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Revalations? End of DAYS?

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posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: deathslayer

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: deathslayer

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
I am wondering

Is it soon?
This is just another reason not to trust the religious minded. Why do you salivate at the thought of the end times? You want to be right so bad that you would accept the end of the human race to prove a point? Your holy book doesn't know the difference between a star and two planets? Do you have any idea how many planetary alignments happen every day in our galaxy? Delusions are dangerous. Smh.

Who said we are "salivating?" We were told to watch so that we would not be caught unaware and unprepared.

No one wants the world to end, but no one wants to be caught off guard by it either.

As my dad use to say: "Let God kill them all and let him sort this out".

As you know the world will never end....there will be a cleansing however and I can not wait even if it brings death to me because I know that there will be others who will deserve it.

Of course all of us will not be killed...... according to the bible - when the time comes.....a minimum of two thirds of the planet population will die over a short time.

so two thirds or 66% of all people being eliminated is a lot of assholes, mean, arrogant, self serving, greedy, war mongering people.......not a bad start.

And here it is. What Christianity awaits. The pouring out of god's wrath on the heathens, and the murder of billions of people(by god himself) that don't belong to the Jesus clique. Kinda hard to contain that glee, isn't it?

I can NOT wait and look forward to it.

I can't wait and hope to be alive when it occurs so I can watch you fools run around screaming your asses off while trying to make some weak ass attempt in repenting with the only intention of saving your own ass.

Luke 6

45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

I think you have just shown us the abundance of your heart.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: deathslayer

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: deathslayer

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: cavtrooper7
I am wondering

Is it soon?
This is just another reason not to trust the religious minded. Why do you salivate at the thought of the end times? You want to be right so bad that you would accept the end of the human race to prove a point? Your holy book doesn't know the difference between a star and two planets? Do you have any idea how many planetary alignments happen every day in our galaxy? Delusions are dangerous. Smh.

Who said we are "salivating?" We were told to watch so that we would not be caught unaware and unprepared.

No one wants the world to end, but no one wants to be caught off guard by it either.

As my dad use to say: "Let God kill them all and let him sort this out".

As you know the world will never end....there will be a cleansing however and I can not wait even if it brings death to me because I know that there will be others who will deserve it.

Of course all of us will not be killed...... according to the bible - when the time comes.....a minimum of two thirds of the planet population will die over a short time.

so two thirds or 66% of all people being eliminated is a lot of assholes, mean, arrogant, self serving, greedy, war mongering people.......not a bad start.

And here it is. What Christianity awaits. The pouring out of god's wrath on the heathens, and the murder of billions of people(by god himself) that don't belong to the Jesus clique. Kinda hard to contain that glee, isn't it?

I can NOT wait and look forward to it.

I can't wait and hope to be alive when it occurs so I can watch you fools run around screaming your asses off while trying to make some weak ass attempt in repenting with the only intention of saving your own ass.

Luke 6

45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

I think you have just shown us the abundance of your heart.

You ALLEGE that you have preached in the past? I do not believe you. However you CAN twist scripture to meet your needs.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: Klassified

I suppose Nero was such a lovely warm, kind and considerate man, the epitome of human evolution. Check out all these lovely pre Abrahamic societies. They were oh so cuddly, not.

Personally I think our societies in the West are in for a nasty fall. They'll become so immoral and will be taken over by other powers who are clued up and maintain a sense of morality. Already China is expanding and owns huge assets - chunks of the U.S and UK. Do you really trust the STATE and PC to fill in all the gaps of spiritual development? Is the State all kind and caring like baby Jesus and looking out for our wellbeing? I have had nothing but intimidation from them all my days. I avoid officialdom like the plague itself. In Belgium I was just reading that a young Lady has requested to die because she gets depressed. They will do it for her. Oh the glories of liberal modern society. I think it stinks. Life has become very cold and unfriendly. I detest how shallow and superficial people are becoming.

Well I'm sure you and the anti Christ will be great mates with attitudes like you express. Good luck with that!

Time will tell for sure as it always does.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: borntowatch

Repent accept Christ as Lord and savior.

Been there, done that. I spent my time preaching salvation to the godless of this world. Unfortunately, some listened and became Christian. Something I am ashamed of, and will have to live with the rest of my life.

Oh sorry thats preaching and you hate that, best I shut up.

No more than you hate anyone challenging your belief in a book full of perverted history and plagiarized mythology from those who precede it.

These threads are a warning, choose to ignore them and not believe.

You could call them a warning, I suppose. I prefer to call them evidence of a contagion that has plagued our species for many centuries now. One that is a mutation of its predecessor, and therefore, even more deadly to those exposed to it. A contagion that once infected me, and cost me dearly to eradicate from my life.

Do you only come here to troll Mr Klassified Warn you, you dont like it Dont warn you and you think we are the Jesus clique who wants you to suffer eternally

Just as you believe you have been given a mandate to preach the gospel. I am the antithesis to that mandate.

You could never be happy, you just want to vent your hate at us.

