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Vanishing houses and time slips

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posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: CarlGrove
a reply to: AdAstra

Thanks for the extra detail. Actually I can think of only two cases from Italy, both from the Coloseum in Rome. I had been assuming you were on a little used country road, so I understand why you couldn't stop immediately.

Really? What happened at the Colosseum?
I am sure others wouldn't mind hearing about either.

posted on Jun, 6 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: AdAstra

I forgot to ask.... In your book you mention ionization as being the possible cause for a blue light mentioned in one incident.
I am sure you remember Carl Gustav Jung also saw the atmosphere in the Ravenna church (during his vision) being light blue. He specifically mentions this detail.
What do you make of it?

edit on 6-6-2015 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: AdAstra

I wouldn't want to read much into a feature of just two events (I think one was in the context of the Bell). I think Joan Forman fell into the same trap because a couple of her cases featured a silvery light. But across the whole range of cases such patterns are quite rare. What impresses (and amazes) me is the total lack of any "abnormality" of light, colours, imagery, in so many Type 4 cases. You just step off the pavement, or go into a shop or cafe, and you are in another time.

The Colosseum cases were very similar. One was in the ATS forum, "I believe I encountered a time slip when I was a child in Italy at the Colosseum." No date given but when the witness was aged 7 and living in Rome she found herself back in Roman times with gladiators and guards who saw her and showed surprise. When she returned to the present her parents had been looking for her for an hour.

In the other, the same thing happened to a visiting American housewife, 39, Tracy Dionetello on 15 Dec. 2000. She found herself amid a group of women being shepherded towards the arena; when she resisted, a guard slashed her with a trident. She lost consciousness and her family found her later in an underground room. This is the only case where a witness sustained a minor injury. (Weekly World News, 13 Feb 2001, p.31).

posted on Jun, 7 2015 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: CarlGrove

No, of course not, but I do think it's interesting that the color Jung saw was blue, too - not green, not pink, not anything but light blue.
Now, you understand this is just a fleeting idea, but - it is interesting that, according to the Kabbalah, the first light of creation (I am paraphrasing) is light blue.

One other thing I wanted to mention: the two-dimensional (flat) appearance of the scenery that Moberly & Jourdain saw, along with some other people who lived (much later) near the Versailles park. I think that could be highly indicative as a clue to whatever it is that was happening. I think H. (the original "Myosotis") posted something about that here years ago, but I don't think the thread went anywhere.

Anyway, thanks.

edit on 7-6-2015 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: AdAstra

Maybe such patterns occur when the slip is incomplete or fails to reach total integration. I agree it is necessary to check into these when they occur. They could offer clues.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: CarlGrove

Carl , we've ordered MacKenzie's book. While it arrives, do you happen to know if the following story is in it - and, more importantly, what do you make of it?

It's about two girls who are said to have witnessed a house that was no longer there on their next visit to the area, and even interacted with a man who opened the door when they knocked on it. This alleged incident happened in 1941.
Two more details: there was a sort of squeaking white pillar gate in a hedge, and they said the moon was very large, red, and "unusually dazzling" that evening.

edit on 8-6-2015 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-6-2015 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: AdAstra

No,it's not in MacKenzie's book. I think it emerged recently. I did refer briefly to this case in passing but it is a real puzzle -- it doesn't fall into any simple classification. I tried twice to contact ASSAP without success.

It belongs to a small class of cases where people appear -- in this case the old man in the cottage -- and seem to know what is happening, and try to assist the witnesses back to their normal reality. One witness referred to such people as "monitors", which could be an apt term. The experiences of Jimmy T and H.B.M. Dervish tell us that people do exist that understand what is going on, and I think there are those higher up in the system -- "people of the secret" as Ernest Scott called them -- who know exactly what to do when things go wrong in time and space. Which is putting it mildly in the context of the West Country incident!

I found the reactions of the witnesses interesting also. They were apparently freaked out more by the vanishing cottage than by the strange dimensional trap they found themselves in, which they saw just as pixilation, due to fairy activity. It seems almost as though someone or something was playing with them.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: CarlGrove
It seems almost as though someone or something was playing with them.

