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Why Do Atheists Attack mainly Christians and Muslims but not Jews?

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posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: Annee
For me its the Political Christian Lobby.

This. ^^ For example, there are many groups that call themselves "Christian" but their main thrust is anti-gay and making laws that disenfranchise gays, blacks and other minorities. I have NO PROBLEM with Christians (or any religion) who practice their beliefs and religion, as long as it doesn't affect other people.

18 Anti-gay Groups and Their Propaganda

Abiding Truth Ministries serves mainly as a launching pad for an international anti-gay campaign.
American Family Association - The AFA seeks to support “traditional moral values,” but in recent years it has seemed to specialize in “combating the homosexual agenda.”
Led since 1986 by Gary DeMar, American Vision is one of the primary exponents of the doctrine of “Christian Reconstruction” — the idea that the U.S. was founded as a “Christian nation” and that its democracy should be replaced with a theocratic government based on Old Testament law.
Christian Anti-Defamation Commission


posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:35 PM
Did you know that in Canada it is now a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family thanks to the idea of same sex marriage?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder

originally posted by: Biigs
Jews seems to be the opposite recruitment wise to the two big ones, plus some fairly unfavorable history possibly keeps new potential recruits away.

Thats my guess.

And that is why atheists attack Christianity because of recruitment? Is that the what causes one to promote atheism?

Being a bloodline Jew,you should already get it...there is only two ways you can get into the Jew club.

1) Be born into it, the bloodline follows the matriachial (is that a word?) line, no other, sooo... I have two kids, if my daughter has kids they will be Jewish by blood, regardless of the father's background, if my son has children, unless he conceives them with a Jewish woman, his kids will not be Jewish by blood.

2) You can convert, but it is not very commonplace...Jewish people don't like letting non-genetic Jews into their club wihtout a lengthly conversion, if you're still there at the end of the process, you're a Jew.

Like others said Jewish people don't ram it down other peoples throats, they are not actively seeking membership numbers.

I like many bloodline Jews acknowledge I am of the Jewish race, yet I am closer to athiest in my beliefs.

I wouldn't bother over-analysing it too much, it is what it is at the end of the day.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: intrptr

You missed out on the whole rest of European and Russian history? Spanish Inquisition? Ghettos? Pogroms?

You're talking about the Middle Ages? I was referencing early christendom and what is taught in churches today about those times.

Kind of gone off topic.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:38 PM

Why arent there many discussions on Judaism?

Why is Atheism vs Christianity vs Islam the usual conflict and not against say Judaism?

The quick and easy answer, for me anyways, is that Jews are not up in my face on a daily basis. I never have to sit through a Jewish commercial on tv or a Jewish billboard. Jews never knock on my door to tell me about Judaism and Jews don't blatantly try to legislate discrimination or abuse.

I don't speak for everyone, but I think its safe to say that a majority of atheists do not want to put a stop to all religions. If people want to believe in something it is their right to do so, but they have no right to shove it in my face or judge me as less for not following their specific brand of belief. When my life is affected because of your religion, thats when I have a problem.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: solargeddon

if my son has children, unless he conceives them with a Jewish woman, his kids will not be Jewish by blood.

Why is this the case? If the son is Jewish by blood, lets say both his parents are jewish, even if he has a child with a non jewish woman, wont half of the childs DNA be the DNA passed on through the son/fathers jewish ancestry?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:47 PM
Anyone who pulls the "ATS members bash Christians" card needs to consider the following:

Most of the creationist/Christian members bring it upon themselves because they try to turn every science-based thread into a religious argument.

Someone posts "hey, this new scientific discovery was made that says XYZ about evolution/space/Earth/our ancestors!"
Creationist posts "blah blah this is BS and scientists are dumb derp derp f*ckity derp"

Then it devolves into the non-creationists vs the creationists.

Example 2:
Creationist posts "Why do atheists think XYZ about blah blah?"
Someone posts "This is why."
Creationist posts "You're attacking my beliefs!"

Then it devolves into atheists and agnostics vs religious folks.

Example 3:
Creationist posts "Stupid scientists think blah blah and they were proven wrong, LOL!!11!!one!"
Someone posts "This is kinda how science works..."

Then it devolves into folks who are scientifically knowledgeable vs the others.

I'm not placing ALL of the blame on the religious folks but they sure as hell start the vast majority of the debates.

