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Creativity May Be Linked with Psychiatric Disorders (Schizophrenia/Bipolar)

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posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: nwtrucker

They do big time.

Mine affects my mental acuity, it also affects my short term memory. Oddly enough it makes accomplishing menial tasks far easier but thinking on a deeper more intellectual level is not the same.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: [post=19438539]nwtrucker[/post

Nice give and take!
I like a good volley.

So right back atcha...

I disagree with your assessment that I omitted the expansion of the Psych/Pharma industry. In fact, I referred to it in my last post concerning the OFF-LABEL scandals and the measley fines which are chalked up as the cost of doing business because the Return on Investment was a fantastic way to open new markets for drugs that have already recieved approval. It also justified GP's to be allowed to step beyond their certified/accredited safe knowledge base and into fields they are not exactly competent in. And the tv commercials only exasperate this by having even less knowledgeable people put their two cents in a tricky call (albeit in the previous post I was not as elaborate in my explanation). The off-labelling DEFINITELY fattened the Golden Goose.

My next point of contention is with you statement about MANY of the "officially" diagnosed not being sick at all. The way it comes across is that you believe this # to represent a MAJORITY. I may concede to the fact that there is up to a level of 10% that is not truely sick, but I honestly think is in the low single digits. Plus there are some street drug addicts who game the system to get prescriptions for things like Serequel to help come down from heroin and crank.

While I'll acknowledge your idea of there not being a "miracle" pill for an easy short cut, that does not excuse your misconception that this is an example of "Mind over Matter". Some changes in the individual's environment may help but the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps and move on" cliche is woefully inadequate. The average timeline for an individual to find an ACCEPTABLE ( I.e. least amount of pills with the least debilitating side effects) is 5 to 8 YEARS! That's alot of painful trial and error punctuated with ungodly highs and unimaginable depths of despair.

I will agree with you that there is a subtle, but distinct, collusion of Big Pharma and Big Gov't in pushing an agenda where the more people f*cked...THE BETTER TO RULE. It's like giving free poisoned bread at the state circus. The less they can control themselves the less they can thwart our dominion.

I think the article that started this thread is just a scholar's corollary interpretation of the works of great artists and a statement of pattern recognition in people who found safe expression in dealing with their's how they got by (just barely in quite a number). The power and potential to create is inert in everyone


That's all I got for now...just looked at the clock and realized no one will read this till tomorrow anyway.


posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: fshrrex

When school children are forced onto Ritalin-the parent/s threatened with child endangerment charges if refused- I get angry. When toddlers are proscribed psych drugs, I get very angry.

We can argue the percentiles of actually ill individuals all day. The number of Psychs, themselves, that are commenting on this over-proscribing is growing steadily.

No, not enough people can pull themselves out of a condition and they do require help. There are alternative methods that work for some as well.

Having spent a short period working in a drug rehab facility, by actual observation, street drugs are the least addictive/difficult to address, pain killers are much worse and Psycho-tropics, especially after prolonged use is worse yet.

The psychs use the argument that without these stabilizing drugs, these individuals would have to be incarcerated indefinitely. Gov'ts, of course, go the cheapest route. a slick argument that has given them a virtual 'rubber-stamp' to continue their agenda. Of course, the suicides and murder-suicides that result in a percentile opens the door for more funding to address that mental dis-order when, in fact, these events didn't occur prior to taking the drugs in question.

Despite the protestations of those that find relief from their official fixes, it is not a cure, obviously, and removes the opportunity to address that cure. What we see, as this thread shows, is an ever increasing 'need' for more of the same with new dis-orders named regularly.

An almost vogue trend to have a disability-and collect disability checks- in the populace.

To this day, vets are required to take these drugs else lose their VA benefits. The machine that has developed around this industry is frightening.

While I can't say what the alternative is for these drugs for those that have a definite need of treatment, I can say this is not the route to an eventual cure/solution.

At the least, restrictions need to be put into affect. The ability to hide behind Doctor-patient relationships needs addressing and, IMO, Psychiatry itself. A huge and complete failure in addressing "mental disorders".

We do agree on most, in truth. My view is simply that this is the wrong route. I'd be happy with more people going wait a minute, something isn't right here.....

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: nwtrucker

You and I, may not be facing the same direction, BUT WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE.

I'll play Rowdy Yates and you could be Big Hoss.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: FlyersFan

The list of suits, closings of psychiatric hospitals, et al is too long to list. The cash kick-backs, via 'speaking engagements' is huge, usually based on the volume of prescriptions written. Add in free room and board-vacations- at luxury resorts localed near the 'speaking engagement' and the mechanism is exposed. Several current suits/indictments as we speak.

