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Why do people belive in Creationism, how could they think that?

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posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:28 AM
I have never gotten how these people that think that god made the earth in 7 days, or that there was nothing and then poof, there is everything. It is purely insane. Can everyone here give me any fact, sientific or not that this is even possible. Also question to you, people like to try to debunk the big bang by saying that where did the stuff come from if there was nothing there, then i ask you where did your gad come from, the same nothing that you doubt?

[edit on 12/21/2004 by TKainZero]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:32 AM
Living in the American Bible belt helps lower your crtitcal thinking enough for you to accept things like the US is the best country on earth, Americans are gods chosen people and the world is 6000 years old, despite overwhelming evidence against (which god must have placed there to fool us, like dinosaur bones and fossils).

Bunch of mindless automatons, being told what to think and do.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Corinthas
Living in the American Bible belt helps lower your crtitcal thinking enough for you to accept things like the US is the best country on earth, Americans are gods chosen people and the world is 6000 years old, despite overwhelming evidence against (which god must have placed there to fool us, like dinosaur bones and fossils).

Bunch of mindless automatons, being told what to think and do.

The more one learns about science the more one must accept that all things were "designed". Creation is the acceptance of a "master" builder concept. Many christians call that "master" God. Chaos theory actually shows everything has been designed for a purpose. Darwinisim takes more "faith" than real science. It too is a religion.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:42 AM
Americans are gods chosen people, LOL. Then why are those poor indians getting screwed, they were here first, we are not the origninal ones here. If they are refering to present day americans, then why have we only been here

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by TKainZero
Americans are gods chosen people, LOL. Then why are those poor indians getting screwed, they were here first, we are not the origninal ones here. If they are refering to present day americans, then why have we only been here

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:55 AM

I think we need to make a distiction between "crationism" (belief that the world is +/- 6000 yrs old) and belief in a Creator.

Pesonally I think along the lines of the recently converted atheist (wossisname) who now believes that tere is a maker but not one involved in the daily running of the show. A sort of God outside the "shoebox" kinda thing.

I like to think the universe is a desk toy on God desk. You know one of those perpetual motion ones, like a newtons cradle.

[edit on 21/12/2004 by Corinthas]

[edit on 21/12/2004 by Corinthas]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid

Originally posted by Corinthas
Living in the American Bible belt helps lower your crtitcal thinking enough for you to accept things like the US is the best country on earth, Americans are gods chosen people and the world is 6000 years old, despite overwhelming evidence against (which god must have placed there to fool us, like dinosaur bones and fossils).

Bunch of mindless automatons, being told what to think and do.

The more one learns about science the more one must accept that all things were "designed".

Hows that? The more science progresses the more its shown that previously intractable 'design' can actually be explained by natural processes

Creation is the acceptance of a "master" builder concept. Many christians call that "master" God.

There are a few variants of creationism but for the most part its biblical literalism.

Chaos theory actually shows everything has been designed for a purpose.

It most certainly does not.

Darwinisim takes more "faith" than real science.

Hows that?

It too is a religion.

Its based on observations theory and experiment and its findings can potentially be contradicted by evidence. It doesn't require faith for acceptance and isn't anything like a religion.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 09:29 AM
this design thing in nature and that everything had to be designed is what evolution is. that is natures way of evolving, changing and shaping everything that is living. there's no need for a creator when you have evolution. hence apes not having apposable thumbs and we do. the reason why we do is because we evolved that way. i presonaly don't think that we evolved from any of the apes or monkey species that are living at the moment. i believe we were a completly different species that started out as some sort of ape but we evolved to rule the planet. also if we really did come from only two people then we would all be inbred and have so many heriditry deseases that it would be unimaginable. do you ever stop to think why people like noah, adam and eve lived so long?'s because they are fictional characters!!!

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:04 AM
I think it is a common misconception that Christians are required to have blind faith when nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the Bible instructs us to 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.'
(1 Thessalonians 5:21). The question of where god came from assumes that God requires a beginning. God is eternal, he always has been and always will be.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:07 AM
"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."
-- Isaac Asimov

"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense."
-- Chapman Cohen

"I've come to the conclusion that there can be little or no dialogue between 'proclaimers of truth' (religious and secular ideologues) and 'discoverers of truth' (empiricists). The former tend to debate, the latter tend to discuss."
-- Edward H. Ashment

Some great quotes:

[edit on 21-12-2004 by Jonna]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by TKainZero
This is going to be a funny thread, they keep saying faith faith faith, you can have faith in anything, sone nut can go around saying the he is going to be a jedi because he has faith in the force, it means nothing! Show me facts!

The facts TK are going to be your experiences but you have to seek the truth to find it. If you want to find out why Christians believe, read John for starters. Pray, talk to God, see what you get back. Try the link in my signature line as well. Your proof will start coming in. Someone claiming to be jedi will not get 'the force' in return. I know where you're coming from because I used to not believe anything unless I saw it.

A lot of what's being said here is also being addressed on this thread currently:

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 04:11 PM
hehehe- u want SCIENTIFIC evidence, huh??

well, how about Scientific FACTS!!

FACT number 1: according to the laws of science, everything with the chances of 1 in 1.0X10 the 40th power of happening is declared impossible.

Fact Number 2: the chances of the big bang are MUCH greater than 1 in 1.0X10 to the 40th power. thus, scientifically impossible.

What are the chances of a God creating the universe? well... if its God, God can do everything... so, id say about... 100%

this about sums it all up, for FACTS!! cold hard FACTS!!!
nuthin but da truth son!!

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 04:15 PM
FACT 1: There are more violent crimes commited in the summer months.

