posted on May, 5 2015 @ 09:00 PM
All I know after reading posts here, is how odd it is that I am not strip searched every time I enter a store, or pulled over 3 times a day, or am
raided and my dog shot for no good reason, or anything like that. Nor does anyone I know experience that. It makes no sense! According to this site
and others like it, we are living in a police state dammit.. I have NO freedoms (I keep going out late and coming back when I want.. I sneak in to
avoid trouble), no free speech except anywhere I decide to post, and so on.
On a serious note, I do appreciate those who challenge the country at every turn. Because the day there is an issue and no one says a thing, is the
day the government.. any government.. takes advantage of their citizens. So I am not complaining. I do think many folks go overboard though.. this
country is not nearly as bad as many folks make it out to be.