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Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at SlutWalk

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posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:58 PM
There may be a few "harsh" points this reporter tries to make. And frankly, I agree with her. Feminist make me sick to the stomach.

As far as 'rape' goes. Of course I don't condone it. And i'm not denying any of the rapes that have occurred in the USA. Yes rape happens basically every second I would assume. Although I do believe 'rape' to be a bigger problem for other countries. (the Pope for instance :dn
This is not the point, in my opinion.

The point, in my opinion, is these women who think they are superior or equal to men. That's just not how this world works. It's nature. (maybe why i'm single lol)

I know there may be people who are unable to view the video, as I am often times. So i will quote a few of the commentaries said:

"we are living in a rape culture in the west"

"the vast minority of men and women are rapist. and we we do find out they're rapist, they go prison, they are punished. Where as in third world countries and other places, men can get away with rape there."

"men get fired from their jobs for "rape jokes""

"no means no. no means no."

"you know that 10% of rapes are actually reported?" "the cops, women organizations, you can look it up online"

"so how do you know if about 10% of the rapes are reported if they aren't?"

"because those people call the womens centers, they ask for help, they seek medical attention."

"so, they are reported?"

Alright.... "eff her right in the pee"

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 12:31 AM
I don't even know what a 'rape culture' means. I don't know a single human being, male or female, that condones rape. What the heck are they even talking about?!

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

And one woman in the video giving a speech has "SLUT" written across her chest.....? Not sure of the motives.. except Feminism lol. I dunno. Was hoping someone might know what this stuff is about.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 03:00 AM
The only logical conclusion I can come up with, is that feminists are idiots.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: southernplayalistic
There may be a few "harsh" points this reporter tries to make. And frankly, I agree with her. Feminist make me sick to the stomach.

As far as 'rape' goes. Of course I don't condone it. And i'm not denying any of the rapes that have occurred in the USA. Yes rape happens basically every second I would assume. Although I do believe 'rape' to be a bigger problem for other countries. (the Pope for instance :dn
This is not the point, in my opinion.

The point, in my opinion, is these women who think they are superior or equal to men. That's just not how this world works. It's nature. (maybe why i'm single lol)

I know there may be people who are unable to view the video, as I am often times. So i will quote a few of the commentaries said:

"we are living in a rape culture in the west"

"the vast minority of men and women are rapist. and we we do find out they're rapist, they go prison, they are punished. Where as in third world countries and other places, men can get away with rape there."

"men get fired from their jobs for "rape jokes""

"no means no. no means no."

"you know that 10% of rapes are actually reported?" "the cops, women organizations, you can look it up online"

"so how do you know if about 10% of the rapes are reported if they aren't?"

"because those people call the womens centers, they ask for help, they seek medical attention."

"so, they are reported?"

Alright.... "eff her right in the pee"

Those ladies aren't feminists. They are the female equivalent of Male rights activists. A minority of crazy and vocal individuals who love to feel persecuted and cannot accept not being the center of attention.

Real feminists fought for voting rights, the right to abortion, equality in salary etc.

Those ladies screaming "patriarchy down" are background noise just like the MRA incels screaming "misandry".

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 06:12 AM
Are rapists blind now . Not in any way condoning any type of sexual offence . But hey ladies , most of you are quite safe .
edit on 10-6-2015 by hutch622 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: southernplayalistic

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 07:54 AM
A gay dude i worked with once a while ago hated feminazi's with a passion, referred to them as rejection junky's.
Anyway this Lauren Southern just won herself a subscriber.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: southernplayalistic
Groups like this de-legitimize women who have and are fighting real issues regarding inequality and double standards in our civilization. Speaking of Lauren...

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: southernplayalistic

5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters

#3. Focus On Their Most Frivolous Complaints (And Most Unlikable Members)

See, by highlighting the silliest of complaints from a group, you inoculate the audience against any real complaints that might come along later, creating a knee-jerk dismissal any time, say, a male reasonably complains about how even men get screwed by gender roles or when another has a legitimately #ing horrible story to tell. "Ha," the people will say, "these are the same guys who cried over Mad Max having a female hero!" No, they're not, unless we're literally talking about Aaron Clarey. "Who?" Exactly.

Likewise, there are lots of groups out there looking out for the welfare of animals, but I bet the only one you can name is PETA, because they're the ones doing stupid # like insisting people call fish "sea kittens" and staging naked protests that convey no useful information whatsoever. This way, when anyone challenges actual horrific practices in big-money industries (like factory farming or pet stores selling animals from cruel puppy mills) you'll roll your eyes and say, "It's probably those PETA freaks, at it again!"

Because they're ridiculous, they get all the coverage and become the face of the movement. And, as a result, no meaningful change will occur.

Once again I don't need to go on and on about why this is illogical -- the existence of a frivolous complaint doesn't automatically mean there are no more serious ones to be found in that direction. A person dying from cancer can still complain about their favorite TV show getting canceled; that doesn't mean that their cancer must not be a big deal and that it can safely go untreated.

