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Jon Stewart Says He Can't Tell Jokes After Charleston Church Shooting

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posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:04 PM
Aaaaand look at how we're all responding.


posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

I disagree. I was responding to a previous comment someone made providing facts that hate crimes happen in all races. If anything, you are being off topic by attacking me.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:05 PM
We can't go on as a society trying to just wish away the history of how this country has treated certain segments of the population (from its inception). And they were treaded this way due to skin color. I've seen countless people attempt to deny why and how this all happened. An entire group of people was brought to this country against their will to slave for white masters. I know the common response is "that wasn't me" or "that was a long time ago"... but you can't ignore the ripple effects, or the fact that this really wasn't a long time ago. Once slavery was abolished, do you think the white people were just like "go ahead, let's all share this great stuff I've got"... good god no! And you still see this today.

What did we offer these groups of people that we had already punished to no end? Sub par education. Sub par jobs. Sub par access to resources. Sub par access to land. Sub par access to health care. Certainly sub par access to government positions (and especially not if you had any sort of distain for how you're people had been treated). Continuously treated like 3rd class citizens. It's astounding that people attempt to deny the racial thread that birthed this country, and ripples to this day. The last western nation to abolish slavery.

2 years ago I interviewed a number of people at the 50th anniversary of LBJ's civil rights act of 1964. This happened within many of our lifetimes. Do you not realize how recent that is? And the passing of the Civil Rights Act was not met kindly by the white south believe you me (and it's a shame if you don't know this). A lot of those people doing the pushing back are still alive. Do you think their kids didn't take any of that racial prejudice from their parents? White conservatives have done everything possible to keep this nation held back (yes I know, they were democrats in the south at that time, and you also know that at that time they were conservatives, the great dixiecrat party switch). Democrat & Republican have switched in name, but it has always been conservatives that fought to keep the white power.

We must acknowledge the way we, as a country, have treated black people in America. It's inexcusable. And you know what... I'm really surprised they aren't a whole lot more angry.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:05 PM

“By acknowledging it -- by staring into that and seeing it for what it is -- we still won’t do jack#," he said. "Yeah, that’s us. And that’s the part that blows my mind.”

What should we do? Round up all the racists and do what with them?

It's going to take a whole lot of evolution to get rid of racism.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
a reply to: Shamrock6

Oh boy, did i really ask you to show compassion for Obama, why do you feel the need to blame him, really stop putting your head in the sand.

Eh, lots of political conservatives do not like Obama because he's liberal. Doesn't matter what he does: They don't trust him because he's a democrat and/or liberal. And gun owners do not like this talk of gun control from the administration spurred by the recent shooting. They see this as just a political action to take gun rights away.

Some people argue people don't like Obama because he's colored but that's so overblown. It's so convenient to counter a conservative by just saying "Oh you're just racist so it's obvious you're sub-human." But fact is, many people do not like him because he's democrat and it's always been the same black or white, democrat or republic, conservatove or liberal.

A black republican president would show how many conservatives are truly racist as opposed to just being prejudiced to conservatism. Ironically, a colored conservative in the white house would probably be a good thing, despite the racists making noise. Studies I've seen in the past suggest much of racism is tied to unfamiliarity with the hated races or peoples from the early stages of life to adulthood. Once you start intermingling people of different races/cultures/etc they start to become more tolerant and less hateful. Has to start at a young age and remain consistent.
edit on 19-6-2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

I do see your point about him not saying anything about the Dallas pd shooting but to be honest his speech would have been about how guns are a problem and no one wants to hear that anyway.

Maybe he just thought it wasn't worth since the only death was the guy doing the shooting.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Ya people saying we should just ignore the motive and blame obama....

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: Danke
a reply to: Kali74

Well as a bi-racial man with a white dad and a black mom, I disagree with you. My parents are racist, and they love each other more than any other 2 people I have ever known. Being racist doesn't mean you are a bad person, or say/do bad things because of it. It also doesn't mean you can't be friends with other races, or marry them. Tribalism is something that was built into our DNA a LONG time ago as a survival trait.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though.

