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Racism in the Bible

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posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: mamabeth
Since gay marriage is in conflict with traditional faith based churches.
I suggest that the gay community form their own churches.Have their
own bakeries and catering services and leave the faith based churches
and businesses alone.I am sure the gay community would be protected
from discrimination lawsuits.

"Traditional faith" based churches base it on the verse in Leviticus, yet do not follow the other laws of leviticus. I'm still wondering why. And homosexuals aren't showing up at your church protesting, are they? Are they coming into your house and making love in your living room? LOL at speaking out against equal rights for them, but then saying THEY are the ones that need to leave you alone. That's rich. Slavery used to be a tradition too. I guess we should let folks keep racist and bigoted traditions, just because it's a tradition.

You have every right to have bigoted views, but if you do, then we have every right to call you a bigot for it. It's a 2 way street. You seem to want everyone on earth to cater to YOUR BELIEFS that you can't even verify as true. By your definition, an African American that fought for equal rights in the 50s is persecuting you and there are leviticus verses that can justify slavery as well.

Trying to force others into accepting you or your lifestyle never works. What is happening is the fact that the gay community is forcing people of faith to choose between serving the Lord or serving them.

Here is the biggest farce out of everything you have said. The church has been forcing folks to accept their lifestyle for centuries with the penalty of death / excommunication. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. They just want equal rights as everyone else, something that doesn't affect you, your family, or your faith in the least. To me it makes no sense whatsoever to claim they are forcing you do something, when your "traditional faith" based churches have been oppressing them and keeping them in hiding for a very long time.

Sin happens all over the world and is condoned in many places depending on the "sin". Nobody is forcing you to abandon your faith. Follow Jesus' example and stop judging other people because they don't have the same blind faith as you. "Do unto others" seems pretty clear to me. It still seems extremely hypocritical to believe the anti gay verse as absolute law of god, while ignoring the other countless verses in leviticus. You still have not addressed this point. Why cherry pick if you consider it the word of god. Can you please answer this instead of pretending it wasn't said?

I was a floral designer
and an event planner.If a gay couple had come to me to plan their wedding,
I would have to refuse,based solely on my faith.

So much for the golden rule. Are you seriously trying to say that if you went into a bookstore or whatever business that is owned by an atheist or homosexual that they should have a right to refuse you because you are Christian? Me thinks if this happened you would scream persecution, yet you'll do it to somebody else without thinking twice. If you turn gay people away from your business it will only hurt your business as a whole, so it's not only a hypocritical thing to do, it's not smart and no intelligent business owner would sacrifice business when their family needs to eat.

My post makes sense to me.I don't force my sexual lifestyle down your throat.

Actually you pretty much have. You frown upon homosexuals and think they are sinners because of an attraction that they were born with. You've even said you'd deny them at your business if you could do it. By denying them equal marriage rights, you are absolutely shoving Christianity down their throats. Yeah, keep playing the victim card as you put other people down for being who they are and not hiding in the closet and pretending to conform to avoid persecution. I don't even think you have a clue what it means to be persecuted. When was the last time you were denied equal rights because of your religion, or treated unfairly? When was the last time you had to pretend that you weren't Christian to avoid being shunned or beat up? Your idea of persecution is laughable. You can't enforce your faith as a law to deny equal rights, and then scream persecution when they fight back against that.

That still doesn't give them the right to force me to accept it.

You don't have to accept it or participate in it, but your basis for your bigotry is a single verse in leviticus that you cherry pick to support your view. You don't view the other laws of leviticus with the same magnitude and that is hypocrtical. Why won't you address this point? You keep ignoring it and bringing up all kinds of distractions. Why cherry pick bible verses? Allowing homosexuals to marry people they love does not force you to do anything. You act like approving gay marriage would bring homosexuals to the church where they will have sex on the alter and desecrate the building. It doesn't affect you in the least.

Will you ever address the other Leviticus verses and justify your view? It sounds like you just want to bash folks that don't believe the same as you do. You still haven't even explained WHY you are against homosexuals. Tradition isn't a good reason and neither is a cherry picked verse in Leviticus. But yeah, it's all the gay people's faults. They are all trying to oppress you. LMFAO! I love how people play the victim card, when they themselves are the main perpetrator of the ignorance and bigotry. Stop living in the past. We live in the age of tolerance. Even Jesus taught that concept. He didn't teach or preach hate or treat other people unequally. Maybe try reading the gospels more because clearly you don't understand his message.

edit on 7-5-2015 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: mamabeth

It is not question of personal acceptance, but of equal rights. You not accepting something does not mean it should be threaten differently by law, witch should be nonreligious, providing equal rights to all.

As result, today slavery is forbidden, even your religion actually accepts and encourages it through given instructions how to handled them.

Or for example, let's cover this verse from bible:

NIV BIble Exodus 21:7
If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do.

(for view in other bibles, follow this link.)

