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Is satan a Dragon? Are Dragons Dinosaurs?

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posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: cooperton

So Satan went from being a massive primordial beast existing well before human, to a technological tool, well after humans?

edit on 22-6-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: cooperton

So Satan went from being a massive primordial beast existing well before human, to a technological tool, well after humans?

666 is "the number of the beast". It is not the same entity as the beast. I am not sure if satan is a literal dragon that is leading the world astray (making any unbeliever even more in disbelief, but, truth is stranger than fiction so who knows?) or if it is a prophetic message that the great dragon (dinosaurs) will lead the people astray; due to an older theorized age for the world than says Genesis.
edit on 22-6-2015 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: cooperton

I can tell how unsure you are, since your comparing a giant of creature able to flatten mountains, cause Tsumnami's, and is so knowledgeably about the dark arts physically comparable to God...

to a man made invention that has the same effect stories of fighting dragon and saving damsels in distress dinosaur toys would make kids stay and not go to church?

Your arguements are flawed...

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:28 AM
Double Post
edit on 22-6-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 11:55 AM
Mother Aioaska often presents herself as a serpent. The story of Adam and Eve eating the Apple is symbolic of drinking aioaska. In "biblical" days people considered plants our teachers, then the church came along......and well, they turned something so natural and beautiful into something sinister and evil because they couldn't control it. Mother Aioaska, well she was .... hmmm, she was teaching people too many things. Like how to nicely treat one another.

The Dark Ages was a world of religious fanatics bent on murdering anyone that questioned their superior "faith."

We fast forward to today, an evil place. A place where there's total war on consciousness, a place where humans consider themselves superior, so much so they ban FREAKING PLANTS.

The church did a very very great job at robbing people of their birth right: KNOWLEDGE.

And this needs to be repeated and thought critically about: If the US of A is a "supposed" Christian nation, and the bible states that Egypt was an evil hierarchy, why is an Egyptian Pyramid on every dollar bill?
edit on 22-6-2015 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: cooperton

(I read the rest of your post, but want to focus it to this to avoid derail). This is the issue, it is speculative.

How much of it did you actually read then? You claim it is entirely speculative and imply that it's meaningless as a result, ignore the reasons I give for it NOT being speculative and ignore the citations and quote that support the legitimacy. In fact you address NOTHING except for taking 2 sentences and providing them without clear context and then pronouncing that 'yup... all speculation, no actual science involved here'. Sorry but this approach is bulls#

Especially since soft tissue is remaining in fossilized tissue, not just in T-rex, but other samples that are proposed to be from long long ago.

Again, I addressed this in my prior reply before confirmation bias swept through collective reasoning. You are drastically misrepresenting the facts here. It's not like there is liquid and viable red blood cells that can be drawn into a syringe and then tested in a laboratory as though the organic matter is fresh. The soft tissue is also fossilized. Are you bothering with any due diligence? Are you reading the sources? or are you sticking with Genesis Park as your primary source? Soft tissue fossilization isn't really a new phenomenon. It's how we know what the skin of some dinosaurs looked like. It's how we know that many dinosaurs had feathers on them. Dr. Schweizer was the first person to take a thin cross section of bones and place it under an SEM for more in depth analysis.It was a lark and something that is becoming more prevalent now that the technology is available and we are finding that this is not as rare an occurrence as was initially thought.

We must keep an open eye, if we put on blinders to other evidence,

Then please provide the evidence. Anecdotal references though aren't evidence. If you want to counter science, you have to do it with newer science. Taking a novel interpretation of a 10th century manuscript for example, is not the same as providing scientific evidence in favor of your hypothesis.

such as humans living alongside dinosaurs. The evidence I gave makes a significant case that dinosaurs did live alongside humans,

I'm sorry but what you present does not make a significant case at all. You are attempting to rebut science and do so with conjecture, hyperbole, sheer speculation but not an iota of science. Not a single citation referring to a journal or other publication, no peer reviewed publications, not even an article alluding to publication that bends in your direction. There simply is no evidence of humans living side by side with dinosaurs. There are, as I mention earlier in this thread, several very large lizards in the Monitor family ranging from 7 or 8 ft long to 10-12 feet long of which we have living exemplars and older extinct specimens from Australia that were in excess of 20 feet and possibly closing in on 30 feet in length, all of which did in fact live side by side with humans in their own fashion(humans and other mammals were their dinner), none of which are dinosaurs or were( neither before nor after 1842).

