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originally posted by: SanitySearcher
Keep in mind that we humans can only ever understand and learn about the physical.
originally posted by: SanitySearcher
This is how science says the universe was begun. Quantum fluctuation is something from nothing. This can only be done if you have quantum physics and the laws of relativity. None can argue against that. That means you can create something from nothing if you have the laws or forces of nature in existence which aren't physical but act on the physical.
So these 'forces'...
1. Are not physical, yet...
2. Act on the physical
3. Can make something from nothing
4. Predate the Universe (not bound by time)
originally posted by: SanitySearcher
God (according to the Bible).
1. Is not physical (beyond our understanding)
2. Can act on the physical
3. can make something from nothing
4. Predated the Universe
originally posted by: SanitySearcher
Science has finally discovered God. Sure there's more to explain but atheist would have to explain how forces of nature can create something without those forces of nature in existence. If they believe that they have far more faith than any believer in God has.
originally posted by: SuperFrog
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
You know what is interesting though? There are scientific facts recorded in the bible. Like when it came to health, long before regulations existed and people even knew what germs were it was written in the scriptures inspired by the creator how to handle dead bodies and feces because of disease, which there were no secular text books on such enlightened info like this in that time.
If you studied previous civilizations you would learn that they actually know much more, not just about germs, but even what everything is made of - atoms, long before first microscope. No one denied that some wisdom did not end up in bible, but we know for earlier examples for even more complex wisdom... and had nothing to do with religion.... actually knowledge got lost DUE TO religion, but that is whole other topic...
Greek philosophers Leucippus and Democritus first developed the concept of the atom in the 5th century B.C.E. However, since Aristotle and other prominent thinkers of the time strongly opposed their idea of the atom, their theory was overlooked and essentially buried until the 16th and 17th centuries. In time, Lavoisier’s groundbreaking 18th-century experiments accurately measured all substances involved in the burning process, proving that “when substances burn, there is no net gain or loss of weight.” Lavoisier established the science of modern chemistry, which gained greater acceptance because of the efforts of John Dalton, who modernized the ancient Greek ideas of element, atom, compound, and molecule; and provided a means of explaining chemical reactions in quantitative
You see that gap in knowledge, there is very simple explanation for it...
Do we have to go through all of those??
originally posted by: TheCretinHopI mean cleopatra used to put poop in her vagina as a contraceptive for goodness sakes! (Isaiah 11:19-22;Deuteronomy 23:12-14)These are all scientifically correct practices, down to the microbiology.
Isaiah 11:19-22 tells about revengeful god who striking people who don't acknowledge them... not sure what that has to do with topic or even what you posted before, unless you think that was good enough reason for God to go into revenge mode and also kill all firstborn. Do you ever think how wrong this is??
Deuteronomy 23:12-14 - this was actually common knowledge among ancient civilizations... What do you think how did humans survive before religion??
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Natural water cycle was acknowledged without a college teaching anyone. (Ecclesiastes 1:7).
Really? But its not even correct as its missing one major thing - how?!
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
The earth's shape(before humans even knew it's actual shape cough* Columbus cough*) [Isaiah 40:22], how the earth is suspended on it's own in space (Job 26:7). Kind of interesting coming from people who couldn't fly in space and look down on the earth. Kind of epic knowledge unless they were inspired by someone knowledgable of these things...
Actually, just for your info, earth is not shaped in circle, and also for you knowledge Isaiah is not talking about earth shape, but about where in sky god's throne is. Today we know there is no throne in the sky, don't we? This also shows that you are not aware that old Greeks end Egyptian not only KNEW that earth is sphere, but Eratosthenes even measured radius and circumference of Earth and he lived 300BC?! I wrote about him in different topic, if you interested, please read here:
Please note, discussion here is different approach between religion and science. Please use appropriate topics if you like to talk about knowledge lost due to religion or perhaps you like to point what you call microbiology... yet that really was not that...
“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me.”
1954 Albert Einstein wrote to the philosopher Erik Gutkind after having just read Gutkind’s book Choose Life
I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.
-- Albert Einstein, following his wife's advice in responding to Rabbi Herbert Goldstein of the International Synagogue in New York, who had sent Einstein a cablegram bluntly demanding "Do you believe in God?" Quoted from and citation notes derived from Victor J Stenger, Has Science Found God? (draft: 2001), chapter 3.
It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
-- Albert Einstein, 1954, from Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Hmm you're quite adamant.
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Although yes in Isaiah it was referring to a circle. And if you did your own research and looked up the original Hebrew words you would see that the truest definition points to "sphere." But you probably didn't know that so its ok.
Isaiah 40-22 It is He that sitteth above the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in;
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
And you said ancient civilizations had knowledge? Like who Greece? You need references of these ancient civilizations. Not just your own words.
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Unless it's just your opinion than state it as that. Not as fact. That's not as ancient as what i was referring to. Don't be completely unreasonable. I think I made valid points.
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
Sorry for the Isaiah misquote!! I meant these verses...Written about 1500 B.C.E., the Mosaic Law (found in the first five books of the Bible) contained sound laws regarding quarantining of the sick, treatment of dead bodies, and disposal of waste.—Leviticus 13:1-5; Numbers 19:1-13; Deuteronomy 23:13, 14.
originally posted by: TheCretinHop
You can't disregard my references. All I was saying too, is whether you are religious or not, the bible states facts that correlate with modern science well before others "documented" any of their conclusions. Again you lacked
That being said, I know what the OP was about. You came in and started talking about standard AA theory stuff. You used ancient texts to support your evidence. I am telling you that science contradicts these accounts.
