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Enough with LGBT threads and outcry.

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posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Telos

I dont even GAF about the LBGT thing, I was just calling you on your BS hypocrisy, and then you wanted to play.

Gaying up, what is this? You seem to be the expert.

I do converse with gays. I don't converse with ignorants who resolve to insults when run out of arguments.

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: Telos

Personally, I agree with you, I don't need the crap splashed around constantly, the parades and the "I'm gay respect me" garbage. Respect is earned. What two consenting adults do in a bedroom is between them, I don't need to see some retarded parade. Especially a parade that is going to expose kids to all kinds of questionable behavior, kids have enough confusion and social pressures, we don't need to lump any more on top.

And anyway, if I want to see a giant dick and a bunch of assclowns, all I have to do is turn on the parliament channel here in Canadakastan and I can watch harpernista and his cronies.

What I do take issue with, is the LGBTQ crowd and pedophiles in positions of power, especially where they can influence children's minds and futures. We have that debacle going on here in Ontario where our lesbian premier and Benjamin Levin, a now convicted pedophile, wrote the sex-ed curriculum for 6 to 14 year old kids. I mean like WTF? Grooming, steering and social engineering, teaching "how to consent" to have sex at 6 or 7 years old ???

I don't care if someone is LGBTQ on a personal level, but if they have an LGBTQ agenda, they should NEVER be in a position of power. It rapidly deteriorates into a conflict of interest that results in a tail-wag-dog situation where 2-5% of the population control 95-98% of the population. Katheryn Wynn should be removed immediately from her position as premier of Ontario, she's already proven she's selfish, and idiot with extremely bad judgement.

ETA: BTW, I think the LGBTQ crowd should have access to equal rights, meaning civil unions (like marriage, which is defined as a union between a man and a women, NOT two people, so give the LGBTQ crowd a new word(s) like civil union, the word computer didn't exist pre-1900), access to each other's health care programs, pensions, wills, etc, just like any other "married" couple. But as I said, anyone, with any agenda should be precluded from political office because they can do far too much damage once in office, especially LGBTQ's in education. I am not LGBTQphobic, I have cousins and a sister-in-law who are gay or lesbian and I have no problem treating them with the respect they deserve like anyone else, I agree with tolerance to a point. However, with all the gay parades and hetero-bashing, now LGBTQ are just rubbing our noses in it so it has become, I feel anyway, malicious on the part of the LGBTQ crowd.

If someone can explain to me why we need all these gay pride parades but don't need heterosexual fertility parades as an example, point it out ;-) One rule fits all or no rules fit any.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 4/12.2015 by bobs_uruncle because: the ETA

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Telos

It might be easier if you just voiced opinions about white, heterosexual Christians who smoked and supported Israel.

The PC crowd is in full swing.

You have to watch what you say now. You might "offend" someone.

That's true...especially when you set out to insult an entire group of people; when that was the intention of the thread in the first place. Do you think we can't see thru this transparent BS?
edit on 12-4-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Telos

I dont even GAF about the LBGT thing, I was just calling you on your BS hypocrisy, and then you wanted to play.

Gaying up, what is this? You seem to be the expert.

I do converse with gays. I don't converse with ignorants who resolve to insults when run out of arguments.

Lets see how far we can take this.

I said your were a hypocrite ad naseum.

Then you keep proving me right.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Dance my puppet, I should say.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:22 AM
think its just a fact the LGBT community dont realise they are not going to get equal rights, for some reason they think they deserve them more than any other group.

Equal rights dont exist in any community, they have to learn to deal with it, push a little, give a little.

There is a militant sector who just push, I understand your complaint but its not reflective of the whole LGBT community, just a loud minority

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: undo
this issue is probably scaring the crap out of non-christian religions/atheists who also don't want to be forced to work at gay events (not because they believe gays shouldn't have the same rights, but because some heteros are extremely uncomfortable around gays)

However the scope of the thread wasn't about discussing LGTB but threads about them. Look how interestingly in this thread things are being twisted and slowly is derailing from it's initial direction and is becoming a usual gay-anti gay debate. Despite my claim more than once that the thread is not about liking or not liking gays. Should I say more?

Oh, but it is clear that your thread IS about "liking/not liking gays." If you "dislike gays" you would not want to see LGBT threads. If you "liked gays" you would likely either applaud those threads or be neutral. If you rose above the duality of this and neither "liked/disliked" -- then you would not be writing this thread. And you wouldn't be using the word "disgust." You'd be going on with your Sunday and living your life.

