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Why Do Atheists Attack mainly Christians and Muslims but not Jews?

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posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:26 PM
I've never run into a judgemental jew who chastised me, or threatened my soul, or tried to get laws passed to make all non jews act in manners directly connected to the jewish faith. Whether someone is Jewish or not has had literally zero effect on my life. Same is true of every religion except for the two you've mentioned.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:31 PM
The loudest religions ares the ones we are most likely to be criticized, especially when those religions demand for non-practioners to be regarded as less than them. I don't see Jewish posters arguing with the same vitriol and fundamentalism as I do with Christians on the forum... unless the thread is directly related to them.

I'm actually more likely to defend a Muslim than I would a Christian. Christians are crying about the supposed persecution they are facing in today's society but it is par for the course for the millenia of persecution they meted out to all non-Christians around the world.
edit on 4/21/2015 by MonkeyFishFrog because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic
All it takes is one person to complain on hate speech and you can be tied up in court. The way the legal fees work, the challenger has their fees paid for, but the defendant always has to pay.

Just saying, but that is more a description of the problems in the legal system then a problem with a specific agenda from a minority group. You can apply that legal pressure for just about anything you want. Prosecutors do it all the time when they seize a defendant's assets then force him to pay for his defense. The legal system is CLEARLY lopsided in favor of prosecution.

Doesn't change the fact that the legal system was changed to make it possible for a certain agenda to be prosecuted. If you are not a recoignized or legally protected minority in Canada, you cannot similarly wage lawfare.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Doesn't our Charter of Rights and Freedoms explicitly protect minority groups (recognized or not) against the majority? That is why Prime Minister Martin opted for a senate vote for same sex marriage over a national referendum... because the majority never has the right to enforce their will or beliefs on the minority group.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:48 PM
Agreed. Jews don't have a need to proselytize. You either go along with it, or you don't. Christians will make a very big effort to get you do join up with them, usually by "educating" you about stuff they think you don't know. "Jesus was the son of god who died for my sins and then rose from the dead? Why haven't I heard about this before!?" And of course Muslims have this nasty tendency to behead infidels. Yeah, not all of them are like that. But the fact that they can use their texts to justify it doesn't bode well.

So I guess it all boils down to aggressiveness. Religion should be promoted through peace, if at all.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
a reply to: ketsuko

Doesn't our Charter of Rights and Freedoms explicitly protect minority groups (recognized or not) against the majority? That is why Prime Minister Martin opted for a senate vote for same sex marriage over a national referendum... because the majority never has the right to enforce their will or beliefs on the minority group.

OK, fine, but when does that make it OK for the minority to do the same to the majority?

If it is wrong one way, then it is wrong the other way, and what you currently have in Canada is a legal system set up to allow minorities to force the majority against their will, exactly what you said the majority shouldn't be doing to the minority.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx
it's really simple, Jewish people accept others based on their character and their actions, not on their religious beliefs.

ahahahahahahhahaha sure some do but that's a bold statement to say all do lol.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Did you know that in Canada it is now a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family thanks to the idea of same sex marriage?

Traditional in what sense...

Go back far enough and traditional means several wives and children beared by those wives to keep the lineage big and strong...

Or traditional 1930s-50s, 2 point 4 children, Sunday roast served by mother in an apron traditional?

Or back to pagan days when try had numerous family lines through a number of females...

Or, 1930s-50s traditional Christian homely apple pie on the window and lunch in the kitchen rather than in front of a TV?

Traditional is subjective to the tradition of the persons.
edit on 21-4-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

Edit: Non-interracial was also pretty traditional family "values"...
edit on 21-4-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs

originally posted by: ketsuko
Did you know that in Canada it is now a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family thanks to the idea of same sex marriage?

Traditional in what sense...
Go back far enough and traditional means several wives and children beared by those wives to keep the lineage big and strong...
Or traditional 1930s-50s, 2 point 4 children, Sunday roast served by mother in an apron traditional?
Or back to pagan days when try had numerous family lines through a number of females...
Or, 1930s-50s traditional Christian homely apple pie on the window and lunch in the kitchen rather than in front of a TV?
Traditional is subjective to the tradition of the persons.
Edit: Non-interracial was also pretty traditional family "values"...

You've started this new thing where you space our your posts and it's obnoxious. If that was your intention, good job. If not, it's a pain in the ass to scroll through a quarter of a page just to see your next sentence. I don't want to go through so much effort just to find what I disagree with in your posts.

For once, I agree with your post. "Traditional" is a purely subjective term. If we get a choice of which "traditional" family structure we want, I'm gonna go with "ruler dudes who had harems." I always wanted me a good harem.
edit on 4/21/2015 by Answer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:16 PM
I'd say the hate is levelled at Muslims, Christians and then Jews...

Criticism, constructive or borderline abusive is aimed at Christians, Muslims and then Jews...

Defence from other faiths is probably numbered mostly by Christians, Muslims and then Jews...
That's likely because of the 100:10:1 ratio on ATS...

Defended faiths order Jews, then Muslims, then Christians...