FACT 2: There is more ice cream purchased in the summer months.

Logical conclusion: Ice cream consumption causes violent crimes.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 04:18 PM

they don't think...

remember, the bible uses numbers that are not "real"...

seven is the lucky number, no???

don't take any number (or anything) in the bible literaly...

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:03 PM
Faith in God is not based on emptyness. If people would actually take the time to look at and study the things around us in the universe and the scriptures they would see the complexity of it. You can't just throw something together and get a complex creation such as humans or even grass or light. And the chances of something as complex as this universe coming together by itself is astronomical. There isn't enough room on both sides of loose leaf paper to write all the zero's.

Now tell me it doesn't take a lot of faith to believe those odds. The biggest idiot in vegas wouldn't even bet on those odds. People, take the time to look at the proof the Lord has put around you. A lot of these so called scientist are producing conjecture(i.e theories) and outright lies because they don't want to answer to God. They want to be their own gods and answer to themselves. And because of this they are leading people to hell because they don't look at it for themselves, or because they're not educated enough to tell a lie from the truth.

Then you got those people that understand the complexity of the universe and know because of the odds that it had to be created. The only thing is that they believe that it is just a "force" and not an intelligent being(God). So again they don't want to be under authority, they want to be their own authority. People don't use your belligerence toward God to create lies, and lead other people astray, please. God will have a greater punishment for those that supprese the truth from the less educated because they don't want to submit to him.

There are a few educated scientist out there who don't supprese the truth, and they actually look into these things. here is a link to check it out, if you're not to SUBJECTIVE to look.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by Slicky1313
hehehe- u want SCIENTIFIC evidence, huh??

well, how about Scientific FACTS!!

FACT number 1: according to the laws of science, everything with the chances of 1 in 1.0X10 the 40th power of happening is declared impossible.

Fact Number 2: the chances of the big bang are MUCH greater than 1 in 1.0X10 to the 40th power. thus, scientifically impossible.

What are the chances of a God creating the universe? well... if its God, God can do everything... so, id say about... 100%

this about sums it all up, for FACTS!! cold hard FACTS!!!
nuthin but da truth son!!

FACT: You pulled that out of your...

[edit on 21-12-2004 by Ikku]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
FACT 1: There are more violent crimes commited in the summer months.

FACT 2: There is more ice cream purchased in the summer months.

Logical conclusion: Ice cream consumption causes violent crimes.

YOu might be onto something there.

You should so some more research into the relation of a higher blood suger content with violent crimes.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Slicky1313
Well, how about Scientific FACTS!!

FACT number 1: according to the laws of science, everything with the chances of 1 in 1.0X10 the 40th power of happening is declared impossible.

You keep harping this assineine statement. There is no lawbook of science that states this.

Fact Number 2: the chances of the big bang are MUCH greater than 1 in 1.0X10 to the 40th power. thus, scientifically impossible.

There has never been any sort of statistical study that came up with reasonable estimates of the chances of the big bang occuring. Where the hell are you getting this stuff? Are you just making it up or has someone given you incorrect information that they made up?

Logical conclusion: Ice cream consumption causes violent crimes.

At least that was based on reasonable facts, as opposed to the above which are complete nonsense.

And the chances of something as complex as this universe coming together by itself is astronomical.

The structure of the universe is something that comes out of the unimpressive and non-god requiring variances in the original radiation of inflation theory. THe mere fact that the universe is complex cannot be said to be evidence that it was created by any god.

Now tell me it doesn't take a lot of faith to believe those odds.

No one beleives that the universe came together ad hoc from nothing directly into this, and similarly no one claims that complex organisms came up out of nothing ad hoc either. Because of this one need not beleive in those 'odds' just happening to be overcome. The arrangement of the atoms in a vapour are 'statistically immposible', but that doesn't mean that vapour clouds don't exist.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Slicky1313
Well, how about Scientific FACTS!!

FACT number 1: according to the laws of science, everything with the chances of 1 in 1.0X10 the 40th power of happening is declared impossible.

You keep harping this assineine statement. There is no lawbook of science that states this.

Fact Number 2: the chances of the big bang are MUCH greater than 1 in 1.0X10 to the 40th power. thus, scientifically impossible.

There has never been any sort of statistical study that came up with reasonable estimates of the chances of the big bang occuring. Where the hell are you getting this stuff? Are you just making it up or has someone given you incorrect information that they made up?

Logical conclusion: Ice cream consumption causes violent crimes.

At least that was based on reasonable facts, as opposed to the above which are complete nonsense.

And the chances of something as complex as this universe coming together by itself is astronomical.

The structure of the universe is something that comes out of the unimpressive and non-god requiring variances in the original radiation of inflation theory. THe mere fact that the universe is complex cannot be said to be evidence that it was created by any god.

Now tell me it doesn't take a lot of faith to believe those odds.

No one beleives that the universe came together ad hoc from nothing directly into this, and similarly no one claims that complex organisms came up out of nothing ad hoc either. Because of this one need not beleive in those 'odds' just happening to be overcome. The arrangement of the atoms in a vapour are 'statistically immposible', but that doesn't mean that vapour clouds don't exist.

Okay. What about the arrangement of dna in living things, especially humans. how can you even say that the proteins that make up a strand can just match up like that. if you put it in a pot and shook it up what are the odds of them coming together like they are. tell me that one.

If no one believes it came from nothing, then who or what was there to cause the explosion, or make sure every tiny molecule that needed to be there was there and in exactly the right place it needed to be? And where is the proof.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Nice posts, shows some real 'outside-the-box' thinking. Keep them coming!

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