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Found a way to prolong my life by 50 years at least.

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posted on May, 6 2015 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Unity_99
a reply to: KnightLight
along with telling them that they would NOT be joining the bigger Boys and Girls on higher levels, where responsibilities include managing whole systems, with understanding and compassion.

It's funny that's what I realized the other day. Realized I was training myself.

The message was given so some may turn it all around, but not given because they don't know that already. They aren't interested in growing up, but in holding dominion over a lower frequency realm.

Yea. and here I AM.

What better way for them to try and avoid consequence than AI?


And I do wonder how scared some of the darker beasts are who may be nearing a judgement of some kind.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: KnightLight

Yes, because they must have an inkling at least some of them, the ones not roped 100% into their false religion, and all their coding where they turn Love into traps, and women into beast that gives sea men and slaves born into their ma trix. They spout their dark codings so much they believe it all, siriously!

Some of them embrace the quantum infinity and may question things a little more, hopefully. The scripts they carry out take blind faith in a lie.

From an infinite perspective, this is an old recording, the outcome already exists, either way, and as spirit, separate from the play they entered, the only thing that can really change in it, they've been called to make some changes in the way they turned out, in what may be a re run even. You know, like an old movie you take off the shelf.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I would absolutely never want to survive any kind of apocalypse. Addiction to life is humanities biggest downfall.

My pity wasn't specifically directed at any of my fellow ATS posters, more at the sad reality that the majority of humans choose to idolize.

My words were more venting about how I see the world around me, not direct attacks.

Thanks for clearing that point up. Still, your philosophy of death is disturbing and at 27 YO you should have snapped out of it by now. Yeah, life can suck, the system is broken and the values that many people have are misdirected. We will never find the utopia of a sci-fi fantasy such as Star Trek.

I really hope you find something to live for and as far as work until you die, that is what we humans have evolved into, every living thing has to do this. Don't take it all so personally, you're not the first nor will be the last to see how crappy life can be, just try to make the best of what you have and try to find some happiness along the way. I hope the best for you, just keep on keeping on, it all any of us really have.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
a reply to: KnightLight

Dude I had Lupe on in the car when reading the replies.

So weird haha

However, I think the idea of seeing/being part of a change has been conditioned into us, because human nature is broken & (apparently) inherently dualistic, & we've always had some broken system of poverty/disparity or another.

We are a long way off of Star Trek next gen style egalitarianism, & our addiction to the unnecessary suffering of humanity until then is unbearable for me, personally.

We are only free in death.

Ok I hope you don't mind me responding to this a bit.

The only kind of slavery that seems to keep you from experiencing freedom is your own mental slavery. It's the need to give in to it's every whim, and to experience life on IT's terms. To me, true freedom is to be able to experience life as it is, without having to adjust your experience to your imagined terms. That's slavery.

It must be the hardest thing for human beings to let go of all your ideas, wishes, demands, imagined entitlements and all that other mental stuff, and just experience life as it is. To our ego letting go on such a level feels like death. And in a certain sense that's what it is: ego death.

The ego needs security, and seeks it in anything that promises to provide it. Of course it never works, as you've probably experienced. In your case it seems to have resulted in apathy, and an urge to escape all those things that seem to keep you in the claws of meaninglesness (is that a word?).

In my opinion there's nothing wrong with the temporal nature of the things we experience. We are here to experience them, and to learn that while we can enjoy what life has to offer we don't have to be dependant on them. That realisation is true freedom.. but it's no good to just accept that as a given, you have to make the jump yourself and see it for yourself.

Here's how adyashanti puts it:

"If you choose freedom, life will become magical. The life you'll step into is one in which the Self is in hidden agreement with your humanness. The Self begins to harmonize with your life, and it may proceed in a way that you could never have predicted. The magical part is that the more you let go, the better it feels. The more you step into insecurity, the more you notice how secure and safe it is. Where you just stepped out of was unsafe. Everyone is so miserable because they seek security in things that are limited and always moving and changing unpredictably."

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: payt69

Great post there.

It wasn't until the ego in me shut up that I started noticing I wasn't afraid of the same things at the same level anymore. I try to explain this is all of my posts, how everything is ok. I don't have to hide who I am anymore. I don't have to worry about sounding crazy. I obviously till have my ego.. We play back and forth together. Sometimes I am him again, other times not as much.

