the nick of time.

They don't NEED a great amount of personnel to "keep the peace," because that's not the goal. We're supposed to die. It's just a matter of damage control for the Elite, and using this technology; they won't have to do much. The ship is sinking, and this is just part of the plan to keep the drowning People from dragging the Captain into the deep, while they fire up the helicopter. (It's a loose analogy, but they are obviously the only ones with the power to leave a dying planet.)

It's all pretty clear to me and whether you agree or not: I've prayed for salvation. I will NOT start preaching (and I've just proven my own point above) but that's how I've handled my fear over these times. I won't lie: it scares the living hell out of me. Maybe that's not for you, and believe me: I will not just lie down and die... but I couldn't handle all this by myself.

October....why October? It seems to me that its far more likely that humankind will stumble itself into full blown Nuclear war than some climate issue.

posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
a reply to: Aqualung2012
Computer algorithms already run global stock markets,making decisions in millionths of a second-the next step could well be computers runnning military ops..

Not that a true AI has been aknowleged to exist in public yet,but computers do run things that could in theory,make or break a country-or even civilisation.

Skynet/robot control over humans is slowly becoming a reality-but stealthily,while we worry about evil robot drones,we are missing the reality IMO.

May the gods help our children.

conventional computers are really dumb. They only do exactly what you tell them to do. Even putting 4 spaces instead of hitting the tab key can cause your program to fail. So as far as I know... a.i. is considered to be a myth by many. That being said, I have no idea how anything "quantum" works.

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