posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to:
First, I must apologise for the length of time it has taken to reply to your comment. Things have been hectic in my life of late, which is no excuse,
but is none the less the reason for my tardiness.
Now, to the meat of the matter. I would state categorically, that there is no connection of any kind, between the LHC, and the behaviour of the
magnetosphere, flipped, un flipped, mid flip or otherwise.
However, I am almost certain that the LHC has unintended consequences. Results of some of the experiments there have already been quite surprising,
and those surprising results are indeed unintended consequences of the experiment being run. However, could any of those consequences be serious,
widespread, damaging, dangerous, or even a threat to the whole earth? No. Again, there simply is not enough power being drawn or output by the
machinery, to cause or contribute to any significant and damaging event.