posted on May, 30 2015 @ 06:52 PM
I swear! If I have to read another post where there is punctuation and spelling mistakes I am going to explode!
Really? How freaking hard is it to take a moment to correct your grammar and punctuation in a post
Seriously, it annoys me like nothing ever did or does
I have severe OKD (obsessive Kat disorder) and the distraction just makes me want to scratch my Kateyes out!
I know someone will come in here and tell me to get off my high Katself and take a big, fat Katchillpill and they would be absolutley correct in doing
so, but sheesh!
When I misspell a word this little squiggly red line shows up and I simply correct it. Unless, I am taking creative license and making my own
Katwords up. I see evidence of our education system on display or maybe they do it on purpose just to tick people like me off on purpose!
Even when I type fast and post something quickly, I still have this need to read it one more time and if I see something to change, I take a moment
and edit it.
That is all
Carry on
edit on 5 30 2015 by spiritualKat33 because: OKD...obsessive Kat disorder! See, I just did
edit on 5 30 2015 by spiritualKat33 because: (no reason given)