I think of it in terms of thoughts are the distance between the subject and object of the story. Stress is feeling the distance.
The Buddhist is always trying to relieve the suffering of this distance. Not only is there always distance, but the distance changes, the story is always moving along, and now last year is gone. The stress of changing temperary forms..

It's when there is no distance between you and anything else.. There you are in Eternity. The moment of the Now that is always. That would be quite a neat feat haha.. Oh wait was that a commercial? I'm hungry what should I eat? are the bills due tomorrow? Back to the ego. Wouldn't want anyone to be godly all the time right?

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
What if the whole idea of life is to recognize that it's a trap & to free yourself by committing suicide.

What if making you feel like suicide is the answer is the REAL trap?

Dear FaceMyBook,
This is going to sound entirely crazy - and I am perfectly ok if it does.

I do not believe in coincidences...

I do not read many internet sites, but ATS and a few others have become regular sites for me. Now within the past hour, I read about a man who is planning on killing himself at the Grand Canyon on a dream prediction site. (Mock if you must, this guy has been right many times, and so I feel it is worthy of my time to consider his posts.)

Here: Prediction

Immediately thereafter, I was reading your posts in this thread where you mentioned you had quit your job and were planning to travel to the Grand Canyon, and saying that you were "not meant for this world". I got chills when I came to your mention of the Grand Canyon, which is why I had to post.

If this is you (and possibly your intention), he dreamed about you for a reason, and by his words wishes he could help. Again, I do not believe it is coincidence that I saw that very specific prediction, and then next read your post.

There is every chance that I am wrong in putting 2 and 2 together, but I am not willing to take that chance and have you leaving this world, without at least having tried to convey that your VERY existence has had a profound effect on many others in this world. You may not feel this to be true, but I promise you it is...even if you did nothing in life but wander around this world, you will have had untold effects on so many people.

You are needed here, even if you do not yet know why. Quite frankly, you may never know why, the key is to make peace with that eventuality too. True, there is much turmoil these days, but that doesn't make or break the interpersonal encounters that can cause change for the better, by one's very existence. If you only influenced one person ever, that person could go on to be a hero to many, or even the entire world. You may not know this, but it is as real as the sun rising each morning; your life is a light to others. It could be that the world is partially the way it is, because so many people have and are giving up...when each and every soul is needed to turn things around.

One last thing; I have read in more than a few places, that if we give up this life of our own accord, we have to come back and repeat our present situation or worse; would you really want that as a reality? Only to get to this same point again?

Your life is a book only you can write, and you are a blessing to this planet whether you know it or not. I appreciate you.

And I wish you peace.

ETA: Very much enjoyed the posts by Ender, Unity, Knight & payt. I feel like I've found hidden gems today.

edit on 6-5-2015 by MoonBlossom because: More Thoughts

edit on 6-5-2015 by MoonBlossom because: More Thoughts

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: KnightLight
a reply to: payt69

Great post there.

It wasn't until the ego in me shut up that I started noticing I wasn't afraid of the same things at the same level anymore. I try to explain this is all of my posts, how everything is ok. I don't have to hide who I am anymore. I don't have to worry about sounding crazy. I obviously till have my ego.. We play back and forth together. Sometimes I am him again, other times not as much.

I think of it in terms of thoughts are the distance between the subject and object of the story. Stress is feeling the distance.
The Buddhist is always trying to relieve the suffering of this distance. Not only is there always distance, but the distance changes, the story is always moving along, and now last year is gone. The stress of changing temperary forms..

It's when there is no distance between you and anything else.. There you are in Eternity. The moment of the Now that is always. That would be quite a neat feat haha.. Oh wait was that a commercial? I'm hungry what should I eat? are the bills due tomorrow? Back to the ego. Wouldn't want anyone to be godly all the time right?

That's exactly it! The human mind interprets whatever it's senses register, and turns reality into concepts. Then we turn the events which we register as concepts into a story. This is about as far from reality as one can get.

In our mind we can recall these concepts and stories, and we take them to be reality. We build a web of these concepts and stories and take it to be our identity; 'me' . I guess it'd be an understatement to state that this is a rather biased mechanism. And I feel that's what creates the 'distance' you speak of.

So what is the real 'me' then? Is it that which we observe in our minds' eye, or is that which observes, that which looks through our eyes?

I guess that that which we really are is so close that we overlook it. Instead of looking for the observer, we identify with the observed. It's as close as the feeling of presence/being you have right now.. No need to look further than that, here and now. It's so incredibly simple that the mind can't accept it.. It always feels like 'this isn't it, this can't be it' and it always looks for something other than what is here and now... and only finds temporary band aids at best.

