posted on May, 7 2015 @ 11:22 AM
This is the new world order. The only way to pass the trade deal is in secret and they know it. People are becoming acutely aware of the dangers
multinational corporations pose; this, in effect, will nullify any on the ground efforts by states to rebuttal against the wants and needs of
corporate control.
This IMO, is a ploy to secure the wealth and greed of the elitist profiteers and shutting down any protest against them.
In other words: if we want it and you reject, we'll sue you in our top secret supranational court ruled by oligarchs that no one knows; who by the way
are members of your own governments that gave us this power.
So protest while you can, soon it won't matter. The rights of the corporate state will soon supersede the rights of individual. Remember corporations
are people too, the supreme court said so...bwa ha ha ha.
On a serious note, I think there were two US Supreme Court rulings that helped solidify this position.
1. Corporate personhood
2. Citizens United
edit on 7-5-2015 by Daedal because: edit