Racists are lesser people not necessarily bad people. They are close-minded and do not know any better. Tis very sad

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Danke

Oh so know i attacked you, any more excuses, ill stick around.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

I have no idea who you asked me to show compassion for because you still haven't clarified?

I'm sorry that me feeling that the current president does more to divide than unite upsets you so much.

It'll be okay.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
We should not be defined by how a few depraved individuals act.

We should be defined by how we respond when a few depraved individuals act.

Well said. Whether is racial (this current event in SC) or religious (ISIS and Muslims, or WBC and Christians) you can't impugn a segment of people by the actions of a few sick individuals.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom
I think you bring some great points to the table and I want to elaborate from my experience with them.

It is mostly predominantly white in my neighborhood. It isn't why I chose it, but is is what it is. A black family moved next door and have trashed their yard with everything imaginable. I am in the process of planting trees as a visual barrier. They have multiple pit bulls on tethers that lunge at us everytime we go outside. I had to put up a chainlink fence so my two year old can play on his swing set a bit safer.

We have had three break ins so far in the two years we have been here. 2 were homes and 1 was a storage building. All 3 were 2 black juveniles who lived in a trailer park up off the main road.

I went to a public school in highschool then they rerouted the bussing systems and school zones to integrate the schools more. The drop out rate increased as well as a multitude of problems in the school regarding gangs etc. Luckily we moved or I would have placed my child in a private school which had become much better than that public school after that.

Racism is alive and well. From every side. I think moreso than racism, it has to due with culture and poverty. We are not equal, and we won't be equal until everyone is given the same assistance and opportunities.

Why should I be declined assistance for baby formula when I was paying $500 a month of neo cate? Yet many people who refuse to work a job get all of this for free. It isn't fair. That was more than my rent at the time. This is what drives divide in people.

Clearly this guy was racist. Clearly he also had other issues. Clearly he committed a horrible and evil act.

edit on 19-6-2015 by LoverBoy because: spelling on this tablet...

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Danke

I hate to break it to you, but everyone is racis

I don't buy into that .

I don't think for a minute that any one race is better than another, nor do I categorize a complete race based on some idiots.

I don't have a racist bone in me nor do I feel guilty when it comes to race.

The sooner we admit that everyone is racist due to tribalism via genetics, the sooner we can fix the problems we have.

Actually I think the better approach is to stop labelling things racist and label them what they are: Ignorant fools.

If you look at how things are going recently it appears that calling racism has done nothing but separate people.

I think Morgan is right.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

Compassion for the 9 dead, oh its ok i cant be mad at someone using obama to prove is point, it can be funny at times, now its just sad.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite

I'm not a through and through conservative. I grew out of that phase.

But that doesn't mean I think liberals are always right, which would the be answer to your commentary on how some conservatives hate all things liberal.

Some of us see across party lines

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:15 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: beezzer

Ya people saying we should just ignore the motive and blame obama....

If we really want to place blame, blame it on erroding values for the past 4 decades.

The motive? What the eff are we, a jury?

Some sick bastard killed a bunch of people.

I'm no effing Perry Mason, I could care less about "motive".

People, innocent people, good people are dead because of some sick f#.

Put the "motive" on his tombstone. I could give a damn about "motive".

Racist f#'s will exist forever. This isn't something "new".

Just end the sick f# and care for the wounded and the greiving.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: LoverBoy

Well if our country would get over the socialist propaganda you could be afforded that same assistance.

Sorry you have bad neighbors, I can assure you they come in all colors.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

The world doesn't stop because nine people were murdered in a race-fueled hate.

My opinion on the president, or my favorite cheese, or the weather, or anything else has literally zero to do with my feelings on the Charleston shooting.

Your effort to intentionally blur the two into one is, frankly, pretty twisted and sad.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Shamrock6

So cute, blaming Obama for kicking your puppy, keep on making excuses, and blaming who ever you despise, its really in these days.

posted on Jun, 19 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: joemoe

I disagree completely. Political correctness may go to far at times, but it certainly isn't furthering any racial divides. Being conscious of racially insensitive terms helps bridge the gap. Complaining about political correctness is the same as complaining that you aren't allowed to say the n word anymore.

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