+1 more
posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:08 PM
Hello ATS,
I've recently been diagnosed with systemic Candida in my body, and I'm ever so grateful that I actually know what is going on with my body now and
no longer have to get stressed out by why I felt so crappy all the time and couldn't figure out why.
What is Candida? Plain and simply its a yeast. It's found in each and every one of our intestines. When it is kept under control the body is fine
and there are no issues. Now, when the Candida begins to grow out of control, it wreaks HAVOC on our bodies in almost every shape, way and form.
I can talk for hours about Candida so I'll try to keep this post brief and too the point; but I hope that people who read this will do their own
research and possibly realize that they too are prisoners to a Candida overgrowth.
With me it started about a month ago after a shamanic healing plant journey where my intention was to better take care of my body and be given the
tools and resources to do so. A few days later I stumbled upon Candida and I had an incredible urge to learn more. I haven't been to my eastern
medicine doctor in quite some time so I made an appointment and voila! My body was completely overrun with systemic Candida and was causing NUMEROUS
horrible side effects on my body. I had no energy, I would wake up and feel tired. I would be bloated after I ate and got heartburn. I have
horrible athletes foot and fungus on my toenails all the time. Brain Fog, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hemorrhoids, inflammation all over my body, back
pain, insane sugar cravings, low sex drive, poor memory and premature aging. Needless to say, it was time for something to give. The doc put me on a
candida diet and some herbs to help kill the fungus; as well as a probiotic to replace all the missing good bacteria that should be in the gut and is
not there at all.
For the past 3 weeks I have been experiencing crazy "die-off" symptoms, as the candida releases 70-80 toxins that are harmful to the body as it dies
off. My body feels like I have a horrible flu; body aches, head aches and swollen/sore throat. This means that the treatment is working and that I
will be back to normal here soon.
What I want to stress about Candida is that Western medicine pretty much IGNORES it and only throws pills at it (imagine that) which only make the
Candida worse because the pills used destroy more of the good intestinal flora. The HORRIBLE American diet, which consists of nothing but toxic
fillers where everything is processed and has too much sugar pretty much causes Candida in everyone who partakes in such an unhealthy diet. I've
been eating clean and organic for over 4 years and my body still had it in it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT go to a typical western doctor if you want
to find out if you have candida. Find a homeopathic/eastern medicine doc who's job it is to CURE you, not throw pills at you to treat you for the
rest of your life. This thread is not made to encourage debate on whether or not Western Medicine is worth the crap so please leave that debate for
another post. I merely made this thread to try to open people's eyes to why they may be feeling like crap all the time and something that they might
be able to do about it.
Here is just ONE of many different sources for excellent information about Candida
Peace and Blessings