You can call it "attacks" if you want, but I'd call it a general resistance to ignorance. Ya know... the site motto. It just so happens that I haven't seen a Jewish ATS member engage in the sort of behavior that invokes backlash from the rest of the members.
edit on 4/21/2015 by Answer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder

originally posted by: Biigs
Jews seems to be the opposite recruitment wise to the two big ones, plus some fairly unfavorable history possibly keeps new potential recruits away.

Thats my guess.

And that is why atheists attack Christianity because of recruitment? Is that the what causes one to promote atheism?

There are a thousand threads here elaborating in detail why Christianity is the target of much criticism. Yet this seems to be a weekly question. In fact, there was one recently. It ran 45 pages. If you can't figure it out from there. I'm not sure what else to tell you.

Judaism? As KrazyShot said, they're kind of lumped in with Christianity because of the OT. The difference being, I can't remember the last time a Jew has ever tried to shove their beliefs down my throat. With Christians, it's a daily thing. Honestly, I also can't remember the last time a Muslim tried to convert me, either. It just doesn't happen.

But it's not all about proselytizing, either. There's much more.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Klassified

There are certain areas of the world you need to move to in order to have the Muslim thing shoved down your throat behind the first convenient sharp blade.

Thankfully, the US, Europe (although that is sort of changing), Australia, parts of Asia, Latin America, most of Russia the Arctic and Antarctic are still safe.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: crayzeed


Majority, I repeat, MAJORITY of the people being killed are Muslims. Christians aren't the only ones being killed there. Extremists there will kill anyone who doesn't subscribe to their version of Islam.

If what you said is true then surely these nutcases would have released the Jordanian pilot since he was a Muslim and not burnt him alive.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Did you know that in Canada it is now a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family thanks to the idea of same sex marriage?


posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Klassified

There are certain areas of the world you need to move to in order to have the Muslim thing shoved down your throat behind the first convenient sharp blade.

Thankfully, the US, Europe (although that is sort of changing), Australia, parts of Asia, Latin America, most of Russia the Arctic and Antarctic are still safe.

No argument there. It is an inescapable truth in certain parts of the world. But having worked for Muslims, and having had a Muslim friend here in America. I can honestly say, they never once tried to convert me, or belittle me for not being Muslim. However, they were more than willing to talk about it if asked.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: Shadow Herder
As many of you know as you come to sites like this or any forum that discusses christianity and atheism, the topics usually discussed are usually about the credibility of whether or not Jesus existed or how extreme Islam is but no one touches Judaism? I am just curious why.

The one thing that I have noticed is that I have yet to see atheist threads debunking Judaism and the credibility of their beliefs. Its widely accepted that the jewish people mainly from poland were given Palestinian homes and land while displacing Palestinians that have lived because the land called Israel used to be called Palestine in the name of religion. I dont know which passage in the bible states that Palestine belongs to a certain people.

I am Jewish by bloodline, my family name was changed in the 15th century to avoid prosecution. My ancestors were given refuge in another country as long as they would become catholics and change their Jewish name. So as I am a non practicing bloodline jew, I am curious.

I am for all religions and atheists, you have the right to believe what you want as long as it doesn't harm, hurt, displace, exclude, segregate, or cause hate. I don't condone Atheists trying to convert anyone the same as I don't condone religious persons trying to convert atheists.

We are intelligent enough to seek the knowledge ourselves rather than having someone cram it down our throats.

I understand why atheists complain about religion because many laws and public places commonly have a christian theme and if you're muslim or other I can see how you can feel excluded or offended, after all who is to say the Christianity is the only religion or at least the MAIN one.

Many prophets have walked the earth from every race. The main thing that should be accepted is that most if not all religions at its core without the human literal misinterpretations, do teach ancient wisdom of how to live a peaceful life with your fellow brothers and sisters. This is one thing that is beautiful of most religions.

But back to thread question.... If people were to question christianity and Islam which is quite the hot topic right now in the world, why not question all religions. Is discussing Judaism an anti semitic act? Did you know that the Jewish religion does not believe that Jesus was the Messiah?

This world is a messed up place for a rational mind. You rational people know the confusion insanity all of this is, will it ever end? Yes, shortly as planned.

Will people ever accept a one world religion which is on the horizon after a great war?

Do atheists want an end to all religions of just a selected few?

Why arent there many discussions on Judaism?

Why is Atheism vs Christianity vs Islam the usual conflict and not against say Judaism?

Why when people oppose what Israel does it can be considered anti semitic or people will shout " here we go again, blame the jews for everything thread" when the topic is about government actions and not religious. I never understood this stance.