The world is full of enough hate, abuse, horror, bullying... if fellow human beings don't ensure everyone around them has equal rights, then yes, people will look to "government" to step in and regulate rights. Too bad. People have the power to be loving and kind and inclusive without government mandates.

If I were being treated as "less than" -- I would shout until I could shout no more, in every channel, forum, outlet. I'd help educate, I'd help communicate, I'd help demonstrate. That is how change happens. If no one speaks up, challenges the majority, then nothing will change for those being treated as less than.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:26 AM
This will only be said once....

Regardless of the fact this thread is in the Rant forum, members are required to be civil to each other.....You are responsible for your own posts.

Community Announcement re: Decorum

and, as always
Do NOT reply to this post!!

edit on Sun Apr 12 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
Yes, we have a super secret, terrible's our list of demands :

1.) to have the exact same rights as you.
2.) to not have bigotry and hate shoved down our throats in the name of a falsely held view of what a radical, liberal, compassionate Middle Eastern man said.
3. the same damn rights as you
4.) to stop having a heterofascist view forced on us.
5.) those Constitutional rights you have? we want them too
6.) did I mention we want the same protections.

"Homofascist". The Dark Side is strong with this one, young Skywalker....

"Oh, you're gay? Sorry, gays aren't allowed to vote or have jobs or attend religious services."
I don't think it works that way (assuming you're in the US or some other modern country, obviously excluding the middle east and Africa). Perhaps you can explain how your rights are denied due to being homosexual?

"to not have bigotry and hate shoved down our throats"
Believe it or not, most people could care less whether you're gay or straight. But the bigotry goes both ways. Do whatever you damn well please in your free time, but please don't come screeching at me that I'm a "heterofascist" for not adopting your lifestyle.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
a reply to: undo

Maybe, but then there's no laws being written to tell atheists which bathroom to use or to cheer on every business that wants to deny service to a Christian. Just sayin'. And let's not even discuss the appalling lack of conversion therapies for straight folks....

i sympathize with your plight, but i can't empathize with it cause i'm not gay nor do i have the foggiest notion of the rigors of the gay lifestyle (something you truly can't empathize with, is something you aren't intimately involved in, at the personal level).

as far as bathroom usage, that's really a difficult topic. women (and men) have varying degrees of discomfort associated with public restrooms in the first place lol add to that the dynamics of sharing that intimate public space with people of opposite physical genders, and things get real wobbly, particularly people who have been sexually violated by the opposite gender.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: olaru12

When did it become so wrong to have even a negative opinion on a group?

If anything, this is what irritates me about PC.

We've become a society of polite liars.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:29 AM
I will venture out into this beef and make a statement.

I have a friend who loves pregnant women (and I mean the more pregnant the better!), ridiculous hey! I let him know its ridiculous whenever opinions are made but the rest of him is ok.

I have met lgb people and let them know I think what they do is ridiculous, but the rest of them is ok.

I just laugh off the above. Everyone ha

transsexuals are to unnatural for me, step to far bro... I just avoid them, ask them to stop though? Naa.

Randomly telling my opinion, naa.

If asked will always put a true two cents in, though.

In regards to ops sentiments about these lgbt threads, I just think EVERYONE is trying to control what people think.

E.g. I am a black male, if you hate black people and think less of them it doesnt bother me a bit, try to effect my life and I will smash you.... but change the way you think, naa. too many people in this world to agree with all the time, its tiring.

If I went to a cake shop and tried to get a cake that says "happy birthday my n*****!" (Which I wouldnt! But now think it might be funny enough to try with a hidden cam) and they refused I would go to the next cake shop Or just write on the cake myself. Try to force that cake shop into going out of business though? Cmon man

I already regret even typing this, but what the hell.

Eta: after posting and reading beezers post above mine, I should of just stuck to something similar to his comment. Oh well.

edit on 12-4-2015 by birhan because: darn

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: buster2010
Don't like the threads don't read them problem solved.

a way of organizing a society in which homosexuals impose their agenda with which no one is allowed to disagree or have any appeal to the contrary without being subject to severe consequences of ridicule, slander, libel, fines , public demonstrations, distortions, denial of free speech rights, loss of employment/sponsorship, or having the word "hate" attached to you in some way or form.

This is nothing but bullcrap. They are not forcing any agenda on anyone they just want the same rights as everyone else. Just because hate disguised as religion or some other form of homophobia doesn't give a person the right to discriminate against a person just because they don't like the other persons sexual preference.

