posted on May, 28 2015 @ 02:53 PM
originally posted by: buddah6
I think we are missing the point here! Why are schools having carnivals to begin with? Children are coming out of school not prepared for life.
They can't balance a checkbook or read to their grade level. Why is school time being used for carnivals not education? Why are we discussing poor
students when schools are about education not social functions. What happened to reading, writing and arithmetic? Why does the school need a
carnival to balance their checkbook? Why can't the school staff live within the budget assigned to them from their school board? Kids need to be
educated not entertained during school time! Let the parents entertain them at home and remove this problem from the school staff.
Everyone has to understand that life is not fair, never has been or ever will be! Schools need to educate the student because that is only legal
means by which they can level the playing field.
I think you might want to stop by a school and ask about their bottom line. Yes my taxes pay for the schools in my area, but that's just my taxes. By
that I mean I live in Tucson Az. and the biggest problem schools here have to deal with are the kids that are border jumpers. Our schools are full of
them. True it's not the kids fault, but the parents. They come here get a cash paying job and fake papers. Then they put their kids into the schools
that they pay NOTHING into. On top of this they tend to wait till the last second to enroll them so there is less time for the school to catch their
fake paperwork before the year starts. This has the effect of those kids not being counted at the time the school board made out the budget for that
year. If it were just a few kids it wouldn't matter, but in truth it's 100s of kids in every grade. This means the schools don't have enough money.
That is just one local reason for these fund raisers. I'm sure other places have reasons of their own.
Next how do decide what kids can't afford the $10 ? Should they ask for bank records from the parents who claim poverty ? Because one thing I know for
sure, If you tell people that any child who can't afford the $10 will be paid for from the funds raised 90% of those kids WILL suddenly become poor,
and saying 90% is most likely the low end of the true number. Tell the truth; if I come to you and ask for money to pay for something in your kids
school, say $10, then tell you that if you can't afford it the people next door have agreed to pay it for you. How are you going to react ? I'll tell
you how, you WILL say well in that case my bills are too high this month ( or something ) could you get it from the neighbor please. Now you might go
next door and thank that person, but chances are you're not going to offer to pay it back next month and you know it...
I don't know how things are where you live but around here budget cuts are closing schools and cutting the types of classes kids can take. Things like
wood shop, drivers ed. and so on. Teaching only the basics needed to still call it a school. In fact most teachers here tend to buy class supply's
from their own pocket. I volunteer at a grade school and now a lot of teachers who buy pencils in bulk so their students have something to write with.
A lot of those students will get a new pencil every day if they allowed it. Now are we to believe that all of these kids parents can't afford 25 cents
for a pack of pencils, or is it that those parents see no need to spend their money when others will pay it for them.
Yes this took place during the school day, but did it occur to you that doing it at that time means not having to pay those teachers involved
overtime. Doing so would mean less of those funds would go to the school. On top of that would be the added cost of having people on school grounds
during non-school hours. Things like the clean up crew, added security to keep the peace and so on.
I guess what I'm saying is that it's wrong to condemn those involved unless you were there and know the reason for doing what they did. It's also VERY
WRONG to decide that this woman is a bad person based on her hair or teeth that you got from a single photo. How a person looks has nothing to do with
how they act. The witch is the person who would condemn her and say hateful things about her because of a single photo, and the worst is that person
who posted the photo in the first place. That is the one you should be mad at because we know what kind of a person they are. They're the type who
would bully someone because they dress different, or don't wear the newest styles. You know the type, Oh my god can you believe the way she had on
white after labor day, what trailer trash. She should be banned from the country club. Well guess what you're NOT better than her. At least she's
trying to help as many kids as she can with what she has. She may not be perfect, but who among is. It's always easy to point out the mistakes of
others after the fact. If no one pointed out the problem before it happened then they are just as much to blame.