Interesting, that sounds along the lines of Jacque Vallee's theories as to 'high strangeness'/'ufo' phenomena...

posted on Jun, 10 2015 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: lostgirl

Yes, that's what it seems like. There aren't many cases as extreme as that, thank goodness. Most time slip cases don't fall into that category, they seem impersonal, if you like. I think Vallee has long been the most perceptive reporter on UFO events, plus John Keel maybe.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: CarlGrove

Thank you, Carl.
Regarding the unexpected reactions of these two (and other) people who found themselves in such odd circumstances, it's worth remarking that a strangely "accepting" state of mind - often described like "dreamlike - appears quite often in apparent "time slip" cases, as you probably noticed yourself.
Something inducing brain waves different from those characteristic for the usual waking state?

posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: AdAstra

Possibly. But I have been in odd circumstances on a number of occasions and I think that we are programmed to ignore incongruities and take things as they come. It's only later that you realise that something wasn't quite "right." (Not necessarily "paranormal" things, but maybe just someone being a bit strange or an unusual feature in the environment.) It depends on circumstances, e.g. whether we are relaxed, anxious, looking for something, with a job to do etc. The only way we are going to confirm these hypotheses would be in the lab, maybe trying to induce a time slip, and seeing how the subjects react. As I think I observed in the report, a lot of stressful experiences (e.g. facing extreme danger) bring on a dreamlike feeling ("this can't be happening").

posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: CarlGrove

I wonder if anyone has ever managed to take pictures of houses, buildings, ect of these time slips as proof? would the pics even show up?!

Interesting thread. S&F!

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: CarlGrove

I just noticed that your thread is a topic on this week's Mysterious Universe podcast. They've done some great shows over the years and I've listened to probably 90% of them since Season 2.

Well done

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: TealFox

There have been a few unsuccessful attempts to take photos during a time slip. None appear to have come out although someone did claim to have taken a picture that did, but hasn't yet revealed it. None of the attempts with digital cameras have come to anything, typically the batteries fail. There have been a few obvious fakes on the net, of course.

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Thanks for telling me, I will check it out!

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 12:00 PM
I think it makes more sense to call it an "alternate universe slip" because I believe in the multiverse theory.

Maybe "the past" is still "present" in another alternate universe?

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 12:06 PM
There is a castle in Devon, England near to where I live, its called Berry Pomery castle, supposed to be extremely haunted. I have spent many nights within the castles ruin myself. However, this story goes that a man was flying over the castle in a small cesner type plane, as a passenger. While flying above he noticed that castle had a roof, all its turrents and chimneys that had smoke coming out of them. It's a well known story in the local area.

Following this, a friend of mine was running in the valley below the castle and she noticed the castle looking in tact with windows, she put this down to rennovation works. Yet on her return through the valley, the castle was yet again in a state of ruin.

I search through the internet shows a few other people experiencing situations like this around the castle, even a man in period dress stood on a bridge that no longer exists.

posted on Jun, 13 2015 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: jimbotweed
Great story!

You should go back to see if there's any changes...maybe if you're lucky you can record it.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: TealFox

My rule of thumb is to call something a time slip if it seems to involve another time in this universe, and a dimensional slip if it doesn't. There are some cases where both possibilities could apply, e.g. a case where someone goes into a shop where he didn't expect to find one, has a pleasant chat with the owner, buys a Coke, and departs feeling happy but knowing something wasn't right. Afterwards when he returns to that place there is just an empty plot. He doesn't think there ever was a shop there, but if he hasn't checked local records can he be sure? In Rougham there is a certain amount of evidence from maps and debris, so "time slip" is a plausible categorisation.

posted on Jun, 14 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: jimbotweed

That is fascinating. I believe I have heard of the castle (was it featured on Most Haunted some time?) but not in this context. If you're on the spot and clearly interested in investigating such things you have a great opportunity there. Might be worth putting an appeal in the local paper for starters; also checking with local dowsers to see if there are any energy lines around there. Automatic cameras maybe? The Tower Association in Rougham has reportedly succeeded in getting a photo of a US airman in uniform on the airfield within the last couple of years by that means.

Are there any neolithic sites nearby?

I agree with TealFox, it is worth keeping a close watch on events there, particularly as it seems to be fairly active still.

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