Just saying.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t
Excellent point Krazyshot. Hard to say how much it applies here, but to think Lauren has no agenda of her own would be naive. As a whole though, she seems fairly straight-up from what I know of her, which isn't a lot.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: Klassified

Oh that post was also directed at the OP for classifying feminists as just the kooks in the video and demeaning their argument because he can find a Youtube video that highlights a few crazies in the cause. It also applies to the YT video as well.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 09:29 AM
Super triggered right now.

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: southernplayalistic

"The point, in my opinion, is these women who think they are superior or equal to men. That's just not how this world works. It's nature. (maybe why i'm single lol) "

I don't consider myself a "feminist", but did you just call women inferior to men? Because that's how that sentence reads. You should have stopped right after the word "superior".

Of course that's why you're single. Who would want a mate that's not your equal?

video: I don't think we in this country live in a rape culture, but it still happens far too often. There's still a clear lack of respect for each others genders, which is part of the problem. Both genders have their a-holes......
edit on 10-6-2015 by snowspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: snowspirit

Hm. I caught that too. I'm no feminist by any stretch but I don't consider men to be superior to me or any other woman just by virtue of them being male.

Wait, that doesn't make me a feminist does it?

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: Ashirah

I'm not sure. I think that's what it was supposed to mean (feminism = equality). I never thought I was ever superior, but I was raised to know that I'm equal.
There's still men that think that we're not equal though, and those that think that they "let" us be equal.
*sad sigh*

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: greencmp
a reply to: southernplayalistic

I am now totally convinced that this planet is the insane assylum for the Universe.
edit on 10-6-2015 by HUMBLEONE because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: southernplayalistic

"The point, in my opinion, is these women who think they are superior or equal to men. That's just not how this world works. It's nature. (maybe why i'm single lol) "

I don't consider myself a "feminist", but did you just call women inferior to men?

Yes, i did. That doesn't mean i don't treat man or woman any differently. In fact, i treat women better, with a bit more respect.

posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: snowspirit

The problem stems from the confounding definition of the word "equal". What exactly does "equal" mean these days?

The same? We are clearly not the same - there are physical, physiological and psychological differences between most men and most women.

Having the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities? Then I agree. Unfortunately, some feminists feel entitled to the first two without accepting the third. It will never be true equality unless ALL three are upheld.

posted on Jun, 15 2015 @ 10:46 AM
The Feminist have gone downhill for some years now and only of recent have people began to noticed and become disgusted with it.

In order to continue to get center state and media billing...the feminists have to continually wax Victim...using and misusing rape. In short they must needs create bad guys in order to keep center stage. For like other groups..out here...all they have is sex and sexuality to peddle their cause. They must needs pervert it further far as necessary to remain center state.

This is exactly the technique used and misused by much of the body politic. You can see this often when something happens in the news and the body politic jumps on it for political lucre.

The race baiters and race cottage industry use this exact same technique of creating bad guys and distorting the news emotionally.

Emotional chaos is precisely how this is sold to an uninformed public who were raised on a diet of "Victim Programming" by the afternoon talk show circuit on television. They are jerking off the American public by their unguarded and undisciplined emotions.

The Homosexual crowd uses this same technique...emotional chaos, created bad guys, and constant "Victimization Politics.

The body politic is catering to all these groups because they recognize that this is a potential voting base...voters who can be kept on the puppet strings right into a voting booth by stroking their unguarded undisciplined emotions.

When you see this kind of pattern going on over and over and over..particularly near election can see the scam at work on people who cannot and will not think for themselves.

Emotional chaos cultivation and grooming is how this works and you can see it in the interviews...they see themselves as professional perpetuity. This is why they must constantly create bad guys in the willing compliant and accommodating news media who are themselves shilling for their political parties and for votes.

Keep people constantly on the emotional treadmill...guilt programming..creating bad guys. Never let them think for themselves..never let an opposing view be heard...shut it down immediately..even if you have to create chaos to shut opposing views down. Make yourself appear to be a "Victim" so that you can default through...pass go and collect the $200.00...on the public purse. Create bad guys in the minds of a gullible, uninformed, uneducated, undisciplined people so that they will support your position without any thinking on their part. default. Then get them into a voting booth before they catch on or figure out what happened.

When you see enough of this pattern happening over and over and different groups..but it is the same pattern ..same realize all three of these groups are being groomed, controlled, and cultivated at the top by the same controllers. For it is the same pattern..they cannot change their spots...modus operandi.

The women's groups, the race cottage industry, and the homosexual groups..all controlled at the top by the same people and for political lucre at the public expense..on the public purse..and for votes.

And they must have emotional chaos to get away with it.

People are beginning to see this pattern happen to often ..and are tiring of it.

It becomes like watching the same movie..some 50 plus times. It becomes taxing on ones emotions..provided one can even think through it.

My 2 cents,

edit on 15-6-2015 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

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