In this world where we should be allowed to question everything. but we are censored on mainstream news and websites. These areas are pushing a certain thought that goes against the intelligent mind yet it is like the world has a drunk behind the wheel laughing us all off a cliff and we are not allowed to mention it, we are forced to shut up and not tell anyone to buckle up or get out.

Why is this world full of such bad people with such poor intentions that they know will lead to blood and misery, they stop people from spreading information that may stop this world going down the path its on?

A huge chunk of the internet community are American where Christianity is the dominate religion. So , good or bad, it's the face of religion for most Americans. Plus, there is the HUGE population of American Christians playing devils advocate online, where you rarely encounter another organized religion on places like ATS.

Oh and it is the worlds biggest religion at the moment...

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Klassified

Well, that is the reality with most American Christians too since about 70% of the population identifies as such. Odds are you have worked with plenty of them. However, because you have worked with so many of them, odds are that you have a much, much higher percentage of running into the annoying ones because the population is so high.

If only 10% of any given population is bad, then you are much more likely to run into the bad ones from 70% of the total population than you are of the bad ones of the much smaller population of American Muslims.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Shadow Herder

As many of you know as you come to sites like this or any forum that discusses christianity and atheism, the topics usually discussed are usually about the credibility of whether or not Jesus existed or how extreme Islam is but no one touches Judaism? I am just curious why.

Both Christians and Muslims faiths have been intrusive on people's lives. Christianity permeates political arenas and influences policy. Muslims act on their faith which has indirectly influenced policies which have spurred actions. Those two faiths have been motivators of unwanted intrusions and burdens and therefore, the motivators of those actions have come under scrutiny.

The Jewish faith has not been intrusive, authoritarian, or burdensome in that way. It is more out of sight out of mind to most. Israel the country has been burdensome and intrusive, but most people make the distinction between a countries politics and it's faith for one I don't see the country justifying its meddling in government affairs or misdeeds to others claiming a scripturally moral high ground in doing so.

I will criticise Israel for what is going on in Palestine or influencing American political arena and policy, but that is not criticizing their majority faith because there is a disconnect between the two.

Scientology also catches criticism from me on occasion as well because they have influence in my area politically if they didn't they probably would also be off my radar.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:14 PM
I will attack any religion which attempts to get into government and education.
It is just there are more christians on ats...gelling people who are not in their club that they are the right ones.
Just glad religion is dying out.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

It was something my husband dug up. I'll have to ask him for it when he gets home. If he has it, I'll U2U it. Basically, it is tied up in their Human Rights Commission. As soon as gay marriage laws were passed, parent laws also got passed changing the wording from mother and father or biological to legal parent because it was recognized that gay families can't by definition have two biological parents which stripped much of the rights of biological parents and injected a lot more of the state into things in practice. It also become practice for people to start harassing anyone and everyone for hate speech through the Human Rights Commission if it was even preached that God and Christ said marriage was between man and woman, so churches are cannot freely even preach that part of scripture anymore. All it takes is one person to complain on hate speech and you can be tied up in court. The way the legal fees work, the challenger has their fees paid for, but the defendant always has to pay.

Those are just the small things I remember.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Shadow Herder

Whenever I discuss the OT, I'm also discussing Jewish beliefs. I just lump Jewish beliefs into Christian OT beliefs. I know that the OT doesn't do the Torah justice, but they are the same stories. Same massacres, same accounts of god being an asshole. So that's why I don't distinguish.

That being said, Jews tend to keep their intolerance to themselves. So backlash against them is going to be minimized.

That's an interesting response. There isn't a 'Christian' OT, there is a Christian New Testament, but the Bible binds the two together.

Sure. Whatever. I think you get what I'm putting down.

Do all atheists keep their intolerance to themselves? No, not at all, which I always find strange.

Careful, do you think that questioning someone's beliefs is being intolerant? Because it most certainly isn't. I can question your beliefs but at the same time be tolerant of your decision to believe them.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Did you know that in Canada it is now a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family thanks to the idea of same sex marriage?

not knowing anything about Canadian laws, I will safely say that it is NOT a crime to believe in the idea of a traditional family, it is to take that belief and act upon it. it's the action taken toward others that is against the law , not the belief itself.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic
All it takes is one person to complain on hate speech and you can be tied up in court. The way the legal fees work, the challenger has their fees paid for, but the defendant always has to pay.

Just saying, but that is more a description of the problems in the legal system then a problem with a specific agenda from a minority group. You can apply that legal pressure for just about anything you want. Prosecutors do it all the time when they seize a defendant's assets then force him to pay for his defense. The legal system is CLEARLY lopsided in favor of prosecution.
edit on 21-4-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

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