That makes you feel quite smug, doesn't it? To believe you are persecuted and hated as a Christian? It's like a drug, really. You need it. It feeds the ego, and gives you an emotional high. It confirms your bias, and reinforces your conviction that you must be right.

The truth is, I have no hatred for you, or any other Christian. I do however, despise Christianity itself, and any other religion that holds to similar doctrine and theology. These religions are an abomination to society, and devastating to our growth as a species. This thread is part and parcel of that very thing. The doctrine of fear and bigotry must end if we are ever to grow as individuals, and as a collective. The Abrahamic religions are a hindrance to that growth.

I speak out, not from hate, but from passion and conviction. How you perceive it, is up to you.

Klassified its boring and trollish

You just rant and rant at people who disagree with you.

I dont hate anyone challenging my beliefs, a talking donkey, global flood and creation from nothing
Even I find them hard to believe

You just want to hate and argue because thats all you have, thats why you are here.
You are as bad as a fundy christian, probably was one, it was you that was broken not the gospel

If you were anything like you are now when a Christian, well.....

Must have been a tough childhood, sorry for you.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 09:52 AM
a reply to: deathslayer

The guy says how much he hates Christianity then uses lessons from scripture. I don't think her really knows his ass from his elbow.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: deathslayer

I am not scared and not scared to talk about it. It apparently disturbs you other wise you would not have made a comment. GOOD.

I can't wait and hope to be alive when it occurs so I can watch you fools run around screaming your asses off while trying to make some weak ass attempt in repenting with the only intention of saving your own ass.


You have just proved every point i have made in this thread. Thanks for making my job easier. I bet at least five people just decided to leave their religion behind, based on your post alone.

Your end time scenario will never come because it is not real. Your belief in god is only a smokescreen to hide your hate for yourself.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: deathslayer

I am not scared and not scared to talk about it. It apparently disturbs you other wise you would not have made a comment. GOOD.

I can't wait and hope to be alive when it occurs so I can watch you fools run around screaming your asses off while trying to make some weak ass attempt in repenting with the only intention of saving your own ass.


You have just proved every point i have made in this thread. Thanks for making my job easier. I bet at least five people just decided to leave their religion behind, based on your post alone.

Your end time scenario will never come because it is not real. Your belief in god is only a smokescreen to hide your hate for yourself.

So you want to make a bet? You bet...... blah blah blah.... I can tell you are a gambler based on your statements you have made about God and anyone who has faith in God, the problem is you have a pair of two's and I have a Royal Straight Flush and you just went all in.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 10:16 AM
It seems to me that this thread is about prophecy, not about the religion it came from. Perhaps instead of trying to marginalize Christian beliefs and the attitude of some believers, why not address the issue of said prophecies? Why not put forth an argument that supports or refutes said prophecies instead of putting forth preconceived attitudes for or against said religion?

It seems some people are merely here to support their position for or against the religion without really addressing the original post's question about the prophecy itself.

Is prophecy even possible? If so is this particular one credible or not?

IMO the responses should be addressing that and nothing else. The responses should support or refute this prophecy with documented facts and honest arguments. Many here seem to be stirring up emotions rather than dealing with the questions posed by the original poster. By doing this, the intention of this discussion is effectively being derailed.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
It seems to me that this thread is about prophecy, not about the religion it came from. Perhaps instead of trying to marginalize Christian beliefs and the attitude of some believers, why not address the issue of said prophecies? Why not put forth an argument that supports or refutes said prophecies instead of putting forth preconceived attitudes for or against said religion?

It seems some people are merely here to support their position for or against the religion without really addressing the original post's question about the prophecy itself.

Is prophecy even possible? If so is this particular one credible or not?

IMO the responses should be addressing that and nothing else. The responses should support or refute this prophecy with documented facts and honest arguments. Many here seem to be stirring up emotions rather than dealing with the questions posed by the original poster. By doing this, the intention of this discussion is effectively being derailed.

That is what Klassified and Woodcarver do with EVERY religious thread. They are both "Hell bent" in pushing their atheistic agenda.

Watch how a religious thread draws those unbelievers like a moth to light! Why would anyone want to participate in a religious thread if they don't believe in God anyway? The way Woodcarver and Klassified speak about God or religion you can see the "real" hate they have BUT look how quick they make weak attempts at trying to turn it around. It is so obvious.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: deathslayer

You have to admit that they are bringing out religious posters with off topic comments. That seems to be their only purpose. I simply refuse to entertain the baiting from such off topic posts, it merely causes thread drift and fills the thread with pages of garbage comments.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Just get on with it. You want to be raptured? Then, say your prayers, and stop worrying about it. You're fine! Right? No worries! All prayed up and ready to go. So, fare thee well. Adieu. Bon voyage. You already have your ticket.

(And don't worry about sending a postcard or calling to let us know you arrived safely....we're not worried.)
*waves goodbye* Have fun!!!

