posted on Jun, 6 2003 @ 12:37 PM
Originally posted by Militiaman
It'd explain why many of them seem to believe that all they have to do to end violence is take away peoples' guns. The real criminals aren't
going to hand in their guns to the UK police during their gun amnesties, and it's naive to think that they are.
When 50 or so people a year are killed by guns we can afford to be blase. Our society is much. much older than yours. We don't hunt because there are
no vast tracts of land to hunt in. The only reason any Brit would ever need a gun is for sport or for crime.
So we simply don't need them.
As for spineless? You forget. You're a colony. Canada didn't even have the balls of the US. They swallowed our culture, our laws, our monarchy, our
system. At least the US went out there and did it for themselves.
I guess that makes you Canadians spineless doesn't it.
And then when I look at your relationship with the US another word springs to mind - parasite.
So you see, what works for you, doesn't necessarily work for the guy over the road. For you to assume otherwise is both arrogant and ignorant. For
you to throw slurs into the equation demands that I put you straight.
You have no idea of what you are talking about. You can only compare with your own infant society and you don't have the mental capacity to do that.
The fact is that we in the UK don't live like you do simply because we don't have to. As a result gun crime here is minimal. Sure you can massage
facts and figures but in my life I have never met a single person who has been threatened with a firearm. And guess what? I was a cop when I was 19
and for the last 6 years I've been a bar owner. I would think somebody with those qualifications would be able to tell you that you know nothing.
Spineless indeed.
Like I said dude - Glass houses.