If you want to provide evidence of a dinsosaur living contemporaneously with humans then provide remains that can be dated within the last 200KA in Africa or the last 40KA in Europe

and the biggest argument against that is all the old dates of existence we have for these beasts.

No, the biggest argument against it is that outside of fiction, poems and stories there is no physical evidence for dinosaurs AFTER the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.

You would certainly be more receptive of the OP if it did not defy scientific dogma on the age of the dinosaurs.

No, that's not how science works. If the data is verifiable, testable and repeatable then its a pretty open and shut case. The evidence, if it's there, is all that needs to be presented. Dogma plays no role in this whatsoever. You, despite your protestations, have not provided a shred of scientific evidence that supports your assertions.

But what worries me is that the ages ascribed to these dinosaurs is based on speculation, yes, radiometric dating helps, but has its issues.

And for the umpteenth time... WHAT THE HELL ARE THRE ISSUES? In fits of circular reasoning you keep making the same statement but have yet to describe what YOU believe the issues are and back that up with anything. The dates are NOT speculation. Please demonstrate the speculative nature and support it with an appropriate citation.

Dendochronology is the ideal form of dating IMO, we know that each tree ring is a complete cycle of the seasons, and there is little ambiguity in the results. With that being said, the oldest tree indicated by this dating method is 5000 years old. Sure, this limits us to trees only, but other methods require extensive speculation. Not to mention all the variables throughout time that cannot possibly be accounted for.

Further evidence of massive cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias because you very clearly have not read any of the data regarding the efficaciousness of various methods of radiometric measurement, what the pros and cons are for each one, their individual limitations etc... you simply dismiss an entire host of dating techniques because they're not dendrochronology but you're comfortable insisting that dinosaurs have been living side with humans until... well when did dinos and humans cease their cohabitation pattern? and why pick only a couple of random pieces of information I present and ignore all of the actual legit science? Is science somehow off topic if you can't disembowel it? I'm confused!

no, because that would imply you knew the starting population (0), in radiometric dating you do not have a start point, which is why I omitted the start point in my example I gave you.

So you didn't bother to read the information or citations provided then? That is the only explanation for flat out dismissing valid science while simultaneously demonstrating that there is not a genuine understanding of it. I'm sorry that 'Genesis Park' does not have ready made rebuttals for my replies but a little due diligence and critical thinking never hurt anyone, I swear!

I am not asking anyone to change their mind, rather, just keep this possibility in mind as your search for the truth continues. I presented the evidence, anyone can take it or leave it. We're all in this together, and we should be questioning everything. Luke 3:23-38 proposes the a lineage of humankind, this is the only written record we have like this. Unfortunately, The dinosaur (dragon) has led the whole world astray (Rev 12:7).

That's interesting how you insist everyone else should question everything and then support your stance with unimpeachable biblical quotes. Can't cross examine millennia old documents! Just out of curiosity, do you keep the possibility in mind that you just might be completely wrong? In science we all do just that. A lil FYI for you.

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: cooperton
I suppose vampires are real as well considering all the lore, history, and whatnot, its the same basis.


Werewolves Aka ( French Canadian ) Loup Garu! // ( Iroquois Mohawk ) Limmikin

Werewolves in Native American Lore Werewolves are rare but not unheard of in myths about Native American culture. Among the Mohawk of New York and Quebec, for example, shapeshifting men to wolves is found, known as limmikin. Perhaps it is only the European interpretation of the Native Americans’ respect for the wolf, their hope that their people would develop admirable characteristics of these animals, and the general meaning of totems. The Europeans have also seen the Mohawks’ and other Native Americans’ incredible ability to work and climb at dangerous high levels without fear and with great balance like their animal brothers (and in modern times fearless work on skyscrapers).

^^ Wolfen ^^

( movie below is Based on that legend ) Not as Werewolves as we know it , but a Higher Intellect Shape Shifting Beings frrom Wolf to MAN
The French Canadianes call Loup Garu !
Wolfen (film)

^^^ WOLFEN^^^ The Iraqouis Mohawk Bar Scene about the Legend


Big Foot Sasquatch,, Big Hairy Giants ...

Legends of The Stone Giants

Little People :: Like ( Europe's ) Leprechauns, Dwarfs or Pixies

Little People Geow-lud-mo-sis-eg

and like Vampires Too!!
Windigo Man Eater Giant S// kadegamutc Ghost like Witch .. aka Undead... // Bukwus: Undead Turning People to themselves

and Witches !! well... we.. call those People, Shamans aka Medicine Man or Woman

and they exist today !! No myth there!

and Last!!

