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The "nothing" after death

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posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: jerryznv

Is going to sleep at the same time of night being absent from life outside while I lay down not caring what is going on around, and waking up in the morning count?

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 10:47 AM
This is an old black and white tv compared to the "more' in infinity, more colors than you can shake a stick at. This is the dimmed veild realty, more dream or simulation than living. Real living awaits when the veil rends.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: jessme2
You can no more understand Universal Truths than a bacterium. Not because you are not clever for a human, but that once you compare your intellect to the construction yo need to apprehend, yo are not that far removed from the ooze.

It is hubris to consider yourself, me or any mortal to be worthy of fully understanding this high level of reality.

Not that we shouldn't try to. It's fun but don't take it too seriously as a career move.
The promotion is a killer.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:29 PM
I always say this.

Imagine being dead. What do you see?

If you see anything you have a consciousness.

Your consciousness lives on. Whatever that may be.

For those who have said to me "but there was nothing before you were born..." Well, there was no "me" before "I" was born. My energy/spirit is now alive. I believe energy never "dies".
edit on 30-4-2015 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
That is an amazing insight. Bravo!

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

This is a very good lecture by Alan Watts regarding death and reincarnation

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Good thread, good point. We don't know. I find life would be unbearable to think that there is nothing out there...we just turn off, forever. And maybe that does happen, but millions, billions of us believe otherwise.

I do not like organized religions but do believe there is something out there...a God, but nothing like the Christian, Jewish, Muslim God.

Not everything can be quantifiable and provable. Life should be full of mystery and wonder.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: amazing

I do not like organized religions but do believe there is something out there...a God, but nothing like the Christian, Jewish, Muslim God.

Not everything can be quantifiable and provable. Life should be full of mystery and wonder.

Yeah, it's not "God".......but something is out there.
And there is substantial evidence that consciousness persists after bodily death.
No "God" required.

Yeah: thing.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Axial Leader

When you say it's as if people aren't as self aware as others I believe this is down to social conditioning.

I stopped watching television many, many years ago as well as other controlled media outlets. My mind is clearer and much more open to spirituality and philosophy instead of distracted with whimsical reporting, blatant lies, celebrities eating kangaroo nuts etc.

In my experience people cannot be told to shake it off. I believe it's a thought process one must come to naturally.

To add specifically to the topic, more of a sideways thought touching on the multiverse. My personal belief is that your consciousness, upon physical death, moves to an alternate universe where the body is not dead, seamlessly.

Have you ever had a dream where you died and it was so real you woke up terrified for a moment? What if at the point you died you transferred to a parallel universe, nearly identical except for a few things. Maybe this would explain people noticing changes, slight. Such as berenstein/stain bears, title of a movie, death of a celebrity you were sure died years before.

Food for thought.

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 10:50 PM
At the moment of death the concept of death dies as well.
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: starswift
At the moment of death the concept of death dies as well.
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Of course it does silly, then the next existence begins.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 02:54 PM
The white light that you see is the birth canal. You are lucky if you don't see it because chances are you will be born poor or worse.. Or maybe born as another species on another planet.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 03:41 PM
You learn well grasshopper, the force is strong in You! a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 06:02 PM
Non sequiter
a reply to: TheMadTitan

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Every1 has his own theory about what might happen after we die, but no1 wants to think about returning to a creator who has recorded everything you did... Good luck figuring out what will happen, you'll never find it until your soul leaves your body.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 03:07 PM
Uh Huh....
Nothingness is pure potential for becoming everything and everything is pure potential to become nothing.

....Then you must consider relativity and how others may consider what one would consider to be nothing to actually be something more....

We as humans are still too infantile in our understanding of virtually anything to really even consider the realities of many of these things we discuss here....

Ain't mental masturbation a blast.

Bring paper towels....

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 03:15 PM
Really though, consider the redistribution of one's physical self/body to other creatures of the world after death (if we would only allow it to occur naturally, and the dissipation of the electrical energy of one's being or consciousness (soul?).

We are just part of a grand recycling scheme but somehow consider ourselves separate and above that same scheme which involves absolutely all creatures and things.

The "godbledygook" stuff is really just fear of death.

We are all eternal already...................

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 04:49 PM
When I'm thinking about this subject, I always end up feeling that the universe was made to Create life - and recycle life.

The universe will not 'waste' anything, as it would be plain stupid - and I also firmly believe that the universe is tinge-ling with life, because that's the universe only mission.
So I think that the universe is recycling our consciousness when we die.

Pretty simple.


Nothing in the universe simply 'vanish'.
Neither your consciousness (aka soul)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 04:50 PM
I'm gonna be a tree!!.
No death just rebirth.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
I'm gonna be a tree!!.

Trees are great for monkeys and all the rest of us primates! Be the redwood!

edit on 5/2/2015 by bb23108 because:

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