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Parents furious after middle school strip searches teenage girls

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posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: qwerty12345

So having a young teenager strip down and shake her breasts in front of a male security guard is supposed to be OK? Sure, getting the law involved if drugs are a concern is one thing, but this particular case sounds more like sexual abuse to me. Call it whatever you want to, but the fact of the matter is that the security guard was MALE, and these were children, aged 13 and 15. NO child should be exposed to that. If either of them were my daughter, I can't guarantee that I would be able to keep my head on straight enough to let the legal system attempt to deal with it.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: BanTv

The only thing the article states is that the 13 yr old told her mother that she left her bag unattended for a period of time and the drugs are not hers. Of course she told her mother that, come on.

You're missing the point...again.

The criminal aspect here, isn't the tiny amount of herbal Cannabis the children may or may not have had on them, the CRIME was subjecting the two young girls to sexual abuse.

Small amounts of illegal herbal drugs is not punishable by sexual assault however much you want to draw attention to the drug angle.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 03:47 AM
All the obvious issues aside here...... I dont know how many middle school kids would honestly rat out another student except for revenge or a setup. And a quarter gram ?????? Laughable.

Story overall is disturbing

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: BanTv

The only thing the article states is that the 13 yr old told her mother that she left her bag unattended for a period of time and the drugs are not hers. Of course she told her mother that, come on.

You're missing the point...again.

The criminal aspect here, isn't the tiny amount of herbal Cannabis the children may or may not have had on them, the CRIME was subjecting the two young girls to sexual abuse.

Small amounts of illegal herbal drugs is not punishable by sexual assault however much you want to draw attention to the drug angle.

No I completely understand, bud. 13 year olds with a developing brain should, like, totally smoke up brah. It's just a teeny tiny herb from gods medicine cabinet huuuurrrr.

Here's the bottom line: if they refused to be searched, the police would've come and done it anyways. Yeah ok the security guard shouldn't have been the one to do it (off-duty cop or not), but those students were going to be searched regardless. All of you understand that there are usually on-duty cops on campus anyways, right? If they aren't on campus they are close by and have a relationship with the school officials.

Also if you want to really get into this, it sounds like they weren't actually strip searched. Otherwise why did the girl have to shake her pants? Sounds like she had them ON and she had to shake them around to see if anything fell out. Same with the breasts, they obviously didn't see her exposed teets if they made her shake em around (to make sure no baggies of anything fell out of her cleavage). Use some critical thinking skills here people. Why would they need to see if anything falls out of her tits if they're staring at them? Makes 0 sense.

P.s. Pedophilia is an exclusive attraction to pre-pubecent kids. These are teens, so it's wrong to call the security guard a pedo, even if he did like it. If he's a cop, he was just doing his job. Sounds like this is a way over-exagerated pat-down. Deny ignorance etc etc

I will also acknowledge it is entirely possible that someone planted drugs on the girl. I just highly doubt it. Maybe she should go get a hair follicle test done, tell the courts she wants a jury trial for that ticket, takes the evidence that she doesn't even smoke to the trial, and gets it dismissed. Somehow I don't think that will happen.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny
All the obvious issues aside here...... I dont know how many middle school kids would honestly rat out another student except for revenge or a setup. And a quarter gram ?????? Laughable.

Story overall is disturbing

I got tickets in high-school for 'minor in possesion of a tobbaco product'. Once was during summer school. It's ridiculous, but it's revenue for the county. I made sure to let them know what a dirty scam they were running

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Anyafaj

That would be the very last time my kids set food in that school, and I would probably be charged with some kind of aggravated assault.

At the very least harassment and civil disobedience from the CRAZY, RIDICULOUS yelling match I would have with these so called school 'administrators'.

I don't give a GD if my kid does have drugs, if they aren't 18, than you aren't strip searching them, you aren't actually going to talk, or touch them without me present.

WOW that upsets me.


posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:47 AM
The school, STUPID..

The whole episode just says incredible naivety by the school VP and the Guard, strip searching a girl child and having a male do it, the guard must have twigged that the situation was wrong so he's either a perv or incredibly stupid. The VP not thinking all this was wrong and had potential to cost the school millions just screams idiot.

All involved MUST lose their jobs, laws have been broken here, common decency says this should never have been considered by anyone, its so sickly perverse you have to wonder about the normality of these people, do none of them have children of their own, could they not feel some empathy for the children?

One note, parents of the girls, lets be honest here, there was a reason this odd search was conducted so there must have been the idea these girls were doing something wrong and bingo drugs are found in one of their bags. I'd say the chances are that these items WERE theirs and the parent involved damn well knew it and threw in the old "the bag was on its own a long time", personally I think that is unlikely there was any planting of drugs. I just hear a parent protecting their child which I fully understand BUT what sort of parent condones a 13yr old from drinking and drug use, 13 for pete's sake. Maybe parenting differs across the water and maybe the age of the parents affects their choices but the notion that my 15yr old would be smoking, doing drugs and drinking would disgust me and make me wonder how good a parent I was. The problem I see is that too many parents say "Hey, its only a bit of weed, I was the same", sorry but that is why I have told my daughter that she waits and understands what religion is all about before committing to any religion, she needs to fully understand what the whole ideal is about before making any decisions, the same goes for drink and drugs, at least be of an age where they understand the full picture rather than just imagining you must do these things to have a good time at an early age.

