posted on May, 17 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to:
I appreciate your comments. I have seen regular training in the area before and this was much larger. That doesn't indicate sinister actions on
anyone's part, but it was unusual. One of the things that was different about this one was the school buses. There were several of them in a line.
You don't bus people to a hostage/gunman situation. And you don't bus people out of one either. Its not an expedient way to get people out of harms
way quickly. But it is a great way to move a bunch of people from a sort of processing triage to a more secure facility, if one so desired.
I looked at the location they chose from a strategy perspective. They were in an area that had cement walls on two sides (structures), no direct
access from public streets (you had to enter the perimeter road first). The area was closed off with barricades/fences, was well lit with spotlights
powered by a large generator, and flashing white and green beacons. Two roadblocks on the perimeter road and you have one very large, very secure
area. You don't need that for a hostage/gunman scenario.
And that is the point. I cant imagine many things that would require that kind of enforcement and strategic location other than one in which the goal
is to control a large number of people who probably aren't happy about being there.
I can understand the need to practice but I cant imagine what scenario they would be practicing for that doesn't look suspicious in some way. And in
the past they have told us about the training. This time they didn't. I don't know if that means anything or not. But it was unusual at the very