So overall I'd say the OP is spot on, Muslims & Christians receive a fair amount of hate, criticism, vitriol, advice etc...

Jews are pretty untouched.

Zionism no so much, if we added them in I'd say they're Public Enemy No.1 and rightly so...

I've seen hate threads about Christians & Muslims, Blacks & Whites, Immigrants & Patriots...
And any about the Jews is swiftly deleted.
Voltaire ahead of his time with that one.

Of course Atheists are labelled often and derided often and put up with vitriol often too...
Probably second behind Christians overall...
Maybe that's the Ratio playing a part again.
edit on 21-4-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: Minimising spaces.

edit on 21-4-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: Spelling!

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

No, you are misinterpreting the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. There is no forcing against their will. If you have a system where the majority decides the rights for everyone, it breeds inequality. By protecting the minority, you are protecting the majority as well. You'll have a stagnant society if only the majority rules.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
OK, fine, but when does that make it OK for the minority to do the same to the majority?

If it is wrong one way, then it is wrong the other way, and what you currently have in Canada is a legal system set up to allow minorities to force the majority against their will, exactly what you said the majority shouldn't be doing to the minority.

What are they forcing the majority to do?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Answer

I've always spaced my posts good Sir.
It's like a gap between subject change, one space for a slight change, 2 for furthering away from my initial point, and so on.

I have tried to curb such a habit, but I struggle with it.

On topic...

I'm glad we could find common ground on this one.

I hope Ketsuko doesn't think I'm attacking her perspective, just shedding a different light.
If that Canadian law is true, God help them/good luck to them. (whichever is preferred to the readers)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Shadow Herder

Great question OP, especially since most Christian
churches (especially fundy churches) would consider
anyone who doesn't believe in the resurrection and
that Joshua/Jesus was in fact the Messiah and God
(The son) is damned, and yet you make an excellent

Mainly, I think the reason is that in the Old Testament
it states that The Israelites are God's chosen people.

Rebel 5

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

No, Ketsuko knows nothing of Canadian law or what our version of the constituion protects. Just because same-sex marriage is legal does not make it illegal to be in an opposite-sex marriage. The Canadian law strives to see them as the same. It would be the same as if next year 99% of Canadians became athiests, we would not be able to outlaw religion just because we are the majority.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:26 PM
It's quite simple. Of the Abrahamic faiths Jews are the most tolerant.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:30 PM
Because the Jews have more important things to do, other than trying to convert or condemn everyone around them.

This was easy to answer, please try harder.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: Shadow Herder

But back to thread question.... If people were to question christianity and Islam which is quite the hot topic right now in the world, why not question all religions. Is discussing Judaism an anti semitic act? Did you know that the Jewish religion does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah?

I agree. I find it interesting (based on my experiences) that Muslims and Jews seem to be more aware of their roots, whereas Christians seem to be oblivious (more often than not) to the fact Christianity, Islam and Judaism are three parts that make up the Abrahamic Religions.

The look on some hardcore Christian fundamentalist faces when they find out that Muslims worship the same divinity as they do is priceless.

The largest Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism (1st millennium BCE), Christianity (1st century CE), and Islam (7th century CE); the Bahá'í Faith (19th century CE) is sometimes listed as well.[9] Abrahamic religions with fewer adherents include:

The Rastafari movement[10]
the Bábí Faith[14]

To question Islam and Christianity and exclude Judaism is due to ignorance of the fact that all three main Abrahamic religions are next of kin. I agree, it doesn't make any sense.

Will people ever accept a one world religion which is on the horizon after a great war?

If there was no religion at all humans will surely fashion one unconsciously. Atheism is a religious movement of sorts. I personally cannot stand religions, but do respect the core principles all share. The mystical root of all religion is the same. It 's the dogmatic fundamentalist that need to be gone. True religion is of a personal nature and needs no institution or external belief system.

Why when people oppose what Israel does it can be considered anti semitic or people will shout " here we go again, blame the jews for everything thread" when the topic is about government actions and not religious. I never understood this stance.

Me too.

I have been to Israel. The region is beautiful and the people even more so. But I will continue to speak out against the government of Israel and their crimes against humanity. I witnessed some things when I was there that shook me...

Why is this world full of such bad people with such poor intentions that they know will lead to blood and misery, they stop people from spreading information that may stop this world going down the path its on?

I believe some people would rather be right than stand up for what is right. Instead of choosing the side of humanity they instead choose religion, culture and nationality and will defend it no matter the horrors taking place.

Instead of agreeing that a father forced to carry the body parts of his three year old son in bag is heartbreaking (to say the least!) some will attempt to justify that with geo-political talking points.

Crazy world.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: intrepid

It's quite simple. Of the Abrahamic faiths Jews are the most tolerant.

Tolerant of what...?

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just asking for you to expound on that statement.
edit on 21-4-2015 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Involutionist
a reply to: intrepid

t's quite simple. Of the Abrahamic faiths Jews are the most tolerant.

Tolerant of what...?

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just asking for you to expound on that statement.

Let's go with gays. Muslims, not tolerant. Christians, a lot not tolerant. Jews go, "M'eh".

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