In other words: the only thing that keeps us from finding what we are (and true peace/fulfillment) is our search for it. Once you truly and deeply give up the search, you automatically fall into it. But for most people, it takes ages of seeking to come to that conclusion.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 05:55 PM
There is no way to know how long you will live, so live well.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

That's not exactly how enlightenment works.

It's a #tch & ignorance is bliss.

LoL @ snapping out of it.

I find your "deal with it" philosophy disturbing & the fact so many feel the way you do is why humanity is in such mess in the first place.
edit on 6-5-2015 by FaceMyBook because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: starswift

We have a lot of control over this, actually. Assisted suicide is a good thing. So is capital punishment (for violent offenders)

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:27 PM
a reply to: payt69

I've preached ego destruction since I was ~16 years old, around the same time I stopped celebrating birthdays & all other holidays. I've been preaching apathy for almost as long (for instance, actually caring about gay marriage one way or another is the biggest waste of time)

True freedom is to experience life as is?
Maybe if you are happy living somewhere longer than 6 months.
Or find a career path you love. Or meet the person you want to marry. Or have hobbies or passions or drive.
None of which applies to me.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: MoonBlossom

Extremely intriguing. Not only does that look like me but I've been planning this for awhile now. The timing is kind of crazy.

posted on May, 6 2015 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: payt69

originally posted by: KnightLight
a reply to: payt69

Great post there.

It wasn't until the ego in me shut up that I started noticing I wasn't afraid of the same things at the same level anymore. I try to explain this is all of my posts, how everything is ok. I don't have to hide who I am anymore. I don't have to worry about sounding crazy. I obviously till have my ego.. We play back and forth together. Sometimes I am him again, other times not as much.

I nce.
The Buddhist is always trying to relieve the suffering of this distance. Not only is there always distance, but the distance changes, the story is always moving along, and now last year is gone. The stress of changing temperary forms..

It's when there is no distance between you and anything else.. There you are in Eternity. The moment of the Now that is always. That would be quite a neat feat haha.. Oh wait was that a commercial? I'm hungry what should I eat? are the bills due tomorrow? Back to the ego. Wouldn't want anyone to be godly all the time right?

In other words: the only thing that keeps us from finding what we are (and true peace/fulfillment) is our search for it. Once you truly and deeply give up the search, you automatically fall into it. But for most people, it takes ages of seeking to come to that conclusion.

Couldn't agree more, & I reached that point years ago.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 12:53 AM

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:50 AM

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
a reply to: payt69

I've preached ego destruction since I was ~16 years old, around the same time I stopped celebrating birthdays & all other holidays. I've been preaching apathy for almost as long (for instance, actually caring about gay marriage one way or another is the biggest waste of time)

True freedom is to experience life as is?
Maybe if you are happy living somewhere longer than 6 months.
Or find a career path you love. Or meet the person you want to marry. Or have hobbies or passions or drive.
None of which applies to me.

Well sounds like you're setting conditions for you to experience freedom. Which can't be true freedom by definition, right? You think you'll experience true freedom when condition X and Y have been met. It seems to me you've already experienced that this route simply doesn't work. Sure, a new job/GF or a hobby or passion will DISTRACT you from feeling empty, but it won't work in the long run.

Not that there's anything wrong with all these things. But don't expect outside things to accomplish anything that's to do with inside matters. I know, we ALL do it, and it's the most basic 'problem' with the human condition.

I'm here to tell you don't have to fix anything in the world around you first. There will always one more thing to fix, and you'll never reach the point of true fulfillment. But of course you're free to try a few more wild goose chases if you want.. it can be fun to a certain extent.

It's an interesting experiment to see what happens if you let everything be exactly as it is right now. Don't try to change anything. Make it a sort of meditation if you want to. You can sit there and experience what's happening right now. No need to try to silence the voice in your mind (that never works either). Scan your body and feel what's going on. Let go of any attempts to control anything, but just experience what IS. Relax and sortof fall into the here and now, and see what happens.

You'll notice that from time to time you'll be lost in thought again, and as soon as you notice this, just return to the here and now. One way to sortof anchor your focus in the here and now is by focusing on your breath. Follow the flow of air into your lungs and out again.

