posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 10:50 AM
This is a very disturbing thread.
OP did all the right things, even put in a report to MUFON and provided the report number here.
The video is as described in the header, OP even did analysis and that's why it took some time.
When I subbed the OP had ONLY 9 subscribers.. must be making tons of cash eh...?? no.. (and BTW i subbed out of curtosy as so many here had torches
and pitchforks out already)
Nothing here has been faked, OP said it's a light in the sky that looked different when captured.. and that's EXACTLY what the video shows, then the
OP runs the same analysis we would and saves us some time.
I hope those calling for a banning put in a report to a mod.. i really do, and i hope they read this and go over the thread and see who the real
problems are, but we all know that won't happen.
And now they are trying to attack/troll those that defended the OP... and apparently.. that's allowed..
winning eh
Just close this whole side of ATS, anything "abnormal" isn't welcomed.. we have brought this up before, there's a whole dam thread on how we're being
attacked by groups with far more resources and faces then we have.. would you like us to just all exodus??
as that.. if this continues, is what will happen.
and you'll be left with nothing but cranky dis-info agents...