I personally still have a bloody good time without any of these things, I want my daughter to know she can as well, when she is old enough and has learnt enough then she will make her own choices, she's 15, does not swear as she's been taught swearing is for those who don't have the brains to express themselves properly (myself included), she does not do drugs, smoke or drink even though her friends do, she thinks they are stupid and she has good manners and politeness in bundles. Is she locked in a room 24hrs a day, nope, she has just as much freedom as any other girl, I trust her totally, she never gets shouted at and I'm no Sargent Major type, she just gets educated.

I just feel that its lazy to just say "its one of the things kids do", smoking kills, sometimes slowly, sometimes fast but it affects health. Drugs, how many sad sad news stories saying "it was the first time she had used one" do people need to see, and please, the alternate answer of "yeah but look how many just have a good time" just stinks as a parent, you sure you want to play gambling with your own flesh and blood. And please, lets not do the "hey, enjoy life to the max", when you are face down in a pool of your own vomit you have NOT enjoyed life to the max, you have made an idiot of yourself, note I'm pointing towards people who go out and push it, if you can go out, have a beer and enjoy stuff then good on you but filling your body with harmful junk just to make life more appealing is just weak as.

But after all that I hope the school gets caned by these parents, no child should ever be strip searched in an education establishment, this heading down the Big Brother path is so wrong on so many levels.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: BanTv

Oh come on now. They are teens on drugs, not 7 yr olds. You honestly believe their "it's not mine" story?

Of course not. But the authorities have to go about proving possession legally. If I were these girls or their parents I'd go attack this case any way I could.

You know d*** well that's what the legal system is going to do to them.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 06:25 AM
The problem the girls have, is that they were in possession. The legal system doesn't really care why you had illegal drugs on you, unless maybe you can prove you were set-up. Which is why if they were set up, I'm sure they could get it dismissed with a hair follicle test. It would at least prove they don't use.

Also (to everyone): I'd just like to point out that I'm somewhat playing devils advocate. I don't think it's right for a student to be strip searched. My position is that maybe this story didn't happen the way it sounds. Surely they wouldn't be stupid enough to actually strip search some middle school girls. I'm thinking that at most, they made them take off their shirts and made sure no baggies fell out of their cleavage. Not to say that is great or anything, but I'm 100% convinced they weren't nude. I could be wrong though.
edit on 27-4-2015 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 07:01 AM
Actually legally since the search that exposed the drugs was an illegal one, the drugs cannot be presented as evidence. This is done to prevent police, ect from breaking the law to convict someone, as doing so results in evidence that cannot be used in a court of law if such can be proven. If evidence can be proven to be gotten through improper channels, than such evidence has no worth.

The truth is, it doesn't matter if the drugs are the girls drugs or not. The search was an illegal one, and thanks to the bag being out of the girls sight for such a long time, in the hands of people who are not legal authority, there's plenty of reasonable doubt. The existence of the pot is irrelevant.

To those of you who are so upset about the pot, you should be just as upset as we are about what happened to the girls, as thanks to such actions, if the pot was the girls, it no longer matters, due to the illegal way in which the evidence was acquired.

Remember cases have been thrown out for as little a thing as a cop forgetting to read someone their rights.

Also it has been stated that a girl had been made to remove her bra and shake her breasts, so while yes no vag was shown, breasts were definitely exposed. So it was definitely a violation.

Third the pot that was "found" was not found during the strip searches. Which means, if it were about the pot, they could have found their evidence without violating the girls, why didn't they do all other options first before jumping to a strip search? Does that raise no bells with you?

Had they checked the bags/lockers first, assuming the pot was really there, they then could have called the police with their evidence, and a proper search could be made.

Also, I'd really love to see if the girls prints are on that bottle at all, cause there's no way you'll convince me she was smart enough to only ever handle the bottle with gloves on. You forget, it actually can be proven the bottle was not hers.

There's really no denying what was really going on here. Even if they suspected there was pot, it was used as a terrible half-assed excuse to take advantage of these poor girls.

I hope justice is done, and these criminals are prosecuted to the full extent of the law as they deserve.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 07:03 AM
They are lucky it wasn't my nieces, rentapig would end up in a wheelchair, and I would probably be doing a bid for battery if I was caught.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 07:06 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Welcome to the future, isn't it lovely?
Schools can now strip search your children.
As another thread asks: When is enough enough?
We passed that point long ago but it crept up on incrementally never affecting more than a few of us at any one time.
They have learned how to bleed their victims out by a thousand paper cuts.
I fear we are so divided in this country it would be impossible to unite a large enough portion of the people to make difference.
Even when we had 100,000 people in the streets of DC protesting the invasion of Iraq they didn't blink.
Heck, the national news disregarded us entirely.

What next then people, where do we go from here except in to tyranny?

The point has long been passed and many not even in this nation agree that it has.