Maybe this is helpful:

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
a reply to: MoonBlossom

Extremely intriguing. Not only does that look like me but I've been planning this for awhile now. The timing is kind of crazy.
- - - -

Do consider that the initial prediction claimed the suicide in the Grand Canyon would happen later this month...

I looked at your linked story, and that possible suicide happened only a day after the prediction was made. (The date being on the bottom of the prediction picture. And, FYI - I know that "later" is spelled "letter" on the picture, but in his haste to post there are often errors like that, and I am used to them by now - one can usually read between the lines though.)

I think your first inclination to be intrigued means something and the self-recognition - wow. I am both happy and sad at this info.

There is more in this universe than can be seen with the eyes, and perhaps this message was meant for you as a signpost of sorts. Remember, no coincidences...

The course of action is of course your choice; but please consider that you matter more than you know at this present time, and perchance this is the way that the universe (or your self?) is letting you know that.

No one is ever just a "cog" - in spite of the "official" stories we are programmed with. The ripple effect is real.

I want to tell you how there is still an eerie feeling in my gut, and, how I know that pain; all I can say is that there is a "beyond that" in this world, if you but allow for it.

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
True freedom is to experience life as is?
Maybe if you are happy living somewhere longer than 6 months.
Or find a career path you love. Or meet the person you want to marry. Or have hobbies or passions or drive.
None of which applies to me.

I very much agree with payt's reply, the path is to create/allow ease in yourself. Dis-ease, is the opposite of ease...which is why so many suffer needlessly. Is not ease a lighter feeling than apathy? You won't know unless you give it an equal chance.

Many, many people feel nomadic in nature, do not love their careers, are not married, nor have or can afford hobbies and passions - and many more combinations you have not experienced. These are mere descriptions, and, as probably many married folk can attest to, do not necessarily mean freedom.

Freedom is something you allow yourself (and is not dependent on circumstances); because any other option isn't going to replace it. True freedom is knowing, in your gut, that no matter how far -you- feel you stray from what is considered "a typical life" (what is that anyway), that you are enough as you are. It is a gift only you can give to yourself, (and in doing so, create an allowance for others to see this in themselves too) and as always, it is a choice.

Far too many people exist in this world, never feeling that being themselves is "enough". We are often held hostage by our own choice of language...

Many are their own greatest judges and juries...seldom their own cheerleaders. Food for thought.


payt, you express yourself so eloquently. I love all that you have written here. When I experience the "now", sometimes I laugh out loud with pure joy - because it really IS kind of hilarious that it is so simple; had I just "gotten out of my own way", I could have understood much sooner. I hope that more will know that, by coming across what you've written herein.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: MoonBlossom

Freedom is something you allow yourself (and is not dependent on circumstances); because any other option isn't going to replace it. True freedom is knowing, in your gut, that no matter how far -you- feel you stray from what is considered "a typical life" (what is that anyway), that you are enough as you are. It is a gift only you can give to yourself, (and in doing so, create an allowance for others to see this in themselves too) and as always, it is a choice.

I'm so far beyond the capability of being able to live a "typical life" that it's basically incomprehensible & un-explainable.

Our existence is a paradox in so many ways. I am totally free, but this freedom makes me more trapped than anyone; I cannot function in this reality, so what do I do other than free myself from the physical constraint.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: FaceMyBook
a reply to: MoonBlossom

Freedom is something you allow yourself (and is not dependent on circumstances); because any other option isn't going to replace it. True freedom is knowing, in your gut, that no matter how far -you- feel you stray from what is considered "a typical life" (what is that anyway), that you are enough as you are. It is a gift only you can give to yourself, (and in doing so, create an allowance for others to see this in themselves too) and as always, it is a choice.

I'm so far beyond the capability of being able to live a "typical life" that it's basically incomprehensible & un-explainable.

Our existence is a paradox in so many ways. I am totally free, but this freedom makes me more trapped than anyone; I cannot function in this reality, so what do I do other than free myself from the physical constraint.

Who is this 'I' that can't live in this reality?

It seems that you've been doing fine for all your life up till now. As far as I can see, the only 'problem' is the stories your mind keep telling you, which 'you' seem to believe unquestioningly.

Really contemplate the statements you seem to believe in. Be open for anything that might surface, and ask yourself these questions: for example, take the statement 'I cannot function in this reality':

-Is it true?
-Can you absolutely KNOW that it's true?
-How do you react/what happens when you believe those thoughts?
-What would you be without those thoughts?

That may provide some insights.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

edit on 7-5-2015 by starswift because: (no reason given)

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