Drum Roll!!!!

Lake Champlain Monster ( Like Nessie the Loc ness Monster ) aka Dragon , Dinosaur, Sea Serpent !

Champ, the Lake Champlain Monster

The History of Champ the Lake Monster
Mystery, Legend or Myth

and I don't have to go to Europe or Asia to be around the Legends of o called mythical Creatures !

Legend's before White Man Came to the Area ..

Its all in my Back Yard! ( Well the next Town Literately )

Akwesasne Mohawk Territory Cradled between both Boarders !

edit on 12015MondayfAmerica/Chicago6172 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 01:41 PM
If Satan is a dinosaur, that makes him certainly FAR more believable than god. At least dinosaurs existed.

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
If Satan is a dinosaur, that makes him certainly FAR more believable than god. At least dinosaurs existed.

Hell I Like that!!

Satan was a Reptilian...

Look a flying Dinosaur

There Be Dragons!! ( The Real Ones ) Time Elapse Debatable

( Note : See :: Scaphognathus ) Sure Looks like a dragon to me!

Bigger view

Known as Pterosaurs

For the Really Real World !

The Closest we have for a Resemblance of a Dragon..

is the Draco Volans !

Which Fly !! Dont flap, just glide ,, its thier rib cage, not armed wings ..

like a Cobra Snake in a way ..

but they do glide ! from Tree to Tree!

edit on 12015MondayfAmerica/Chicago6172 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 02:12 PM

Nice ! Draco!

a Not real Dragon

edit on 12015MondayfAmerica/Chicago6172 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Wolfenz

Ever read up about Wendigos in Native American legends, which are often associated with Cannibalism, and supposedly were transformed from human into a wendigo whether by demonic possession or by the act of consuming human flesh.
Somewhat similar to other mythical creatures that are believed to have been involved with Cannibalism, but what caused such myth's to have been created may have been just crazed bush/mountain men in those in various regions.

Unless the native legends that have to do with the infamous giants skulls with two rows of teeth have anything to do with it, or they discovered Bath Salts back then.
edit on 22-6-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: cooperton

> Is satan a Dragon? Are Dragons Dinosaurs?

To answer the OP - No, and no.

There is no satan, there are no dragons.

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: ReturnofTheSonOfNothing
a reply to: cooperton

> Is satan a Dragon? Are Dragons Dinosaurs?

To answer the OP - No, and no.

There is no satan, there are no dragons.


posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 07:26 PM
This is an interesting albeit controversial topic and the OP has made some good references with tasteful etiquette throughout the thread. I remember having these books for children that were sort of like encyclopedias of all kinds of academic material ranging from english, arithmetic all the way to my favorite which I call the x-files book lol.

I believe the set was called skillcraft or maybe that was the publisher but anyway I remember these books with fondness and truly feel like they gave me a headstart over a lot of other kids/students. Anyway I remember some drawings and stories from that book that said the Babylonians kept dinosaur like beasts in cages and there was one with some fish like aliens called merovingian I believe or maybe that was the people I don't remember exactly.

This set also contained a book dedicated to dinosaurs which delivered the standard dinosaurs lived millions of years ago take and the big meteor theory as their demise. Not really a point here other than I can remember all the way to childhood about some conspiracies about humans and dinosaurs coexisting. I also had a book of stories about different dragon legends across the world and they usually have some moral too them and painted different dragons in different lights.

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Specimen
a reply to: Wolfenz

Ever read up about Wendigos in Native American legends, which are often associated with Cannibalism, and supposedly were transformed from human into a wendigo whether by demonic possession or by the act of consuming human flesh.
Somewhat similar to other mythical creatures that are believed to have been involved with Cannibalism, but what caused such myth's to have been created may have been just crazed bush/mountain men in those in various regions.

Unless the native legends that have to do with the infamous giants skulls with two rows of teeth have anything to do with it, or they discovered Bath Salts back then.


Read ... nah I just hear the Old tales of my Elders... Im from around the Area..

and I Have Northern Cree , and Iroquois Mohawk Descendents

In case you haven't notice my Avatar ! LOL..

yeah Wendigos = Cannibalism ! and Transformation aka Turning into them too..

LOL your way OUT of Line there ... the mountains ??

Those Legends that Im talking about are from The Valley , The Seaway Valley , and Parts of Canada ... In Ontario & Quebec

this isn't Mountain MAN Country , this Is Woodland in the valley County Country , We live Near the Adirondack's but not IN the Adirondacks... this isn't Central New York nor Virgina ! ... this is Right at the boarder of Canada ! ...

