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originally posted by: np6888
a reply to: Specimen
Most aliens are also creation of the simulation, as they exist within the universe. The Simulator possesses power beyond the Aliens.
Regardless, I don't know how this is different from knowing that you were "created." It's ironic that mankind has continually seek for the existence of God, then once they've finally found him, they deny him, because it implies some kind of hierarchy.
originally posted by: superman2012
a reply to: Kapusta
People ask me "What movie scared you the most " hands down the Matrix , they look at me like I am crazy but the Idea of living in a computer simulation seems very plausible.
Why does that scare you?
originally posted by: Greathouse
a reply to: olaru12
Ironically if true that will be the easiest explanation for the universe.
Regarding the hierarchy thing, at the end of the day, do most people not follow the order of someone else?
originally posted by: Rosinitiate
originally posted by: PorteurDeMort
Worst video game ever!
Don't hate the player hate the game, right? If you could play the game, you'd be a player too!
originally posted by: anonentity
originally posted by: Greathouse
a reply to: olaru12
Ironically if true that will be the easiest explanation for the universe.
It would be the most energy efficient as well. Points of conscious energy, decoding electromagnet signals into a reality structure. Confirming, the observed signals , with other points of consciousness.