Yea, you don't seem worried either. Or nervous.
Just remember an insurance policy is only good
when accepted before a crash. Get yours for free now.
It's the best insurance out there if you really need to think
of it that way. It's really nice to have no worries too. No nervousness
think'n you might of missed out and end up with a sucky life all
shortened to #### by an evil that absolutely hates you beyond
all that you've ever known. Who wouldn't want to say good bye to this
####hole Buzzy? This is where I ask you for the first time sweetheart.
Come with us to where you only be loved. What's so bad about that?

edit on Ram62815v14201500000001 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

I MERELY asked a question,I didn't EXPECT a Spanish INQUSITION! And I'm not PREACHING I have NO PLACE doing that as I AM NOT that well versed in scriputure.HENCE asking OTHERS about it.
YOU behave as if MODERN Christianity behaves like Jihadists.
Christianity didn't have a THING to do with the District Of Columbia , THAT is run by CASH, as we ALL well know.
LOOSING your MIND as you do does NOTHING to disuade us from ASKING a damn QUESTION.
I am no PERFECT Chistian at all I do pray OFTEN asking for help and sometimes I even get it .
But I don't go frothing at the mouth about sin ...maybe P.C. crap that's currently destroying the country, but THAT is from my military background and a LOVE of America.
HOW EVIL of me...
edit on 28-6-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 11:49 AM
Seriously, if everyone would just address the OP's questions with documented facts and logical arguments, this thread could move along without lashing out or trying to protect personal beliefs unrelated to the main topic.

I'm not going to mention this anymore because it will just help bury the original poster's questions. Simply ignore the unrelated comments and those posting them will go away disappointed that no one cares to entertain them.

ETA: Either prophecy is possible or it is not, argue that and provide some supporting evidence. That is the intention of this post. I've seen this topic a lot on ATS and there are good arguments for both.
edit on 28-6-2015 by MichiganSwampBuck because: added extra comments

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

All right:

If we suppose that the end times are coming and are being put in place by God, then we would have to look at the prophecies of the Abrahamic religions for our guide. Even if you take the tack that Islam is at least in part motivated by Satan, it still fits in as part of the Abrahamic tradition and its prophecies of the end still dovetail nicely although slightly skewed.

And yes, there are other prophecies of the end running around the world. These fit in with the ones of the Abrahamic tradition with varying degrees of accuracy. If you believe that God is the God of the world, then you also have to believe that He has been speaking to people all throughout just like Satan has been at work in the world too.

Also, you have to understand that prophecy doesn't always fulfill itself like you would expect.

They always say that no one knows the day or the hour when Christ will return, only the Father. But there is reason to speculate that this is a clue as much as a blatant statement that no one will or can know. Yom Teruah is one of the feast days that does not begin until the first sliver of moon is visually sighted. So, no one does ever know the exact day or hour of that feast, and as Christ fulfilled all the spring feasts with the Holy Spirit fulfilling Pentecost, and we know God has His appointed times ... do we expect the fall feasts to not be fulfilled in similar fashion? Maybe, maybe not.

There is the same degree of speculation and uncertainty about the possibility of a Rapture event or most any other event in prophecy. We were told that understanding was shut up until the end. That could mean that those who watch and prepare and study will begin to unravel some of these things so as to have some idea what to be looking for, and it could also mean that it will only become clear as things begin to happen, too.

That's why prophecy is such a fascinating subject to study.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Why do you shout every other word? It makes you sound like a loon.
Even if you type something sensible.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: deathslayer
Deathslayer, Borntowatch, and Revolution9...

Thank you for your rebuttals to my posts. I am humbled by such Christ-like behavior. You are stellar examples of the love, forgiveness, and single-mindedness of the Christian faith. Your heart for the lost shines through in your words. Jesus would no doubt be proud of the way you represent him to those who don't know him.

To the OP: The first example you gave is simply a rare astrological event that we happen to be alive to witness. The second is self-fulfilling prophecy at best. imho.

edit on 6/28/2015 by Klassified because: eta

edit on 6/28/2015 by Klassified because: oops

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: boymonkey74

I am not shouting it's EMPHASIS.
People are SLOW lately and it gets their attentions to the subject instead of how they would seel to define it by THEIR ideas.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Klassified

So in your opinion ,scripture isn't applicable?

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Can you please expound on this statement?

No one wants the world to end, but no one wants to be caught off guard by it either.

Seriously?! ^^^

Can you please explain to me the difference between having a front row ticket to the apocalypse vs. being unaware that the end is near.

Q: How does one become caught of off guard about the idea of death?

The only way somebody can be caught off guard is to assume they would of lived forever on Earth. Talk about "Denying Ignorance".

If one lives with such fear and despair to the point of entertaining doom, perhaps they should live each day as if it were their last....that would certainly eliminate the fearful mindset of becoming "caught of guard" which means: To live life in a state of carelessness.

For some, the END has already come and gone....

edit on 28-6-2015 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: randyvs

This is where I ask you for the first time sweetheart.
Come with us to where you only be loved. What's so bad about that?

Thanks, randy. I'm confident I'll get there anyway. On a different road, though. I'll take my time, thanks.
See ya then.

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