Here is one eg. of outright closures of funny farms.

To answer your question re Bi-polar, etc. yes. Nothing more than a label. As with almost no exception, defined as 'un-curable but 'controllable with drugs'.

The list of invented 'disorders' grow almost daily.

A complete and total fraudulent industry. You may not be involve with big pharma or not. probably not. Fine. The symbiotic relationship between the Psychs and big pharma is beyond debate.

Many put their 'trust' in these groups as some form of hope for their individual concerns...IT IS MIS-PLACED.

It is not misplaced when the meds work. I would be on the streets and quite a looney if it weren't for Invega,my antipsychotic. These meds DO work for a lot of us. It gives us somewhat normal lives.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: kcgads


posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: nwtrucker

I can agree with aspects of your posts to a degree. There is certainly a "medicate first, worry later" culture in medicine, not just psychiatry, must the vocation of medicine in general. It's gotten somewhat better over the years in some ways, and worse in others. Thanks to the "War on Drugs" and the abuses of drug seekers - these days actual and real chronic pain sufferers and morbidly ill people have a hard time getting any help.

Being a PTSD patient for 30 years, I can honestly say that finding any doctor willing to medicate or treat not just the PTSD, but anything at all is very difficult. In 2010 I broke a bone for the first time in my life - my arm, right at the wrist. The local ER saw that I am a PTSD patient, on my records, and the crusader-type doctor gallantly informed me that I would NOT be receiving any pain medication for my injury.

Why? I suppose he was of the mind that PTSD is one of those things people fake to get narcotics and he was making some sort of moral stand. As it happens I was not on any narcotic medication at that time - and am exceptionally careful about the medication I am currently taking ( a mild narcotic ). A lot of the work I do with my current doctor is based upon making sure I do NOT develop a dependency.

I've got enough life issues without addiction becoming a concern.

So, in reality - outside of seeking out quacks - getting treatment for many psychiatric issues can be exceptionally difficult. At least for me it has been. I imagine that if I were wealthier? Well Michael Jackson managed to get a live in Doctor who'd prescribe him anything he requested - legal or not. But I'm not rich - so I've literally spent years on no medication when I really should have been medicated.

As previously mentioned - I've done talk therapy to the point where the therapist said I'd taken it as far as it can go. I've also learned biofeedback, self-hypnosis, deep breathing, meditation, and a slew of other "non medication remedies" - tools I utilize often. But with massive panic attacks? Simply not effective.

A cure would be fabulous. Unfortunately there is not one for PTSD. There are treatments designed specifically for military who suffer - using video games to recreate the tragedy that left them with PTSD. But since mine is from having lived through hundreds of near death experiences and a full cardiac arrest due to a heart defect - well it's not like I can be cured by having a doctor stop my heart over and over again until I get used to being dead.

As far as the comment about it being in vogue to collect disability: It took me SIX years to get my disability case before a Judge. He grudgingly awarded me disability. But, when the paperwork showed up, his order was worded in such a way as to both award and disqualify me at the same time ( A legaleze game I have since learned is common ) - leaving me with SSI and having to begin my disability case all over again - from square one.

The part that really irritates me ( both from a personal standpoint and when others judge ) is that at 18 years old ( when I had the cardiac arrest ) a social worker tried to force me to go on disability - and I decided that, since I had already been working for four years with the heart condition, I would continue to do so for as long as I possibly could... That I would tough it out until the day came when I honestly could not go any further. Yet, when that day came? The system punished me for wanting to contribute.

The belief that disability is a program that one can waltz into an office and get for the asking is not reality.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

An enlightening series of events.

It's hard to broad-stroke almost any issue. I don't doubt having your experiences, my views would be different. I compliment you on your persistence and 'make it go right' attitude.

Carry on....

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

For sure they rely to heavily on medication.

Take my story for example. I see the doc every 2 months with no psycho therapy. When I go the office to ask questions about what's going on the send me to a nurse who can't answer my questions.

Odd isn't it?

Here's medicine... No therapy...

posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
Mask the symptoms, there's no need to find a cure...

When a cure hasn't been found or can't be found, then medication to help the symptoms is vitally important. Take my sjogrens for example ... no cure. Without the plaquinel to ease the symptoms, I would have jumped off the Ben Franklin bridge years ago. My sjogens, with no help for the symptoms, is intolerable.

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