a reply to:
This isn't particularly surprising and no amount of outrage can change it. Raise children who will assert themselves against toothless authorities and
work around the meaningful ones- these children could have simply raided that carnival- walked right in chanting "screw you, suspend us and we'll have
our own carnival"- and some teacher would break down crying and grab one of them and try to drag them back to the auditorium, and after a lawsuit they
could afford all the carnival they like.
My teacher thought he'd pavlov us with a box of donuts and I got caught on the wrong side of that. Aside from serving as an attention getter for those
who hadn't turned in something or another he used it to make some really interesting point related to it having to do with disparities between North
and South during the civil war by giving the rest of us left over bagels from the cafeteria... at which point I got up from my desk, calmly said over
his lecture that I will now reenact Quantrill's Raiders, walked to his desk, took the box with the remaining donuts back to my desk, and started
eating one and offering the rest around. He just stared at me and finally shook it off- he never did respond. Of course that was the 90s- the odds of
a kid hurting a teacher were way way higher than the odds of a teacher having a kid tazed by the police back then.
My point is that I don't think this is either new or a simple matter of accidental coldness. It's part of the indoctrination, which is a live fire
exercise in exploitation and unreasonable authority. That's why schools are being pressured to teach to tests- there is no real process at work to
interrupt, which allows government and industry to barge in and access your children without creating any kind of noticeable disturbance that would
make you cry foul.
Nobody ever wonders, "gee, why hasn't little Johnny told me what he learned today, maybe I should ask if he spent the whole day being recruited into a
pyramid scheme in the lunch room that will result in me soon getting an unofficial collection notice saying my child can't graduate until such and
such magazine company gets its money" so they don't fight in time to win, and junior learns that daddy can't understand or deal with the authorities,
he just ignores them until they stop him and then he swats them with money so he can keep going, and junior learns to do that to.
I saw this stuff and it was CLEARLY intentional- you can tell when you see how they make their petty points and examples- it's like watching a bad
actor try to portray a dominatrix when you refuse to play along with a school officials BS and they try to put the squeeze on you.
Even in the 80s and 90s when I went through that crap, school was EASILY 5% captive audience marketing time.
First day of school you read the rules outloud, then you read the list of things you are required to buy, then you get told how they will do
everything in their power to make you buy a replacement text book but there are some hoops you can jump through that will make them let you off the
hook to maintain the appearance of propriety. You do this SIX TIMES for an hour each. Nothing else happens. Buy this stuff. Here's the extra expenses
you can incur. Here's how we twist up your whole life if you think you can ignore us. Now if you have any questions raise your hand and I'll write
down your name and start working on you first thing tomorrow.
Your School ID doubles as a coupon, and the photo on that ID gets paid for on picture day, and when you get the ID, and when you need a replacement
ID, AND when you get your yearbook.
Hour classes were 55 minutes long, allowing an additional 5 minutes to line up at a snackbar between classes. Then there was lunch when the food chain
deliveries arrived at the snack bar carts.
We lost an entire days lessons to JOSTENS for crying out crap.
Sex education? Every year for 4 years- every time it was just product samples and being told about all the things we need to buy now because we aren't
sweet smelling babies anymore. They finally got around to actually discussing that diagram of a flaccid penis on the 5th year, in 9th grade- up until
that point it was only in the room to make sure we were happy to talk about deodorant instead.