Today morality is much higher then your 'bible morality', and we don't allow trade of humans, even your so called 'Holy Book' allows it?! Try to sell some of your children, let me know can you prove it with Bible and get with it...

Now, that we know you have grand kids and kids, please answer my earlier question - what would mean paradise to you if you know you are only one from your family to reach it?! Would you accept to go there, or would you go with rest of your family?? It is simple question... wonder why would you never answer it. You know what priest would suggest you to do... would you do it??

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: SuperFrog

First off...I have not read your entire post! I am sorry,but there is
still slavery being practiced in our world today as we type! Little
girls are being sold into sex slavery everyday.I am sure that little
boys are sold as well. So your argument that slavery was abolished
is wrong.
If you want to stick to the U.S. only that is true on paper and in laws.
But the sex slave trade is very active here and abroad.How about all
these sweat shops that we hear about? That is also a form of slavery.

I don't read the NIV at all. I only read the KJV,NKJV and the JEWISH NEW TESTAMENT
I had forgotten that I wrote a thread a few years ago calling myself
a bigot.Find it and knock yourselves out with it.Mama is leaving the
building...housework doesn't do itself!
edit on 7-5-2015 by mamabeth because: added

edit on 7-5-2015 by mamabeth because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: mamabeth
First off...I have not read your entire post! I am sorry,but there is
still slavery being practiced in our world today as we type! Little
girls are being sold into sex slavery everyday.I am sure that little
boys are sold as well. So your argument that slavery was abolished
is wrong.

Yeah, it's clear you haven't really read any of our posts and are afraid to answer the main questions that have been posed to you. But slavery has been abolished. It is illegal in most of the world. The fact that some people still do it is irrelevant. It is still illegal. Yes, there will always be folks that break the law. Just like how alcohol was abolished during prohibition, but people still drank. That doesn't mean it wasn't actually abolished because folks chose to not follow the rules. That's a terrible argument completely devoid of logic.
edit on 7-5-2015 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Barcs

I did read several of your posts on this thread.I don't let myself get bogged down by too much
garbage that I read here.I learned a long time ago to know when I am wasting my time.Last post!

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: Barcs

I did read several of your posts on this thread.I don't let myself get bogged down by too much
garbage that I read here.I learned a long time ago to know when I am wasting my time.Last post!

Yep, it's like I said. Duck your head in the sand whenever faced with adversity. No need to defend your claims when you can make all kinds of ridiculous statements and stereotypes and later pretend that nobody has even challenged them. It's typical out of your camp, no offense. Just ignore any science or logic that conflicts with your faith.

You have absolutely zero justification for your anti gay stance and agenda. You are the one that came into this thread defending your anti-gay viewpoint and claiming it goes against god and traditional faith and that they were forcing you to accept them. You made a whole bunch of invalid easily debunked statements but still will not explain why you actually believe this verse over the other old testament laws or why you feel so strongly about it.

I don't know why I even typed all that, I just enjoy controversial conversations. Some folks can't stomach it. You probably will pretend none of this happened and that you are still somehow in the right in speaking out against homosexuality and calling it a sin with zero justification for that view.

edit on 7-5-2015 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 02:46 PM
reply to: Barcs

Do yourself a favor and do some research on how the muslims treat gays.
I just watched a news video where Anjem Choudary was interviewed.
You think that I am biased,bigoted and have an anti-gay point of view.
At least I am not spewing garbage that gays should be executed!
sharia,gays,women and those cartoonists who were attacked in texas.
Until then,don't you dare ever call me out on my beliefs.I know that you won't
do it because you're a coward and know full well that attacking christians
for their anti-gay feelings is a lot safer.The christians won't attack or kill you,
the muslims will.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

The simple fact that your best retort to the issue is "well at least Im not calling for their death, so Im way better than muslims" is possibly the most vile amd pathetic appeal to authority Ive seen anywhere, let alone on ATS, in a really long time. You should seriously be ashamed of yourself. Stop hiding behind what other people in other sovereign states do and focus on your own shortcomings.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

My ONLY negative issue with gays is over marriage.
I thought gays could get married in several states already.
So what is the real beef here?Because I say that I don't like it?

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

I cant speak for othere, but my "beef" , is that you embolden your comtempt by making allusions to what goes on in other sovereign nations to make yourself feel superior in your comtempt. The entire line of thought that your ignorant attitude of superiority is more than acceptable because some muslim countries have an archaic judicial apparatus is quite honestly nauseating. Youre entitled to your opinion thst you domt like it. Others are entitled to similar opinions on you based on your rhetoric.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Ohhh,know I see the real problem here.I am truly sorry that any gay
or lesbian believes that what is happening to gay people in other
countries will never happen here.I wish that were the case but it's not.
In the very near future my prediction is that the gay community will
be suffering along with the christians when and if sharia laws goes into

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

The truth-

In my beloved corp you are all equally worthless-
Last time was by water but this time will be fire- no one escapes.