Yeah? So what about any other thing which some group of people dislikes? Should I hold a big parade and march through town blasting Slayer and demand that everyone accept the music and the song lyrics, just because some church somewhere said metal is the work of Satan? Maybe I feel discriminated against because not everyone enjoys the same music as me.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:33 AM
I suspect the dirty little secret behind this issue is the demand to treat Homosexuality and heterosexuality equally.

In fact, oh am I going to be in trouble for this one, is they are not equal and will never be equal.

One act continues the race, the other is an indulgence. That isn't "equal" in my books. I could care less about the private act of indulgence. None of my business.

Ramming one's indulgence down my throat, in my face and into my life turns me, at least politically, against the movement when I wasn't previously.

That's the point these guys don't get. They're increasing the angst against them, not decreasing it.

Thank you for the courage and integrity to comment on it.
edit on 12-4-2015 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2015 by nwtrucker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: Telos

I totally agree with you.

Lets force them out of ATS to their own LGBT community Forums where they can shout till the cows come home.

Oh... and here is a Thread of mine i started on April 3rd about Internet/ATS thought control because I wasn't allowed to say a simple sentence regarding a 'gay' guy on these boards and it wasn't even a rude comment!

Last year i believe I started a Thread very similar to your aswell with the Thread title 'That's enough gay threads'
edit on CDTSun, 12 Apr 2015 09:39:11 -0500u3009x111x1 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

edit on CDTSun, 12 Apr 2015 09:39:48 -05000000003009x148x1 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: trollz

may i warn you, that musical taste is not the same thing as genetic traits? haha. well some doc somewhere might be able to prove dna is related to musical choice, but i doubt it since i have interest in pretty much every kind of music, yet i'm not every race (least i don't think so! lol)
edit on 12-4-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: Galadriel

Oh, but it is clear that your thread IS about "liking/not liking gays." If you "dislike gays" you would not want to see LGBT threads. If you "liked gays" you would likely either applaud those threads or be neutral. If you rose above the duality of this and neither "liked/disliked" -- then you would not be writing this thread. And you wouldn't be using the word "disgust." You'd be going on with your Sunday and living your life.

The world is full of enough hate, abuse, horror, bullying... if fellow human beings don't ensure everyone around them has equal rights, then yes, people will look to "government" to step in and regulate rights. Too bad. People have the power to be loving and kind and inclusive without government mandates.

If I were being treated as "less than" -- I would shout until I could shout no more, in every channel, forum, outlet. I'd help educate, I'd help communicate, I'd help demonstrate. That is how change happens. If no one speaks up, challenges the majority, then nothing will change for those being treated as less than.

No, is clear that my thread is about not needing to have LGTB threads constantly because I don't consider it to be an issue that requires such attention. There are problems and issues way more important and vital to humanity than discussing LGTB. That's what my rant is about.

And I see through your post when the very same PC we talked about is being injected with a big needle. I don't need to applaud those threads or stay neutral to be accepted as tolerant, humanity lover and other such connotations, nor I have to close my mouth when I do think differently. To me is not important. That doesn't make me a hatter, an intolerant and so forth. But it makes me (clearly) a target for dislike, bashing, name callings and insults. I've been a member of this board for 10 years and I've never been called what I read today in here. And this came from people who scream for their rights and ask for equality, respect and acceptance. Some really don't know or understand what hypocrisy is.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

When did it become so wrong to have even a negative opinion on a group?

If anything, this is what irritates me about PC.

We've become a society of polite liars.

Well amigo, Not so polite as this thread amply illustrates.

"When you pee into the wind, expect some to blow back on you"

Political correctness means nothing to me!
edit on 12-4-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Telos

That doesn't make me a hatter, an intolerant and so forth. But it makes me (clearly) a target for dislike, bashing, name callings and insults. I've been a member of this board for 10 years and I've never been called what I read today in here. And this came from people who scream for their rights and ask for equality, respect and acceptance. Some really don't know or understand what hypocrisy is.

Funny you mention this, I being a straight male, not trying to gain anything for myself, I thought it was ironic, your argument. That being said, you then assumed I was gay because I didn't agree with your view(Hilarious). I don't understand why you think others don't understand hypocrisy when you aren't recognizing your own, no insult implied.

I never claim to be PC.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: olaru12

ewww. didya have to use that analogy? lol
the mirror trick always works. what's in YOUR mirror, is the more appropriate way to approach it. my mirror has been over used but i suppose if you don't have one i can lend it to ya. wanna borrow it? it's a bit dinged up, not a high class model.
edit on 12-4-2015 by undo because: (no reason given)

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