Giants Yeah there legends here about that ..
close to the same as you hear in OHIO the so called Mound Builders ...
considered the same type of People..

but Google

Giant Skeletons at New York State

Giant Skeletons in St Lawrence County

but mostly what you will see is just Conspiracy Sites...

But as I said all Legends and Myths here in my Location ..
Like the Famed Hungarian , Romanian Legend's Of Europe

but not as well Known ...

Now we Have Possible Cougars in the Area

and we have Now Confirmed Coy-Wolves a New Breed Hybrid !

but we have No Flying Dragons... Here

that would been in the Central Plains & South Western States in Native American Legends of the US

Formerly Called Thunder Birds long ago...

Ohh Giants !

Great numbers of these have been picked up and carried off by the curious ; and among other articles, numbers of stone and earthen-Mrare pipes, with a short clumsy stem two or three 20 HISTORY OF ST, LAWRENCE » inches long, and a heavy massive bowl with a small cavity, have been found; On an adjoining hill, now partly occupied by an orchard, traces of an ancient work formerly existed, but this has also been obliterated. This locality is the one mentioned in most state gazetteers as occurring on the premises of Captain Washburn in Gouverneur (the former occu- pant of the farm when the adjacent country formed a part of that town); but the statement that ^ traces of rude sculpture exist within the enclo- sure," which has been often copied, is incorrect In the pond adjoining, there was found, many years since, a skeleton, said to have been of great size. /ex]

Skeleton of great Size ?

from this Book

A History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, New York: From the Earliest Period to the ...
by Franklin Benjamin Hough

Published 1853

Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.

Chose a Format

edit on 12015MondayfAmerica/Chicago6172 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

(post by Astyanax removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 12:53 AM
reply to: Wolfenz

The Closest we have for a Resemblance of a Dragon... is the Draco Volans !

Well done. That's the OP's whole argument destroyed, in just one photo.

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: Specimen

Ever read up about Wendigos in Native American legends, which are often associated with Cannibalism, and supposedly were transformed from human into a wendigo whether by demonic possession or by the act of consuming human flesh.

Like the New Guinean ropen, which is supposed to prey on human corpses. They don't breathe fire, but they are said to glow. More grist to the OP's creationist propaganda mill.

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 02:16 AM
TIL that vampires, dragons, fairies, mermaids and the phoenix were all real, because more than one culture thought of them.. oh , and unicorns.. those too.

Quoting a single book of fiction isn't a very good way to prove a point. I mean, I can quote Deuteronomy 22 versus 28 and 29, but that doesn't mean spending about $320 in silver means I can marry my (ex)virgin rape victim and be A-OK.
edit on 23-6-2015 by Candytripn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Candytripn
TIL that vampires, dragons, fairies, mermaids and the phoenix were all real, because more than one culture thought of them.. oh , and unicorns.. those too.

Quoting a single book of fiction isn't a very good way to prove a point. I mean, I can quote Deuteronomy 22 versus 28 and 29, but that doesn't mean spending about $320 in silver means I can marry my (ex)virgin rape victim and be A-OK.

What... single book of fiction ?

you may want to check that book out

A History of St. Lawrence and Franklin Counties, New York:
by Franklin Benjamin Hough

that Quote, you mentioned ,, is also considered a Fariey Tale also ...

if you actually scanned through the book ...

it about was was discovered back in the 1840s & 50s

what was around the Area.. of St Lawrence County New york and Franklin Ny ..

Yeah, some is Conjured up with fantasy belief .. but you have to look at the times also ..

where they are trying to mix Historical Myth of what they have discovered ...

and that all they had to go by of the lack of Technology that had ...

Well there was giants back then ...

even to Today .. we considered it a Genetic Abnormally or Diseased Pituitary Gland ...

Like Robert Wadlow ... 8 foot 11 inches,,

or the Wadasi tribe from Africa practically all at least 7 foot tall ...

so its, NOT so hard to find this in the America's ! Also..

Giant is a Giant ..

Try this for size

when Native American Speak of the

Great Thunderbird

just Maybe something like this DID exist with MAN in Ancient America's


Largest Ever Flying Bird - a Prehistoric 'Dragon' - Discovered
Scientist Daniel Ksepka has identified an ancient bird species that boasted a 24-foot wingspan.

it just how long have they existed on earth ,, is the Question,,,

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