posted on May, 22 2015 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to:
So I was right, spirituall, meta-physical journey you are going through. Take this next statement from me with strong heart or disregard me
altogether. Stay away from the Hermeticism, Kybalion and all these things it all leads to darkness and corruption of your soul, the demons and
lucifer love to meet people using those exact things to hide behind. Now it is clear to me why the girl got hurt, Innocence lost.... But not all is
lost it can be repaired remade.
You probably think I'm a christian nutter... Know this at one time I was very high up into Black Magic, When I practiced I never used a circle lol
stupid wiccans lol.... All my symbols and Sumerian writing was always in blood and semen. What demon will even humor or respect someone hiding inside
their circle whilst they conjure beings lol.... I willingly let multiple demons reside in me and I did have certain abilities in those times. But
upon trying a very unholy procedure trying to manifest my soul into my flesh incarnate that the devil killed me during that ritual. I was dead for
over 7 minutes per multiple witnesses. When I died, I should have when straight to Hell/Sheol and been tortured and burned for a thousand years.
Instead God revealed himself to me outside of Heaven. I still remember so clearly it's just something you can't forget. I saw the walls of heaven
in the distance, everything was a shade of gold but still had it's own colors it was beautiful like a scene from the Lion King landscape and when God
spoke to me the entire sky lit up. God spared my life, my soul and told me he loved me, said it was my choice if I wanted to die or pass over, and
the first would be last and the last will be first. I now live for God and Jesus 100% and enjoy rebuking and casting away demons, aliens(demons,
fallen angels, and nephalim). Funny to say they never like to be near me anymore because they know I know they are worthless and have already lost.