Sciences like archeology aren't finding evidence that corroborates these claims.
Sciences like physics demonstrate that some of these claims are impossible.
Engineering shows that humans could easily design these ancient structures with enough manpower. Etc.
The point is that science and religion rarely ever align.
This is why I demand evidence first. If you are going to tell me what you believe, awesome, but don't get mad if I demand evidence afterwards.
originally posted by: DazDaKing
I am NOT PROPOSING A THEORY. You are tackling this ENTIRE discussion with me as if I am proposing a theory. What I DID propose however, is that the overlapping story as I see it (whichI deem to be the core of all the fundamental religions today, and hence the true nature of what religion is) is NOT contradicted by science.
150,000 to 200,000 years ago (derived from SKL reigns) the 'Gods' descend from Heaven onto Earth.
The 'sons of Gods', the Iggigi (or later called the Anunnaki/Nephilm) toiled the Earth for many generations for the 'Greater Gods'.
After 'many generations', the Iggigi complained about their position to the 'Greater Gods', and the the God Enki proposed the solution of a worker race.
What part of science makes what claims impossible? Please let me know. Remember, I AM TALKING ABOUT THE OVERLAPPING STORY - if you think that's BS and we should focus specifically on the Bible alone, or the Qu'ran, or so forth, then this discussion is absolutely pointless since we are not on the same topic any longer.
The Iggigi also began having sexual relations with the workers, resulting in the countless references to 'Demi-Gods', 'sons of Gods' and so forth.
This is actually one of the most interesting parts of any of the religious texts or stories as it actually DIRECTLY refers to these 'Gods' as posessing HUMANOID qualities rather than that of a spiritual, astronomical or symbolical nature.
Remember; we are talking the POSSIBILITY of something - NOT the PROBABILITY. This is the key that makes the point I originally made a different flavour as to what people are used to on here.
Quick example - the heaviest block in the GP is 70tonnes or 70,000 kg. Let's assume you want to get a crapload of men (your so called manpower) to DRAG this thing (as a starting point) - how many men would we need?
The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids may have been able to move massive stone blocks across the desert by wetting the sand in front of a contraption built to pull the heavy objects, according to a new study.
Physicists at the University of Amsterdam investigated the forces needed to pull weighty objects on a giant sled over desert sand, and discovered that dampening the sand in front of the primitive device reduces friction on the sled, making it easier to operate. The findings help answer one of the most enduring historical mysteries: how the Egyptians were able to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of constructing the famous pyramids.
The amount of water necessary depends on the type of sand, he added, but typically the optimal amount falls between 2 percent and 5 percent of the volume of sand.
"It turns out that wetting Egyptian desert sand can reduce the friction by quite a bit, which implies you need only half of the people to pull a sledge on wet sand, compared to dry sand," Bonn said.
Core story leading to modern religion:
-150,000 to 250,000 years ago (from correlating the SKL to the Eridu Genesis) 'Gods descend from Heaven' and a new humanoid is created from the Earth - of which all others follow.
-This race co-exists with another larger, and apparently more advanced (at the time) race, and they potentially interbred.
-A huge catastrophe hits the Earth around 6,000 to 15,000 BC (SKL) and eliminated significant parts of human civilisation as well as completely destroying the other humanoid races.
-Humans are handed the knowledge of agriculture/farming after the flood (hence 6,000 to 15,000 BC) and around 3,000 to 5,000 BC they are granted the right to establish their own 'kingship'.
Yes - this story can be found as I've just mentioned it in official translations of tablets, texts and stories from the 3,000 BC to 0 BC period.
Modern scientific knowledge:
-200,000 years ago, modern humans popped up in Africa - and we are all derived from just one of these ancestors.
-We co-existed with other humanoid races, physically larger and potentially more advanced/intelligent at the time, and we potentially interbred.
-An abrupt ice age end causes a long period of instability and dramatic rise in global sea levels (Young Dryas Period - 8,000 to 14,000 BC). Significantly parts of human civilization are lost and the other humanoid races disappear in this period.
-Humans adopt agriculture and the domenstication of animals around 6,000 to 10,000 BC and Pharoahes pop up around 3,000 BC - the first example of divinely appointed human rulers on Earth.
For the final time - I did not tell you what I believe and I was not proposing a theory. I was replying to the OP's point and therefore is on a COMPLETELY different tanget to the point that you are trying to make. If I was sat here saying to you - IT WAS ALIENS - then what you are saying would be rational.
You don't prove a negative, so all I deal in is probability. If I find something with a very low probability then I disregard it as unlikely. If you ever catch me saying that something is impossible though its because I'm being slightly hyperbolic. As an agnostic I don't think anything is impossible. I just think that certain things are exceedingly unlikely because they go against known science. Sometimes that unlikeliness results in it basically becoming impossible, so I just use that word instead. Many times I will still put the word "likely" or "probably" in front of it though.
The only way for that to gel with science is for those "Gods" to be aliens. You even partially admit that they aren't gods by putting the word gods in quotations. Therefore it reasons that this is just another version of the AA theory. It may not be the pop AA theory that we see on the History channel, but it is one nonetheless.
Have you worked that into your calculations?
DazDaKing The ONLY way I've actually managed to make the maths work on any of this is assuming an EXTREMELY POLISHED road all the way from the quarry to the construction site that can provide an incredibly low coefficient of friction - this is also a recent explaination offered by many leading engineers. Once again, this involves more work than the Pyramid itself and therefore is not a 'nice solution'.
Again, why are you only focusing on the ancient Middle East?
So basically, while the ancient texts may paint a narrative that SOUNDS likely, it doesn't really hold up to what science has shown us is really the case.