Woe unto all

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

Erm. Pointing out that certain people do worse things, doesn't make what you say or do right, nor does it justify your view. Just because there are folks that beat their children with steel rods, doesn't mean it's okay for me to do it with a baseball bat. Sure, it's not as bad, but the action itself still causes harm and suffering. This is another terrible argument and I can't help but notice that you still won't answer the questions posed to you about Leviticus and justification for your view. You just keep changing the subject. Besides everything that Mulsim extremists (not all Muslims) are doing today has been done by Christians in the past, so.......

I would say this same thing to anybody that puts other folks down because of race, religion, ethnicity or any other petty difference that you bring up. This is an internet forum, so I'm pretty safe no matter who I call out, but I would still do it in real life as well. There are 2 things that get my goat more than anything else. The first is when folks dishonestly attack science with ignorance. The 2nd is bigotry. I will call anybody out anytime I hear either of these. I just don't get why you feel so compelled to speak out against people you know nothing about yet have already judged because of a verse in Leviticus. What happened to Jesus teaching empathy? Have you even considered imagining yourself in their shoes?

You ask where the beef is, but the topic of the thread is about violent / hateful verses in the bible. That is precisely where all of us have beef, because we see the correlation between those types of verses and intolerant behavior today and throughout history. You coming into this thread is actually a perfect example. Folks use these violent / hateful passages to justify bigoted views and hateful acts. I've tried to steer you back on topic by asking you about these verses and what about them makes you so sure the gay one is accurate and a true commandment of god, while the others are not. I'm having trouble understanding where the justification in the anti gay viewpoint even comes from. It's not a Christian view, the new testament seems to mention nothing of homosexuality. The thing is, it's not a Christian view at all, but a large amount of Christians champion the cause. I'm trying to figure out why this belief is so prevalent.

edit on 7-5-2015 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

If this is your response then no, youre blinders are too close to your eyes and youre not seeing the problem at all. Instead of addressing your own bigotry, you hide behind even more bigotry under the guise of Islamophobia. Good for you, at least youre not just biased against some people who are different, your ignorance is across the board, though nomless reprehensible. Particularly egregious in light of the fsct thst you refuse to address amy of your own hypocritical biblical interpretations based in your views of leviticus. Nit that i expected you to do so as its fairly typical for christian apologists at this point to ignore their own hypocricies snd short comings ehile deflecting them upon others.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

My ONLY negative issue with gays is over marriage.
I thought gays could get married in several states already.
So what is the real beef here?Because I say that I don't like it?

What's for you to "like"? Who said you have to "like it"? I was going to refrain from commenting, but lady, you have some serious soul-searching ...and growing do.

You posted earlier how you are 60......

do you NOT remember the 60s? The 70s? YES, you do.
You stated that over the last 50 years things have 'changed' and 'gone downhill'. I want to ask you - what do you think was so different in the 60s and 70s? Did you actually "live" through that time???? Or were you sequestered in some religious cult that completely ignored the atrocities, riots, angst of returning Vietnam veterans, etc..

You Were There, living at that time. Growing up at that time.
Tell me again how "today" is different from "then". Was there no "bong squad" in your high school? Were there no Vietnam Vets coming home who were treated like crap.....Spat upon, and hissed at, where you lived?

Give Me A Break.

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

I am truly sorry that any gay
or lesbian believes that what is happening to gay people in other
countries will never happen here.I wish that were the case but it's not.

that is your justification for hating on the homosexual community?

Because they'll "get theirs" when Muslims take over, and you'll be right beside them????? You are seriously deluded.

In the very near future my prediction is that the gay community will
be suffering along with the christians when and if sharia laws goes into

First of all, it's "effect", not 'affect'.

Second of all, so - question: you'll be fighting right alongside the 'gays' when the "Muslims" who "take over" start causing you to deny your very being?

That, to me, sounds like you would make an 'allegiance' with the 'gays' long as it is directed toward fighting the "Muslim" sharia brigade.

What a totally sad, and embarrassing American 'case study.'

edit on 5/7/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: superluminal11

The truth-

In my beloved corp you are all equally worthless-
Last time was by water but this time will be fire- no one escapes.

Woe unto all

Sounds like BS
Woe unto all indeed .. who do you think you are to say such a thing ... "In my beloved corp you are all equally worthless-"
Well you are entitled to your opinion and so are others too who think your words are full of ego maniacal BS
So no one will escape your imaginary fires ... lit by a soulless concept of some sort of divine revenge

Your thinking is all arse about face ... If you can not assist others do not condemn them not that you condemnation is anything but puffed up self deceit

Go outside breath the air ... help an old lady cross the busy road ... or continue to kick the heads off flowers for daring to exist ... Do you really care about your fellow beings ... Your inane comments would say otherwise

edit on 7-5-2015 by artistpoet because: Typo

posted on May, 7 2015 @ 08:35 PM
Thread summary:
Bigotry is alive and well on planet earth.

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