a reply to:
You typed a lot so I'm not really sure what to reply to (not like I can talk lol). I will say thanks for the post about mutual respect though. And
yeah, it's hard to get people to see the truth if they only see the stereotypes on tv. Then again, they have to want to see the truth.
Ok, I'll start with the post about the Muslim families. Muslims are just people. We're not angels or demons, superior or inferior. Just people. We
eat & sleep, laugh & cry just like everyone else. So just as you wouldn't expect all people of any other group to act a single way, you can't expect
that from us either. The new families may be new to the country or simply new to the area & may not know the local culture. Or may come from a faster
lifestyle like New York or London, so they're not used to small talk. Or some of them may just be jerks (like any other demographic).
Also, you've gotta realize that there are at least 1.6 BILLION Muslims globally, and that's a conservative estimate. There are many different
cultures, languages, and interpretations, as well as many different ethnic groups in Muslim regions. And just like with Christianity, not all of us
get along or even accept each other as fellow believers. Some cultures may be racist towards others, regardless of them also being Muslims. And some
may treat women differently, strangers differently, guests differently, etc. [For example, my family & I have had exchanges with some other Muslims
that didn't accept African Americans or other "black" people as Muslims, even though racism is nowhere in the Qur'an.]
Right now, many Muslim countries have women's rights protests and protest movements over politics, rights & wages. But that never gets shown in the
US unless it benefits US foreign policy (remember the "Arab Spring" and "Green Revolution" in Iran?). So yeah, there are some Muslim men who are
misogynists, just as there are misogynists in all cultures. Though in some cultures, women are treated as exclusive & male strangers aren't supposed
to interact w/them without familial approval. This isn't exclusive to Muslims, either.
As for the OP: The funny thing is people here should be glad we're following our laws, if only they knew. Our laws are strictly against us
drinking alcohol, against stealing/robbing, killing except in self defense, lying, starting conflicts, and committing suicide. And we must accept
peace offers, must repay our debts, must treat animals humanely, are commanded to seek knowledge then act on it, women are given the rights to
inheritance & to divorce, and divorced women are guaranteed alimony & child support (I think until she gets re-married). We're even
to pay charity in 2 separate forms, though some schools of thought try to limit how much they're required to pay. Oh course, not all Muslims
follow this, just like how not all Christians follow everything in the Bible.
I'd love to comment on the history part but I don't think we'll agree on that. I think we'd both keep going in circles & I'm not sure if we'd
want to re-read that. May peace be with you though