posted on May, 11 2015 @ 11:29 AM
This doesn't mean all is hopeless or it's something we should fear, not really having a purpose or reason for being; just that we need to realize,
whether we make our purpose god given, government given, parental given, self given. We don't just have one if we don't take or give ourselves one.
This is at the same time one of the best things humanity has going for it, and one of the worst things humanity has going for it, it's a double edged
sword because it can be taken to extremes.
Islam is great for the Islamic, horrible for the Christian. Simply because their reasons for being and purpose, do not agree with each other. This is
the bad side for humanity, because it leads to war, does it mean we all should be one religion, one race, or other genocidal solutions for stopping
the nonsense? Of course not, it is as simple as saying: the reason and purpose you give yourself is fine and tolerable as long as it isn't taken to
such a serious extreme as to take another life, or deprive another in their own pursuit of happiness. it's possible to have a balance of tolerance in
all the worlds diversity and respect it as it is.
Unfortunately, the world doesn't want to work that way due to the ones in control wanting to stay in control. Control a mind, and you can control the
body attached, meaning you can put it to task to achieve what you want it too even if it isn't yours. We see this behavior in animals as well in
displays of dominance... when the police pull you over, it is the same thing it is a display of the governments dominance over you and your driving an
automobile. Rolling over so they can scratch your belly may or may not get you out of a ticket.
I believe the OP has realized much of this, as to why the perception that Les is morose, morbid or depressed in some way. Perhaps it's
disillusionment with the purposes people choose to give themselves... and it makes no logical or rational sense that they would choose to believe in
an unfounded afterlife with a transmigrating conscious energy that is scientifically possible btw, we move data from one storage device to another,
with switched on / off / 1 and 0 electrical coding, The same positive, negative, or neural switching we do in our response to stimuli that is
completely individual or "programmed" by ourselves and our experiences each individually coded to make us think we have a self unlike any other.
Of course looking beyond the programming and seeing the framework the coding is on, is not very easy as it runs counter to our innate need to
cognitively deny, anything that does not compute or that does not mesh with our personally conceived framework. We have to throw out all of our
concepts one by one by taking a look at each one of them, to accomplish this task... running a program counter to the programming, is basically what
undoes the multiplicity of existing realities. We rotely say there is one reality everyone perceives in a general way... but when it comes down to it,
we don't perceive it as it is because of all the programming binding us to it.
He and she, become John and Jane, their life dramas are real and matter to John and Jane, and those John and Jane effect and the environment they come
into contact with and no more. We can say John and Jane work in accounting, they live in the same city, and both have two children. We can further
entropy he and she into deeper and deeper more complex individuals the more experience of them we have yet, all that does is support the concept of an
ego self, it eventually states John and Jane matter in reality as John and Jane and not a random He or She. Reality is the frame work we all fall on
is the same, a name, a job title, etc. is the framework the self falls on and relies on to exist and fee it matters in some sense, it gives reason so
it can have reason. If John and Jane didn't get quantified further, then there would be nothing to personally identify with except maybe the gender
of He and She.
So all of this personal and other coding that becomes John and Jane, you or I is not reality in it's root form, but it's person-ably identifiable
form. John and Jane, you or I are animated by energy that's the reality, the same as the weather, and the planetary orbits etc. they are there and
they are animate they have an effect. We have a concept of good weather and bad weather. Does weather have the same concept? It's just weather, a
bright sunny day is no different than a hurricane to the weather, it just goes about it's functioning and we are the ones that label the experience
of it good or bad, in a self centered view. John and Jane originally were like the weather, but parents trained John and Jane to behave in a specific
manner to suit them whether John or Jane liked it or not, the control of John and Jane is simply passed behavioral training or programming.
There is a danger in the belief that we can keep our egotistical self, we know as us an individual into a life beyond this one... although we are
energy and it may transmigrate into something else. The very concept can be dangerous to the life being experienced now. it's like lead just
daydreaming for the day it turns into gold, ignoring the importance lead can have. There are many people living for their next life ignoring this one,
or feeling they have some duty to push what life will be like in some indeterminate future, and ignore the possibility of what it could be with a
different purpose. We have people killing each other for thousands of years, over what comes next, using the voice of religion as a justification. Of
course this seems senseless, and it is.
The Buddha wouldn't ever give a clear answer on an afterlife for just that reason, we have no reason for being to begin with other than what we
decide that's the reality, so what happened in the past were from choices, we take that and try to forge a future by running around in the present
trying to make it happen. If we believe in an afterlife, and that we are saved or going to heaven, then what evil could we feel we could possibly do,
when feeling justified in it? The truth is there is no good or evil, they are co-occurring concepts based out of moral or ethical beliefs, a part of
that programming frame work, people are constantly codifying into who they are and how they perceive the world.
I don't like telling people, there is no ultimate reason for being because it can cause an existential crisis if they realize it beyond concept and
not know how to handle it. Fortunately, we can choose one that makes us happy in the here and now, it is something we have control over, so there's
great hope in making it livable for all where we don;t have to have wars and disagreements over reasons and purpose for being, the sad thing is we do
have disagreements over our purpose and reason for being making life way more complicated, difficult, painful, and a struggle than it really has to
be, simply because they believe their purpose and reason for being is superior than another persons choice for their purpose or reason for being.
Bottom line? There is no purpose for being here. But don't fret you can give yourself one. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and is what allows
the conglomerate of matter you know as a body to be animated and alive. That energy will not carry your limited ego self with it. Because it isn't
you, it's just dust over the real you experienced in bliss... just pure energy waiting to unbind.