posted on May, 21 2015 @ 01:12 PM
I am wondering what is the use of being able to manipulate your dream such that the girl was okay? I would think that in order to understand the
dream completely, you would want to see it play out as your subconscious mind had been doing.
Wouldn't having the ability to change the course of a dream change the outcome of the analysis applied to the dream afterwards, or, do you take this
change into account and analyze it based on the probable result of the child having been killed but knowing that in your kind heart, you did what you
could within the parameters of that dream to save her?
I am just curious about the lucid dreaming and such. I know sometimes people on ATS have mentioned dreams where X happened and a lot of responses
include the "you should have asked Y about such and such". I can understand seeking answers in your dreams but to engage and possibly transform the
dream, where does that really leave you in terms of understanding?
BTW: The dream you have presented with the saving of the girl and all if I analyze it as such I would think that someone familiar to you may have a
breakdown and you may unknowingly cause them to break out of it and save themselves.
Now, who can you think of that may be on the verge of in need or desperation? Family, Friend, a co-worker, someone you chit chat with regularly like
a grocery clerk or barista? You never know until you "know" that is why life is always interesting for me because any one of my little gestures,
like a smile or a hand-out or simply helping someone just because, could be changing the very fabric of those lives I interact with. In your dream,
perhaps a regular interaction is about to come crashing into a situation that you've somehow revealed and then helped to solve for someone you may or
may not know well.