Miles of red tape guarding the people the wrap us up in it, and yet if we don't follow the tape we've the evil monsters.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove
Actually legally since the search that exposed the drugs was an illegal one, the drugs cannot be presented as evidence. This is done to prevent police, ect from breaking the law to convict someone, as doing so results in evidence that cannot be used in a court of law if such can be proven. If evidence can be proven to be gotten through improper channels, than such evidence has no worth.

The truth is, it doesn't matter if the drugs are the girls drugs or not. The search was an illegal one, and thanks to the bag being out of the girls sight for such a long time, in the hands of people who are not legal authority, there's plenty of reasonable doubt. The existence of the pot is irrelevant.

To those of you who are so upset about the pot, you should be just as upset as we are about what happened to the girls, as thanks to such actions, if the pot was the girls, it no longer matters, due to the illegal way in which the evidence was acquired.

Remember cases have been thrown out for as little a thing as a cop forgetting to read someone their rights.

Also it has been stated that a girl had been made to remove her bra and shake her breasts, so while yes no vag was shown, breasts were definitely exposed. So it was definitely a violation.

Third the pot that was "found" was not found during the strip searches. Which means, if it were about the pot, they could have found their evidence without violating the girls, why didn't they do all other options first before jumping to a strip search? Does that raise no bells with you?

Had they checked the bags/lockers first, assuming the pot was really there, they then could have called the police with their evidence, and a proper search could be made.

Also, I'd really love to see if the girls prints are on that bottle at all, cause there's no way you'll convince me she was smart enough to only ever handle the bottle with gloves on. You forget, it actually can be proven the bottle was not hers.

There's really no denying what was really going on here. Even if they suspected there was pot, it was used as a terrible half-assed excuse to take advantage of these poor girls.

I hope justice is done, and these criminals are prosecuted to the full extent of the law as they deserve.

I don't think you've ever been in any legal trouble over drugs. They aren't going to finger print the bottle, are you serious? According to the law, it was in her possession, period.

You are making a lot of assumptions here. You are assuming the courts will call it an illegal search. You are assuming the bag was out of her possession for a time, you are assuming they searched them for their own sick pleasure, you are assuming her bra AND shirt was taken off.

You want to down-play the drug angle and say this is all about sexual assault. What you don't seem to realize, is that they were wanting to make sure there wasn't a bag of drugs in her cleavage. Females hide drugs there and other places all the time, knowing they are 'untouchable'. How about this brain buster, what if she took her bra off under her shirt, they searched the bra for any hidden compartments while she had to spread em under her shirt. We just don't know the whole story. Stop assuming you do, and stop assuming they made her jump around naked for their enjoyment. They were looking for drugs, so you can't say "but forget about the drug thing, this is about sex crimes". They are linked

Edit: I re-read it and it makes perfect sense. She took off her bra and had to shake her breasts. Exactly what it sounds like, she had her shirt on still.
edit on 27-4-2015 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2015 by BanTv because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Ameilia

As far as I'm concerned the so-called "security" guard is a pedophile


posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Ameilia

Agree with you, and also think that any time something is conveniently found when they stepped over the line in their search and committed crimes, its something that needs to be disallowed as evidence.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Anyafaj

Things like this wouldn't happen if stupid people didn't have the ability to write stupid laws.

Invasions into privacy such as this occur because of the prohibition of drugs.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: BanTv

No... read the last 3 paragraphs. I'm not talking about whether or not the pot was theirs. I could give a rat's ass to be honest. The person I was Replying To... said maybe the girls made the whole thing up, about stripping and breast shaking. The article clearly states that the school RESPONDED with an email pointing out their policy on searches... Therefore not denying any of it while they had an opportunity to...

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: BanTv

It was an illegal search, period. No one there had the authority to make such a search. They supposedly "found" the evidence they needed in the bag. Which should have been checked long before they engaged in an illegal strip search. After finding the drugs in the bag, they could then have called the authorities, who then could have come, and a female officer could have conducted the search.

As things stand, the best course of action for the school is to drop all charges and hope the parents back off, if the parents don't back off, then, it will need to be proven that the drugs were in fact the daughters, as that is part of the counter suit.

The fact that the circumstances are what they are, this is far from your typical trouble with the law for drugs, as it's surrounded by controversy with underage girls and illegal strip searches, which this is, no matter how much you may may want to pretend it is not.

There is literally zero chance this girl is facing any time or trouble for this, whether the drugs are hers or not. The only question here is whether this will become a null contest were both sides leave with nothing, or whether the school is made to pay out.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:28 AM
The issue is the difference between what happened and what everyone is assuming happened. Did they make her take her bra off? I'm sure they did. Was this happening while her shirt was off? Nope

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

I'm soo glad I don't have a daughter. There's a very good chance I would end up in prison. This just isn't right! Fathers arent supposed to end up in prison until their daughter is 16 at least. What in the wide world of sports is going on here??? Somebody find this scumbag and castrate him instantly!!!! Throw the vp in prison for facilitating this outrage!

Well this is off topic but I watched that first video and I am more confused about
country music than ever. Teenage girl shaking her tiny booty while he sings to her
in a NY Yankees baseball cap with a large Jesus fish on his guitar strap. You know...
just like old timers used to do...

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